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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. Get a copy of the companies disciplinary procedure. Ask the employer for a letter stating the terms of the suspension and the reason for it etc. How long has she been employed there? What does her statement of terms & conditions (or contract of employment) say about use of social media? What is the picture of, and did she upload it? Is she a member of a union? Send her to Citizen's Advice Bureau for a chat.
  2. Bogof

    Bike ID

    1951 Vincent HRD Series B Rapide http://auto.howstuffworks.com/1951-vincent-hrd-series-b-rapide.htm
  3. Do you feel we should attempt to ascertain relative skill levels before replying to any thread, or just those threads that may outline techniques not adequately covered in the usual pre-test schema? How are learners ever going to learn if we are to avoid exposing them to stuff they're not already aware of? As someone cleverer than I once said to me "You never know what you don't know, until you know it".
  4. Yes you can, and often you should, so long as you can maintain stability.
  5. Bogof

    Clutch slip. .

    Just in case you need it... www.bicyclechatforum.com
  6. Oban via Inverary, then on to Glencoe and Bridge of Orchy returning to Sterling via Crianlarich and Callender where you need to call in at Mohr Fish for the best f&c in the UK
  7. Anything greater than 0 mph
  8. Apart from trams. And buses. And taxis. And Prescott's Jags. And toads, frogs and hedgehogs. Oh, and pedestrians
  9. OpenOffice - www.openoffice.org By default it enables you to export as pdf. And it enables you to avoid Microsoft which is always a bonus.
  10. Yes they do... http://Laws CUR reg 100 & MV(DL)R reg 43 which leads you to... http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1986/1078/regulation/100/made The 2nd reference is to driver (rider) licencing requirements which may or may not be relevant to the OP's project.
  11. Nice bike. I'll reserve judgement on the video, since I only lasted 5 seconds...
  12. I'm in favour of improving conspicuity, but... no. Secondary brake lights are a good idea, look at how common they are on cars, but a brake light on the rider is a step too far.
  13. Mine has always managed to, so I'd ignore it since it's working as intended
  14. Yes they will. The game changed a while back (unless you're in Scotland or NI). OP: If pepipoo doesn't help, take a look at Money Saving Expert.
  15. If it's a big sum you may need to VAT register the company. And... if you earn over your threshold elsewhere, you may end up getting taxed on dividends. And... I would hope and expect HMRC to ask why on earth would an otherwise dormant company (beyond year 1) need to share an internet connection. Or an office. Speak to an accountant. A motorbike forum is probably not the best arena to get accurate tax planning advice.
  16. Why dissolve it? Keep the company alive so that you can draw the dividends over the next few years. If you dissolve it right away, you'll draw the cash and have to pay tax so no point dissolving in the same tax year. Using the limited company vehicle there's a risk of having to pay tax twice, unless the "dividends" are drawn by a low earning non-taxpayer.
  17. Riding motorcycles on it may constitute a material change of use that may need consent from the area planning authority. Contact planning officers for advice. Building a wooden workshop on it may constitute development that may need consent - see above At a guess, it's cheap for a reason. Make sure you find the reason before purchase would be my advice.
  18. Bogof

    My CV...

    Those little clicky-klacky things that went in your spokes! A wooden clothes peg and a playing card, is that what you mean?
  19. I did DAS with them in 2009 and my son did his CBT also in 2009. At the time they were very good and I recommended them a few times. Test day... http://www.dexteritytraining.co.uk/Kevin_Faversham.JPG And a few weeks later... http://www.dexteritytraining.co.uk/Kevin_Honda_VTR_Firestorm.JPG
  20. So why not concentrate on learning how to ride and leave the playing to camera for later? Or never.
  21. Only if you cause damage to the tarmac
  22. According to which statute? It might be a requirement under the contract of insurance between you and your insurer, but it's not a statutory requirement. Only time you need to involve insurers in my view is when there's a potential claim situation. Otherwise it's none of their business.
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