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Liveware Problem

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Posts posted by Liveware Problem

  1. I went there and back avoiding motorways, but then I only had about 125 miles to travel each way.

    One of the things that annoys me is the inflated fuel prices at motorway services, easily 20p/litre above the going rate - at least on a and b roads you can generally find regular garages.

    I agree about the middle lane hogging, and tail-gating, even when there's no where to move out of their way :x

  2. Yes mate it's certainly got a grunt

    Put a home made baffle in to make it quieter and

    Have some back pressure

    Sounds sweet tho


    I'm not mechanically minded at all, what is the purpose of back pressure?

  3. Hi, I'm trying to remove the stock exhaust from my Hornet, got as far as taking off the various bits of plastic and undoing the clamp that holds the silencer/link pipe to the exhaust system..

    But now I can't get the damn thing off! I've sprayed a load of wd40 on to try and lubricate it, been able to twist the exhaust but I can't pull it up and off, there's seemingly not enough space to lever it off.

    Any suggestions appreciated :)

  4. So, here in Reading deliveroo riders have had 6 scooters stolen in 2 months.

    Couple of days ago one was stolen, another deliveroo guy managed to chase them down and recover it.. And we know who the thief is, and where they work.. But the police don't seem able to take action.

    There's a gang of about 10, always buzzing around on 50cc peds, irritating everyone. Scooters are stolen, then turn up later completely wrecked - they're just doing it for fun, the bast*rds! Must all be known to the Police. So frustrating.

    But what can be done? Apart from having cameras trained on every scooter at all times, even then it'd be difficult to prove anything if the thief simply covered their face.

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