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Everything posted by chris128

  1. thanks for the tip, I was contemplating spending £300 on a bike specific one but as I've already got a GPS for my car I think I'll just get one of these bags and stick it in there For anyone wondering how they attach to your bike etc, here's a pic I found: http://photos.imageevent.com/motorbiker/newspics3/Givi-S850.jpg
  2. and there was me thinking it was just my knee pads in my textiles that slid around... its a right pain in the ass having to move them into position over my knees and then quickly get onto the bike as they start to slip down again if i walk around much. I assume it was just cos I bought a fairly cheap pair of textile trousers, I was going to look at getting some more soon but do they all have moving knee pads or are any of them fixed?
  3. With both my CBR125 and my CBR600 you get a fairly loud clunking sound when going from or to 1st gear (I actually find it quite useful as I always know when I've hit first gear when I'm changing down) so I wouldnt of thought its anything to worry about mate. PS I suck at changing from 1st to 2nd smoothly on the 600 still.. hoping I get used to the clutch/throttle soon
  4. I had a 2008 CBR125 up until about a week ago and I'm not the tallest or heaviest of people so it suited me quite well. They are not really "sporty" when you compare them to bigger bikes but for a 4 stroke 125 they are one of the better options you have if you like sports bikes. When I bought mine I was torn between the CBR and the NSR but eventually because of the extra maintenence and reliability issues that can crop up with 2 stroke's I went for the CBR. Mine certainly never let me down and always started first time (although I did only have it 6 months). The only thing I disliked about it really was the lack of power but there's no getting away from that when you can only ride 14 BHP I'm afraid (it still gets up to about 70 mph though...just takes its time getting there). Like others have said, I think you will need to spend a little more than £1000 if you want a decent one, probably around £1500.
  5. arent they illegal though? tinted visors i mean.
  6. you mean Lauren? I was planning on getting some ear plugs next weekend, didnt realise they did custom moulded ones though so might have to have a look into that
  7. yay my dogcam camera package has been picked up today and is apparently waiting for me when I get home just hope the weather is nice enough to use it tonight... I'll put some examples up on here when I figure out how to use it EDIT: OK I've got it all now but I've got to wait 6 hours for the battery to charge EDIT EDIT: Got a bit impatient and took the battery off charge after 2 hours and went out for a spin It was night time but you can still see pretty clearly on the video, hopefully this afternoon I can get out while its still light and get some proper footage though
  8. Pretty sure they were already posted in the general "New DSA Test" thread but it cant hurt to have more people see them
  9. Im sure I read that the price for module 1 is only like £15 or something...
  10. cool, glad to hear you passed that part so you booking your module 2 now then? So in your opinion do you think the hazard avoidance bit is hard/dangerous at all? (after hearing all that stuff about people braking their arms on it lol)
  11. I dont understand how they can charge similar money (and say it takes just as much time) to do the module 1 training which is just slow speed manouvers, as it does to teach someone how to ride on the road, especially if they have never driven a car or ridden a bike before
  12. so we still dont have anyone on here whos actually taken the new test then?
  13. lol a 5 year restriction on cars and bikes is only necessary for stupid people... (yes I know the laws cant be just for dumb people but we are talking about an ideal world here, not the real world). I got a 1.4L car when I passed my driving test at 18 and then a year later got a 1.8L car which I've had for the last year or so and I've never crashed it or hit anything at all... because im sensible. Yes I drive fast sometimes and yes I overtake people but I dont do it in stupid places and im always prepared for other road users to do something daft. I could understand you saying that I should wait longer to have the restrictors out if I was talking about taking them out tomorrow or something but im talking 3 months away. Yes I know I wont have learnt anywhere near all there is to know about riding by then (not that anyone can ever know ALL there is to know but you get what I mean) but I would hope that after 3 months, considering I've been driving for 2 years as well so have a decent amount of general road sense, I will be able to handle my bike being a bit faster. Its no different (well, its better in fact) than someone turning 21 and doing their DAS and jumping straight on a 600. As for paying, yeah the restrictor cost me money but like I said before I dont really care about wasting a few hundred quid for the sake of having fun. I guess you could say I have more money than sense
  14. Seems rather complicated but if it means that moped riders have to do more than a CBT to get onto the road then im all for it. Have to say though that it does kind of sound like one of those things that will just get talked about for years to come and wont ever actually happen... Also, if it does happen, it says it wont be until 2013 so it wont affect most of us reading this now will it (apart from the 10 year retests which like SuzukiPete I am all in favour of)
  15. Yeah like MtotheJ said, you can carry pillions and go on motorways with the A2 license Its only when your a learner that you cant do those things and once you get any type of license above provisional then you are not a learner anymore
  16. doesnt that kind of defeat the purpose of having biking jeans though? I mean to me the point of them is that they look and feel just like normal jeans but offer far more protection, so if your having to then put something over them that stops them looking and feeling like normal jeans just to get more protection then I dont understand why you would want these jeans instead of leathers or textiles that have armor built in.
  17. thats my feeling exactly, I've had my 600 for 3 days now and I've done just under 400 miles on it and I'm still finding it hard to handle the weight of the bike properly, I would hate to have to try it like you say after having just done a few hours lessons and a CBT. I'm hoping that because I will of been riding the 600 for about 3 months by the time I do my test I will be fairly decent at handling it so hopefully it wont be too much of a problem but I think its a very hard for beginners to do, especially in the wet. The other thing is that I've been riding my 125 for a few months and like i said now this new 600 for a few days and so far I've never had to quickly dodge out the way of anything at 30mph... maybe thats just luck but it hardly seems that this part of the new test is preparing people for something that they are going to need to do very often and if they do ever need to do it then by the time they do it they have probably forgotten most of the stuff they learnt in their lessons anyway..
  18. yeah it was, 2 people crashed on it in the first day apparently (as it was raining)
  19. I tried it yesterday on my CBR600 and it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be...but that was just in a car park, I wouldnt fancy trying it on a proper road lol
  20. After riding around in my normal jeans for a bit yesterday (I know, tut tut) I am quite tempted to get some of these kevlar jeans... the nearest stockist is well over an hour away from me but I guess it would be worth going and having a look. The one thing im not sure of is how you get armor (knee pads specifically) in them without it making them 1. look stupid and 2. not fit very well...
  21. im in the same situation mate, and I havent heard from anyone who's done the new test yet apart from hearing that the first person that took it broke their arm or something lol
  22. lol no the restricted CBR doesnt lack guts at all (well it probably does compared to a full powered version but I havent used one to compare it to, obviously) it gets to about 80 mph very quickly, then starts to slow a little as you get towards 90/100 and I havent had it any faster than that so dont know what the top speed is. But seriously, I've got the choice of waiting 2 years before I can have it unrestricted or spending a couple of hundred quid and waiting 3 months... I dont think many people would wait the 2 years and I certainly dont plan to lol
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