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Everything posted by polecat

  1. oh sure they new and he has no interest in a twist and go But they have kind of forced his hand really which is why I think something is fundamentaly Wrong with the CBT system and the people that Provide the training. Bit like I have always thought Only VOSA should be able to Do mot's, Not garages who have an interest in you "failing" if you see what I mean
  2. Well they didnt give him back the money they are holding on to it until he tops it up next week so they have a captive pupil I guess. They should Not in my opinion Tell someone to go on an automatic Just because they need more time to learn clutch control than some others else why is it called "Training" in CBT Also he found them Rude and impatient So I guess CBT training Is going Down hill and may put alot of people of the Bike experience altogether ? Needs alot of Sorting out In my opinion Or Maby the DSA will need to take charge of it more ?
  3. My boy just failed his CBT and it sounds basicaly like the trainer couldn't be bothered to train him. He had never been on a bike before but by lunchtime was sent home and told to come back another week and Do it on a twist and go. Now he may well go back and pass on a twist and go but would then go streight out and by a 125 geared ! So Why, when you take a test on a vehicle with the DSA you can only Drive geared if you pass on a geared or if you passed on a Auto you can only drive Automatics. I know the CBT is not a TEST as such But it is a permit showiing competence to Ride On the road, and Is Passing it on a twist and go really showing competence to ride a geared on your own on the road after the Trainer said your Not up to it In effect He was told the £99 was going to have 45 deducted as if it was a trial lesson and he will need to pay another £54 next week to do the cbt on a 50cc moped To my mind this is utter Crap but you may think otherwise
  4. RST Helmet £70 kevlar plated leather gloves £14 padded leather trousers £1.60 padded leather jacket £5.00 Diadora boots £16.00 cold and rainy all the above + thermal liner gloves,balaclava and fluresent Jacket This is wether I am going 1 mile or 100 miles
  5. Apologies if I just got the wrong end of the stick, but reading the bit in brackets at the end put me into panic mode. I'd have to move quickly to beat that. I just called the school I'll be doing my CBT at (and more than likely the DAS training too) and he's said the next change to the testing and licencing is due in 2013. He did say the government could do pretty much anything in the mean time, but that there's nothing on the horizon, and he'd expect to know about changes 6 months to a year in advance. Maybe he was wrong though, hopefully someone will correct me if so. When I spoke to them in the past they suggested getting a 125 to practice on and once I'm ready, get a bit of training on a bigger bike and go for the DAS - best of both worlds that way. Get the miles under your belt, then get familiar with a bigger machine, then pass the test (simple as that eh? ). That sounds like the best Advice Ive heard "Best of both worlds" and a really clever aproach the Miles covered On a 125 are very valuable In my opinion.
  6. yeah I would be tempted in this situation to ditch the car for a while and get about more on a 125 cos there is nothing that makes you more aware your on a bike than when your on a 125
  7. me too everytime I cross a side road or car park or step out to overtake another ped Quick life saver then manouver at least I have stopped trying to cancel my Non exsistent Indicators afterwards
  8. Great news ! nearly there then .......... How did you find it ....after I passed i thought it was quiet a good test ...before it was the most stupid $*~~~~## in the world
  9. There is a diference between Making mistakes and breaking the law ? Failing to stop at a stop sign is no diferent to going through a red traffic light and had you been coming along that Road when the Rider failed to stop and he had Hit you of caused you to skid to avoid him, would you have been pleased to know he got a CBT certificate having Done so ? I think not considering all the threads we see about this very situation
  10. Most forces require a Full licence and Mine is free as the fee is paid by cornwall council but they will not allow learners which is a shame really
  11. Treating a stop sign as a give way is dangerous and as said would get you points . CBT will not give a certificate to someone who they condider dangerous on the road so I dont see the issue here ?
  12. If you think its a problem with the Examiner you could always consider Going elsewhere to Do your test ....this was what i was going to Do if i failed again ! but Never give up because it is better to spend a little more on your licence than you planned to than to have waisted all that money for nothing !!
  13. you could easily Drop stitches Knitting or forget you put the needles down and sit on them causing severe injury,get arthritus ...Need I go on ! From what you say I would say go for option B as said you will have to start again with restricted and you are nearly there !! Mod 2 is a Lottery and some people have to buy quiet a few tickets to win and I think you have just been Unlucky So keep going at least until your theory Expires ! Start a thread here next time you have it booked For lots of support and we can all wish you the Luck you obviously could Do with
  14. Very well Done Sounds alot like My test I Did Go the wrong way twice as well ,lessons are Great but I Prefered the DIY method also
  15. Same happened to me ,its So annoying but next time you will Blast it "!"
  16. Have we had a price mentioned yet ?
  17. All the Best Riders Fail on the speed Trap So Now you have proved what a safe sensible Rider you are GO and Blast it Through the thing And get your Mod 1 ¬
  18. Well Done Both of you ! Goes to Show it can be Done If your determined
  19. Well Its going to be the same for me now No garage so ill make a shelter.. Check out the My new bike thread where I posted a couple of photos of the Divvy its getting alot of attention around here because you dont see them so much ,everytime I take it out I get "nice bike mate" which makes me feel I made the Right choice Speedo may be working perfectly If I was going slower than I thought If not then the cable may need replacment as its 0-40mph then sticks at 40 until I slow down then its normal ?
  20. Depends where you are and which way you are turning of course.... When on the Mod 1 course you are not in a lane your in a car park so its all imaginary and one could argue a cyclist could be coming up from your left if you are turning left or a car could be overtaking you as you are about to do the Uturn So what I did is shoulder check Both sides before moving off and only Right hand on the Uturn. Imagine you will less likely get minors for doing both sides than only one if you get an arsey Examiner ?
  21. Well apart from the Speedo is only going up to 40 at the moment (or I am) It needs a full service so am waiting for a torque wrench to arrive and it does not Fit in the Bike garage I built for the YBR Apart From those things it is Awsome to ride and It is the Original Bandit If you want to consider a cheap option ...My insurance on XJ600 was One of the lowest groups Swinton said and will manage 55mpg most times,Parts seem Really cheap and It looks superb in black
  22. Excellent..... It was sad to see My Ybr go ,If only they had a bit more power and didnt get blown about so much I would have kept mine ! Bandit is a Good choice ...Its a Big leap forwards when you get on a 600 and the Real thrill begins
  23. I would advise to check first if your is able to do that. My is not (yeah, I know its chinese) but recently there was a post by someone who was was not able to do that on japanese bike. I have switched to 3rd as I entered between cones, did this long turn around 22mph and accelerated on the exit. Reached 51kph on swerve and 52kph on em stop. If I could do that on my bike you can do it on CG/YBR easily. Well, of course if you doing it on 500 just do it in 2nd Good luck YBR Fuel injection will not Reach the speed In 2nd you have to Go into 3rd as you exit the bend. Try it out on your bike on an industrial estate before hand and you will find out
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