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Posts posted by daveinlim

  1. On 23/12/2022 at 08:24, bonio said:

    I think the ULEZ for London requires only euro 3 for bikes. Which means you could consider an earlier BMW F800GT like say 2013. Perhaps a bit more expensive but it's a really competent bike with a good fairing and no chain. With a top box fitted,  it would be great for your journey.

    Yeah euro 3 is the current standard although I would try get a euro 4 as they have made changes to car rules recently so I'd try preempt them changing it for bikes 

  2. 55 minutes ago, Richard said:

    Quite often the first bike is just a stepping stone to either a bigger bike or something that is more desirable to you. I would recommend you think about something that is easier to sell. Nothing wrong with a cat n but for me the bike would have to be something I had lusted after and wanted to keep 

    Good point. The cat N will be much cheaper than a clean one but will sell for a lot less too and will be harder to sell on. 

    Better off buying a slightly older bike that's clean and easy to move on from unless as you say it's something you really wanted and plan to keep for a very long time 

  3. 11 hours ago, Fozzie said:


    It's almost like a haze that you can see through easy enough, but it's always just *there*.


    However yesterday when I had to get to site, I turned it on and within 2 minutes, a thick 1-2mm of ice was defrosted. That said, I do think a tactical bottle of tepid water would do the job fine. Had it for 3 years so thinking of changing in the year year. 

    Always annoys me that they heat the windshield, but didn't run a trace heat line down the screen wash pipe. You defrost your windscreen, drive for a few minutes and go to wash the now salt covered screen and nothing. I'm running a really strong mix of screenwash, but it never seems to stop the nozzles icing up. 

    I've just driven 250 miles this evening.

    Got off the motorway to country roads.

    Salt has covered the lights, couldn't see a thing unless I had full beams on. Had to pull in and clean the lights to be able to see

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Fozzie said:

    -6 Where I am currently. 


    Got to drive in about an hour, and the ice on my windshield is a few mm thick. Thank god for Fords heated windshields. It spends all year disrupting your field of vision, but comes good 5-10 times a year :lol:


    Is this why ford windscreens seem wierdly pixelated or something. I borrowed a fiesta last week for a weekend and it felt like the screen was smudged the entire time.

  5. 1 hour ago, Blackholesun said:

    What don’t you like about the mt07?

    Nice bike just not one for me. I'm used to a fairing now so it felt a bit windy, the initial throttle response feels laggy (probably due to euro 5), small tank and I don't think it's a particularly handsome machine. A lot of that is subjective to individual tastes. There's nothing wrong with it, just doesn't do it for me.

  6. 4 hours ago, KiwiBob said:

    If you claimed on your insurance you will lose your NCB... If you go through the other/guilty parties insurance you shouldn't!

    The guy that hit me has admitted liability so it's all coming off his insurance. I'm not sure about my NCB, I'll fight it when it comes up for renewal 

  7. 11 hours ago, Fleck said:

    Glad you're OK 👍 now you can get a new CB750 Hornet 🤩


    I was excited when the hornet concept came out. The final product, not so much. It'll be a decent bike but the final product just doesn't do it for me. 

    I've had an mt07 for the last 6 weeks as a loan and I'm not really enjoying it as much as some do. 

    Another I4 or a triple will be the next bike. 


    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Pie man said:

    How is it you lose your no claims

    It's a no claims bonus not a no blames bonus. 


    Claim is a claim regardless of whose fault it is. Just another way insurance companies fk us all

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Pie man said:

    I'm just in the middle of an argument with my insurance, they have concluded beyond economical repair. I asked for their list of repairs to cross ref against mine, apparently it seems someone has damaged my petrol tank between collecting and delivering the bike to their repair specialist 😡 


    That's crazy, they should be taking the hit on that repair.


    I'm ok enough, no broken bones. Just a perpetual headache and damaged wrist. Getting treatment through insurance. I'm with MCE who have surprisingly been good at getting things sorted

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, JRH said:

    Was it an uneconomical repair or frame damage?

    I got rear ended and was declared a write off as uneconomical to repair.  Bought it back for £500 and repairs cost me £100. I was quids in.

    All the plastics and all the lights need replacing. The housing for the headlight too. Engine casing needs to be replaced as there's a couple deep scars. Mirrors, levers, rear brake pedal and connection bust, exhaust destroyed, pipes bent, rear wheel would need fixing or replacing. I think labour costs for all that would be the killer. The bikes second hand and 11 years old so only worth £4-5k so it becomes uneconomical to fix very quickly. Plus it would be a cat n bike so hard to sell or get a decent price afterwards. 

  11. 38 minutes ago, bonio said:

    Oh no, that truly sucks. Hope the insurance take good care of you.

    Looks like I'll get the full price of the bike back but my no claims bonus is gone even though it wasn't my fault. 

    • Like 1
  12. Aaaannd she's gone.


    Got hit from behind when stopped in traffic. 

    I'm relatively ok, just really annoyed but the bikes in pieces.

    Insurance says it's not worth trying to fix so I'm taking the cash. Bike was taken away this morning. 

    Was a great bike, there's a good chance I'll get another in the new year when the cold snap ends. 


    • Sad 4
  13. 2 hours ago, Pie man said:

    I would say yes. It was a battle on the MT07 at motorway speeds, I put a little fly screen on it and that makes a whole lotta difference. 


    That's my next question. The Yamaha was a temp loan. Something needs to replace it. Was considering another comfortable sports or sports tourer. But a naked like an mt09 or similar would be an option if it's not going to be too windy and cold due to lack of fairing. 

  14. I'm used to the wind in my CBR mostly being blown over my head at motorway speeds. I can travel along at any speed and not feel too much airflow.


    I've had access to a new Yamaha xsr700 for the last few weeks and it's completely different. Up to 60 mph it's fine but at 70 it's windy and anything above feels like I have to hold on for my life especially on bends. 


    I did my DAS in a honda cb650r which at the time was a great bike. I didn't feel the wind when we did countryside roads when learning but it was good warm weather then. 


    So my question is, are all naked bikes like the xsr700 where the wind will feel like you're being blown away at 70-80mph. Or is it just this bike at there's no protection from the elements at all.

  15. 23 minutes ago, Fiddlesticks said:

    I say join, and change it from the inside. First order of business - they should buy a proper domain name rather than relying on Gmail.

    Who says they haven't already







    Right, where's my tinfoil hat gone. 


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Davidtav said:

    I’m a bit sceptical that these noise cameras can accurately detect precisely which vehicle is making the noise. … I can see a situation where a boy racer type car is next to a stock saloon … now the operator may assume the boy racer car is creating the noise. But maybe not

    The guy in the video seems pretty sure that they can pick out who it is automatically using the system or have it reviewed frame by frame to see who it is. 

  17. 1 hour ago, bud said:

    "Unlikely to be in B roads in the country side." So the first one trailed by the government was near Loomies not in a very populated area. 🤔


    One thing I noticed is he doesn't commit to saying they won't be in non built up areas. I understand the reason for them. Some areas have issues with loud noise at night. But I think these will become widespread over time unless EVs become the norm

    • Like 1
  18. I'm sure we have all heard that noise cameras are being introduced to our roads. A YouTube channel I follow has interviewed the head of the company that manufactures the machines. Interesting video, answers some but not all questions. Thought you lot might want to see too.




  19. On 02/12/2022 at 15:43, Tiggie said:

    Whoever at amazon decided to pack my coffee filters in this size box. If you take the packing paper out you could fit 12 inside!!






    There was an inside the factory documentary on Amazon. From what I remember it's a computer that matches the packing to the items bought. Someone who's overworked would have just shoved it in and noth bothered thinking about it

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