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Posts posted by Gin

  1. I wonder who's doing the gender stereoptyping though. Maybe some boys think they must be girls because they like doing 'girly' things, like needlework or playing with dolls or whatever it happens to be, and then start changing their clothes, their names and eventually perhaps even their gender. I dunno.

    I personally feel a lot of this comes from phrases or cultural habits that we might not even think about as being gendered.

    Telling little boys they shouldn't cry because that's weak, but giving little girls hugs and comfort. Telling boys they've run / thrown / punched like a girl, when they've done it badly or weakly.

    Telling boys and men they that can't be the one being abused in a relationship or that it's not possible for a man to be raped.

    This can be harmful to both sides.

    Even simple things like learning cards for small children that show the pilot / doctor / director as a man but the cards for nurse / flight staff / secretary as a woman.

    Even when you get into the workplace where male paternity rights are so lacking and men are laughed or thought to be weak if they want to be a stay at home dad while their partner goes back to work.

    It's all little things, but it can add up, it can make a difference and it can have detrimental effects.

    I do also think the other side of things, where parents see their young boy wanting to have long hair, wear skirts and take dance lessons and think "Oh he wants to be a girl!" is harmful to.

    Like Arwen says, this will all be better when people can just be themselves and gender / sexuality won't even matter.


    I mean come on get your shit together @Via and @Gin.. we all know Mint Wispas are the absolute king of chocolate bars.


    Are you f**king stupid?

    You are only saying that because mint is green :lol:

    Yeah I'm with Via on this one, bet you like Mint Aero bubbles over the orange ones too... Just Wrong :roll:

  3. I have a Wispa for lunch, I bloody love them and I've no idea why because their just dairy milks with holes in.

    Also bought crunchies recently for the first time in years, forgot how good they were.

    Finally, Yes this is all chocolate and not specifically biscuits but it's creme egg season! :mrgreen:


    Now this fits in perfectly and from previous posts you are obviously passionate about remaining as I am about leaving, we could either spend hours arguing over specific reasons and at the end neither change our view and end up disliking each other.

    Or we can say Brexit has caused enough issues already affecting everyone and I bloody love wispas as well and think they are king of chocolates! And people who prefer Twix aren't going to be rude to us because they think a wispa is alright as well just as I don't mind a Twix now and then.

    I've always liked you and knowing you love Wispas only reinforces that :mrgreen:

    Worlds going to hell in a handbasket no matter what, may as well have chocolate as we burn!


    Yup - 5 years on this forum and I've only just realised I can change font colours and size.

    f**k That. Have a Creme Egg!


  5. I only have images sorry.



    General attitude is more...

    Do you want a blow job?


    But it will be from her and she's ugly hah hah.

    Actually I think she's pretty so I still want a blow job.

    Omfg you're such an idiot can't you see how messed up that is, she's going to give you aids and you're going to die then you'll give it to your kids and they will all die you stupid c***.


    Do you want racier Sex?


    Well the government are trying to decide between a threesome, or you getting pegged, also the other person in the threesome is undecided yet. There is the option to just to back to vanilla missionary.

    Well, can we have a choice of which we pick?

    No! That's undemocratic, you wanted racier sex and if that means bending over and taking one for England, you'll bloody well do it!


    To be honest far too much to go on a post and stick to my original comment that biscuits are far more the sort of discussions to be held on this forum. It is as bad as religion everyone has their views that won't change and already enough hate to go around on Twitter and rest of the internet, we are all here because we love bikes and biscuits let's not split the forum over something that lets face it no one here will be able to change the outcome of.

    Ok I completely understand and respect your decision to bow out. Here if you ever do want to chat it out.

    I have a Wispa for lunch, I bloody love them and I've no idea why because their just dairy milks with holes in.

    Also bought crunchies recently for the first time in years, forgot how good they were.

    Finally, Yes this is all chocolate and not specifically biscuits but it's creme egg season! :mrgreen:

  6. Until we do away with gender stereotypes completely, there will always be a level of confusion. Until we genuinely accept everyone for who they are, without questions or subconsciously assigning labels to people (gay, straight, man, women, intersex, weird, normal...). There will always be confusion and people taking offence.


    Exactly this.

    This is why I also support kids clothes and toys just being "Kids toys and clothes", not a whole isle of pink / make up / glitter for girls and a whole isle of army / rough tough / cars for boys.

    My best mate (lad) looks rocking in my knee high new-rock ladies boots, with glitter in his hair and I am quite happy up to my knees in mud playing with explosives and mechanical things.

    For all that society has stepped forward to allow men and women to be far more equal, we've still got a way to go before it just stops mattering at all.

  7. I like dressing as a lady and eu sizes fit me better... will dresses be more expensive once we leave or will I have to make my own ?

    We're going back to war time where you have to stitch your clothes out of Potato sacks; hadn't you heard yet? :lol:

  8. ...as you don't have to go far to find out that the petition has *thousands* of signatures originating from Russia...

    Not that I think you're being hyperbolic, but could you supply a source for this?

    I can find something from the Express which seems to have come from Farage asking for an inquiry into it.

    The Mirror then covers this.

    I mean here is the BBCs discussion of it.

    Even from the base data from the petition website, there's only been 156 signatures linked to Russian addresses.

  9. Tbh I just want it over with now, I voted leave and still sick to it and funnily enough it was never for blue passports or racism, I'm not an oap or stupid. I know farage never had the power to give more money to the NHS and my vote was for leave, not leave with a deal or any other of the options remainers believe leavers actually voted for.


    If you don't mind me asking, what were your reasons?

    And do you still think No Deal is the best outcome?

  10. Sorry :scratch:


    Was it not captured on camera?


    I’d literally just walked out of the dental surgery and was just going to poodle home, so I thought I’d leave the camera off. Shame - it would have been my first interesting upload :D

    .... Does the dental office have CCTV? :mrgreen:

    Really happy it's all worked out in the end, even if it needed a shit accident to make it happen.

  11. One of the boys in my kids school has a father who is now his mother. I'm not sure how far he's gone with it - if he is transsexual or just transgender - but he is one of those blokes who thinks that in order to look like a woman you have to dress like cross between a clown and a hooker. He is about 6'4" and drives a road-planer, and when he's not in fishnets and a miniskirt he's in his work gear - steel toe-caps and hi-viz jacket - with his hair in bunches and day-glo bobbles. Imagine if Giant Haystacks popped into Anne Summers and Claire's Accessories, and you'd have the picture.


    I’ve got no problem with how people live there lives, if they want to walk round like a cross between and clown and a hooker ( brilliant description :lol: ) that’s up to them , but what gets me is it’s in your face all the time now , how can you not laugh at something that looks like clown a crossed with a hooker .


    Just to add in a little comment here.

    The current check-boxes processes in place for transition, of either FtM or MtF have some serious issues as it stands at the moment.

    One of the key requirements, set by the government, for someone who wants to transition is that they must 'live the lifestyle' for a set amount of time (normally around two years) before they are considered to be serious enough; much like [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention] mentioned with the son. This is not a Whim decision which is just accepted by schools, places of work etc.

    For those wishing to transition to being a female they have to "Look the part", which includes the get up you've described, else their application for driving licence change etc is thrown out. This includes regular meeting with a panel who judge how closely you're adhering to these standards.

    I will keep this vague but I know someone going through this, they have never wanted to be the kind of woman who always has painted nails, wears a skirt and heels etc. but they HAVE to dress like this otherwise their status will not be recognised, in anyway.

    This to me is utterly ridiculous and only adds to the ridicule the person will likely face, which leads on to them being less likely for people to accept them as their gender. To those who won't want to read to the end of this comment, it's only going to reinforce their views and disgust.

    I know SO many women who do not like skirts / dressed, never paint their nails, wear barely any make up etc etc... These women would not be considered women by the government under these rules.

    Hope this helps [mention]MarkW[/mention] .

  12. Mind you, looking at some of today's future tax payers, it must be very difficult to educate pork.


    What makes you think some of these people will pay tax or put anything at all back into the system , ever .

    I think I'm being a little dense here. Would either of you be able to clarify who you mean by 'future tax payers' or 'these people' ?

    I can't quite narrow it down on my own!

  13. Eh, I remember awful teachers when I was in school and by that I mean bullies who seemed to get off on their power trip over the kids in their class.

    However, I also remember just how awful friends and I could be in some of the classes and I really cringe now.

    Effectively I can easily see both sides, I can see teachers who joined the profession with the best intentions who ended being ground down over time by a myriad of things and now are jaded and don't give a flying f**k.

    I also think that (like most other public services in the UK) teaching has seriously born the weight of austerity, with teachers having to buy their own class supplies, while taking more and more work home each night with no improvement in pay and standards.

    Equally I do think there are people in the profession that know they can't be sacked, cos the school is struggling enough to retain the current staff, never mind hire more. So they reign supreme in their class, enjoying seeing just how far they can needle each kid until they rage out and then gleefully send them to detention / suspension etc, all the while making little notes about the kid to make parent - teacher night that much more hellish!

    I've always said I could never be a teacher, I would change that now to the stance that I would consider teaching at a university because I know the people there at least have something to lose by not concentrating in the class, but college / high school / primary is Not a Chance in Hell.

  14. Hmm, on first glance I wouldn't trust this for the same reason I don't think I could bring myself to have a flip face helmet... :?


    On the helmet removal accident front it would win hands down.

    Depressing as this statement is I would be surprised if anyone knew what they were looking at. Sadly now a lot of our ambulances are mainly fast taxis with flashing lights driven by technicians with little experience or training cos real paramedics are rightly more expensive.

    I like the idea of reduced wind noise.

    Yeah I saw Gerons comment and thought it was a good point I hadn't otherwise noticed, but you're right about whether in an accident the people attending you would know this.

    I know there's a scorpion helmet which has small cushions which you inflate once the helmets on to improve the fit, which on the side have messages about "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Deflate with this button!" but I've always wondered if they'd actually be noticed or trusted in a real accident.

    I do like that the UK Ambulance service train up any new recruits to be fully qualified paramedics over time, but you're right, with all the funding cuts there's a lot of technicians on the ground in the queue for training :(

  15. He thinks everyone has had enough of experts, so he probably wouldn't be interested in using a helmet and safety gear

    This makes it even better when he Accidentally falls off the pillion seat at motorway speed, with a lorry behind... :twisted:

    But really this is no way to talk about our next PM, is it?


    ...discovered I was awake. I happened to believe I was the Lone Ranger and someone had nicked my horse which resulted in two surgeons and four porters restraining me.

    Just to start, I'm sorry this happened, waking up in surgery sounds horrific.

    However, your brains choice of narrative is amazing and I had a good grin at your description. I bet those medical staff will remember you for a long time to come. :D

  16. don't know but I bet they had some biscuits at half time :)


    Apparently when she was sent to the naughty step while the grownups decided how much of a beating to give us she and her minders sent out for pizza. Probably couldn't have biscuits too.

    I bet she didn't even take any shortbread with her, ungrateful wretch! :roll:

    I really struggled not to buy a shed load of Wagon wheels when we went food shopping tonight :shock:

  17. Well if you're going to break something you might as well do it properly! When you said the sprocket was borked I couldn't visualise it! :shock:


    That's a pretty impressive bend! :( If you're going to do something, might as well do it properly!

    If this helps at all, not only is this very common (it's why a lot of people have the florescent bungee thing up to the handlebars) but at least you weren't in a line of bikes when you tried to pull away and when your bike went over, it didn't then start a domino effect down the line. :eek2:

    I have seen that happen and I was Mortified for the rider who'd caused it...

  18. Aww that really sucks :(

    Hope it gets fixed up soon!

    If you see a bright red Sprint in the workshop while you're there, give it a wave from me. She's been there quite a while now :evil:

    Didn't realise you were so close as well :mrgreen: Might have to organise some summer pub lunches for forum members in this area.

  19. The first thing to remember, is that music is very subjective, there's no good or bad, it's matter of personal taste.


    My first band as a teenager was The Nun F*ckers. Two of our most popular numbers were 'Anal Intruder' and the surprise hit 'Play My Guitar With a Plastic Lobster' which involved the lead guitarist windmilling power chords with the claw of a plastic lobster liberated from the local fishmongers whilst the singer shoved the microphone in his mouth and screamed.

    There is definitely such a thing as bad music. :lol:

    [mention]Saddlebags[/mention] would probably have loved this band :D

  20. Got a big country collection, that will be back out once we have some sun. :mrgreen:

    Yas! :mrgreen:

    BBQs in the sun with country blaring, ahh it's going to be so lovely :love:

    Also, when Jay and I last went and did an IKEA run, we saw that IKEA now do a hammock frame and big comfy hammock. I am going to enjoy this summer very much :D

  21. Can we take a moment to consider wagon wheels....they are obviously made of cheap chocolate, some kind of chemically composed filling and the actual biscuit bit is pretty much like compressed cardboard....so they should be horrible, right?

    Except they’re not...they’re amazing.

    How’s that work then?


    Yes They're so nice! But you're right.. Really shouldn't be.

    I will say as well, I do adore tunnocks caramel wafers. They make me feel like a little kid again :D

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