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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. Bogof

    i got accepted :D

    The world gets more crazy every day. Just WOW!
  2. It's an unnecessary and potentially misleading use of signal. On test you'd probably get a driving/riding fault for it. If you want to be sure you're indicating your intention use road position. And shoulder check
  3. Aha ! Indeed There's a week at least beckoning me on think I'd fancies that on a nice cruise machine ...... Shit ! That's a tourer needed ....now a cruiser .....mm quite like them triumphs It's only 8 hours each way (not including refuel time)
  4. Not if the mini is an auto and the bugatti a manual
  5. A single seat Harley Davidson is NOT the right vehicle on which to transport a 4 yr old pillion. Especially when the 4 yr old is sitting in front of the rider. On the tank. Holding the bars. With a helmet 10 sizes too big. And no gloves. The law says that pillions should be able to use the pillion footpegs. Which means they have to be fitted. Along with a secoind seat. I regret not catching sight of the number plate, as you WOULD have been reported, to the police and social services. Irresponsible twat.
  6. Yeah, a facerbutt... Which is something I believe is a "special practice" in Germany. Even more special in Thailand. Apparently.
  7. Not so simple... Argyll & Bute: P1 to P7, then S1 to S6
  8. I'm far too sensible to be a teacher, but... Evolution. Year 1 became year 1 years before they decided to enable kids to start school at 4, hence Reception as an alternative to Year -1. Then they'd have had to renumber everything, so they chose the easier option. That said, Scotland is different. In many ways
  9. HSBC - they sent a letter to my new address to tell me they couldn't send mail to my new address until I call into a branch with ID.
  10. Bogof


    That relates to guidance issued by ACPO which is only discretionary, and not enshrined in legislation.
  11. You can't defy the laws of physics, not even on a Honda.
  12. I only watched a minute or so. Have you ever had explained to you the importance of shoulder checks? It seemed to me that you ride as if you're wearing a neck brace. Are you?
  13. Firstly, a couple of car lengths is not a 2 second gap at 40mph. You compromised his safety bubble by pulling across in front of him. Secondly, you're on L plates ( I assume), and you pulled in front of a car while both travelling at 40mph. He had no way of knowing if you had seen him. He alerted you to his presence by using his horn. Appropriate use of horn in my view. Learn from it and think about how you could avoid a similar incident, maybe through slowing down to let the car pass before moving over to the right? You said "To be safe I pull back" which says it all really! HTH
  14. Be very careful how you do that as fronting is still illegal, and rightly so.
  15. Bogof


    Haven't we got another 5 years to go before this thread is redundant?
  16. Bogof


    It's 5 years, which means you get 25% more misery than you had already bargained for
  17. Atwhich point you can exchange it for a UK one https://www.gov.uk/exchange-foreign-driving-licence
  18. Bogof


    Or a degree. Is there a degree in apprenticeshipness?
  19. Bogof


    That's clearly a vote for Roger Gale, and any half decent election agent would get that agreed by the RO.
  20. Try VLC http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.en_GB.html
  21. Avon Skin so soft Mate, works a treat with no side affect I used whilst working nights shifts on a drilling rig in Africa not a single bite, also used by the military in jungle warfare. Here's some feedback http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bottles-Avon-Or ... merReviews Cheers Chris I'll give that a go good reviews too Smidge is better. Avon is oil based so don't use it in the sun, you'll fry. Smidge is available from Tesco in season.
  22. Buy a V twin, no gear change necessary at legal speeds, just leave it in 2nd all day
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