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Posts posted by SlowBusa

  1. i'm only playing with beer money really, more out of curiosity than anything else. If I lost it all today at least it was fun!


    Exactly Joe, That way you cant lose can you!

    If I lost all profit then its been an education

    It is making me think about branching into stocks And Shares though

  2. Its simple really,

    The way I see it is,

    Think to yourself that the amount you have just invested has GONE! ...Think to yourself you will never see that £ again

    NEVER invest anything you cant afford to lose

    NEVER think it WILL make you rich

    And any profit is a Plus

    On these rules My initial investment ATM (@ current low prices) is at 290%

    Oh and a "no fee" Trader Helps

  3. I doubt there would be a problem if you stick to the "load properly secured" rule

    No sharp edges ....blah blah

    Weve all seen home made bikes that frankly should not be allowed on the road,

    But part of your project is to explore (as you are doing) the legality of it all

    We want pics of the finished project though :)

    And hopefully the whole process


  4. I will first try to remove, or see if it is possible to remove the head while in the frame. But, if I can tilt it down then I will go for that. Hopefully it won't be too obstructed by the forks, or the wheel.

    I plan to try and video the work so I can document it on here for everyone to see.

    That way, as I am not a trained mechanic (all my knowledge comes from here and YouTube), I want to show other people with no skill that they can save a few quid (or thousand) by getting their hands a little bit dirty.

    And, hopefully it will be a success!

    I The front wheel on is going to compound things .......but your going to be doing this all on the side stand

    Front and rear stands arnt that expensive anymore but I understand when your budget is stretched


    Why don't you buy a clamshell cover or summat that you can work under? At least have a bike cover, then you can do some work and if it starts to rain, cover the dismantled bike up. You don't have to do all the work in one day.

    [mention]megawatt[/mention] is right you WILL need a cover.......you will need a break and it will take more than one day because you will realize no

    matter how organized you are that you need something else not factored into the job.....then your gonna have to wait for that bit to turn up........its the

    nature of the job in hand

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