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Everything posted by polecat

  1. Its tricky cos the camera is against the bulkhead of the helmet stuffing and although it looks like it should be streight it..... dunno ill keep trying to work it out I guess
  2. is it better to mount in the helmet or on the Bike because it seems a bit random when its in the helmet My first film was all the road and the second was all sky so Im not sure but because you cant tell till you get home whether you got it right or not, Also with these cameras in the daylight outside it is hard to tell if it is running or not cos the flashing Red led is quiet weak in the sunlight.
  3. So if I take cocaine I wont care if its pointing at the sky ?
  4. Im getting frustred with this cam cos there is no way of knowing its set right sofar trips of Tarmac and trips of sky ! how do you get these tiny cameras lined up with the actual line of sight ! any tips for mounting gratefully received
  5. I tried My camera out today for the first time and would have got some great coastal footage but watching it back I seem to have filmed nothing but Road and gauges ! Back to the drawing board Quality was good though just needs mounding higher in my helmet I guess
  6. I imagine everyone here has had water in their gloves at some time but they will be fine . if your worried, stuff them with kitchen towel to dry them out Right into the fingers
  7. Oh well.... Apparently he FAILED to meet the required standard and was Binned off So he has said to Mrs Polecat he would like Driving lessons in her car For those of you who Don't yet have kids ............. Don't Do it
  8. Good it's not just me then Anyway he's back out there at the moment and not come home yet so thats a good sign lol
  9. This Forum is costing me a fortune !! I read this thread and imediatly thought "I Need a clock" Bought the Oxford one of Ebay and It had built in Ice detection warning so I thought It would be dangerous NOT to buy it (Justification points + 12) so Anyhoo it arrived today and was a real disapointment to be honest. The thing was smaller than the photos and the lcd date is barely readable as it is so small and thin Why Didn't Oxford who are meant to be Bike Gear experts think of putting a slot or two in the back for mounting with cable ties onto the handlebars for naked bikes ? Instead you mount on a flat surface (yeah right) with sticky velcro pad that goes over the battery cover (smart) V disapointed to be honest clock.bmp
  10. Couldnt have put this better myself, agree 100%. I did my CBT on a twist and go ... they said i could try geared but I didnt see the point, i wanted teh CBT and chose the easiest way possible. Then got myself a CG125, and in my own time, no pressure, learnt the gears soon enough, and rode that for a year before doing my licence. Cant really say anything more than aaron has said here. This is how I will look at it then as its all about him not the Trainers and Ill take him Down the Car park when he gets a proper Bike His CBT is for this coming Friday so we shall have to see .........
  11. If I am confused as I was then feel I must check out any Info I post So it is not a problem,The reason I got Confused is because the bloomin certificate has clearly defined tick boxes for Moped or Motorcycle in the machiine used heading but as we know the DSA are not here to confuse us
  12. sorry to hear that cypek. Next time eh. And mojo thats bollocks. All the best riders pass first time. Actually KER5H THAT's Bollocks ...Everybody knows all the best riders pass 2nd time
  13. Totaly daft but I am SOOOOOOOOoo glad I never have to Do it again
  14. Really bad luck M8 But at least it is only £15 a go I actually was not as bothered about failing 1 as I was failing 2 because the Price was DOable and its Quiet Fun on mod 1 in a weird kind of way
  15. Update Apparently If you Do the cbt on a something and then want to ride a something else i.e do it on a auto you can still ride a manual 125 even though you didnt Do a cbt on it so Seems I got this wrong The CBT seems to go against any logic or sence so you should be Fine on a manual 125 and save some money Info got from phoning a CBT trainer but check yourself to make sure
  16. Thanks, interesting info I just feel 90 steep for a couple of bars of steel I think Maby a few carefully placed bungs May Stop certain damage ,,,scrapes ect cos if they stick out further than the bit that will contact the ground they must take some of the slide but impact then Bars are going to work where crash bungs wont ,....... I think I may wait and see if some come up 2nd hand From a bike being sold for parts and use bungs for now as there are a Few bolt holes availible around the engine where they may offer some protection in the mean time.
  17. I got lured onto this part of the Forum By DAN with my Crash bar thread and ended up Buying a bloomin camera ! Md 80 £11.99 + 8gb Memory card £15.99 and a Plug adapter £3.50 Cheers DAN !
  18. didn't even know there was a accesory section ..Doh more reading to do
  19. I have often Bought and fitted them in the past but Are they really worth the money Before I spend £90 on these Has anyone had experiance of what protection they offer or damage they prevent ? Or would well places Bobins be a better option on a naked bike ?
  20. It just has to be the same class so Mod two can be taken on any 125 that fits the requirments
  21. Then you would have to DO a cbt to get it ticked on Motorcycle I would say as CBR is clearly a motorcycle and not a moped
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