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Everything posted by polecat

  1. \thanks alot ill keep my Eye on it but at the moment Im pretty fed up with the whole thing so I guess I just need to get back on the horse ....At least I didn't crash my bike or get it stolen like some members recently so its just a test And I can Do it again,so always look on the bright side of life .......(whistles)
  2. Hi dan It didnt offer me any cancellations it just gave me dates starting from july 09 and only on fridays it seems,like our mod 1 is only on sundays lol I think its country living Also places are snapped up by the local training school so I think thats the best im going to do
  3. Hi Aaron,It was a fail because he marked it as an S for 25.Awareness/planning so a serious fault for bad planning on my stupid mistake is an instant fail ...all I had to Do was pull in by the side of road I Dont know why I pulled into the entrance to the railway sidings I think My mind was going 10 to the dozen and I wasn't sure If I was turning left or pulling into the left so I kinda did both and If the pedestrien had not been there it would have just been a minoron forward planning he said Its my fault I was overloading myself and very nervous of stuffing up so I did
  4. Thanks guys your right. That was the "pissed off " part of me wondering if I should quit while im down but If the examiner hadn't said what he did, and said go get some lessons, I may have called it a day but cos he said I had a nice riding style dont mess that up with lessons It kind of makes me think I must be ok underneath it all . The funny side of this was my CBT Instructor was there waiting for his pupil before my turn and telling me I had no chance cos I hadnt followed up my CBT with lessons and then 5 minutes later his pupil got back having failed (Not funny for him BTW) and the CBT instructor went strangly quiet after that. Well with support from you lot and the Mrs I have booked again and the nearest date was : Application reference number: 22160635 Date and time of test: Friday 09 Jul 2010 11:31 Last date to cancel: Monday 05 Jul 2010 Test category: Standard Bike Mod 2 So a bit of a wait, but thats the nearest date unfortunatly so I took it
  5. Big FAT fail.............. GUTTED I dont Do tests well and this was no exception I rode a good ride and was in control though really nervous but remembering to DO everything i needed to do. I even got all the show tell questions right Going through the mad town center I even pulled in so an ambulance could get through #(thinking that will get me some brownie points) then he said pull in at the side of the road so I did and puled away,Fine then we got into a long road where there are No cars,No people Nothing but the Road and he says Pull in on the left to the side of the road ...but because there was a left turning I thought "Turn left" so Instead of turning into the side of the road I went on a bit and turned into the left junction Just as the Only man and his Dog within a mile decided to cross the Junction.......... I turned left into it God knows why and he just went accross the entrance and although I was nowhere near him I got a serious fault for Bad planning and Fair enough I deserved it ......I just Dont know where my head was so thats why IM gutted,I made a STUPID mistake and Failed. The examiner said after "I shouldnt say this but am I right you havnt had much training,well if I were you I wouldnt " he said my riding style was really good and any training may be detrimental, all I need Do is book again as soon as possible and Ill be fine. So im thinking book again or just forget it,cos on your test anything can happen
  6. Thanks alot I will try and remember that 6 Hours to go and Im wishing I could just get on with it now cos Im sure its the waiting that Does ya in. currently eating a hearty breakfast and swatting up on my show and tell
  7. I think its worth it also but me I tend to learn at my own pace so A2 was better for me
  8. Good luck ! Actualy I would enjoy doing my CBT again just to see How far I have come since november After 20 years off bikes I felt like a complete newb again and to Rock up and do the CBT now without the instructor shouting in my ear to speed up all the time would be great! Just DO your Mod 1 in a seaside town and have a holiday at the same time?
  9. On a delicate matter I Told my wife that alot of people belive you should have a little Bedroom activity on the night before a test and have 80% more chance of passing but she thinks im making it up. can anyone back me up because I cant remember where I got this statistic from and for some reason she is a bit sceptical
  10. Sorry I should have said its mod 2 and thanks for the suport but When I did mod 1 I Did go too slow through the speed trap many times
  11. Well DOne and thanks for your report just reading it gives me Some hope for tomorrow
  12. Friday 2pm 04/06/10 in penzance the Drums roll as I walk up to the steps of the DSA center ....... Nerves are setting in but at least I get to know if they still hate me Still not sure about How im gonna play it but been taking peoples advice and Talking to myself ....Doing the same when Riding on me bike too That seems to calm me Down and Ride better . Ill post the result tomorrow to Encourage / Destroy hopes of (Edit as nessacery tomorrow) other people doing their test soon Any last minute tips please insert below ..................
  13. I didnt get any training but I did have previous experiance on bikes and a few years in cars ect so to save money I decided also to just Go it alone so I would think Training would be the way to go without any prior experiance of bikes Or Riding on the road for sure.
  14. Bike first on prov 250cc,then car full licence ,soon Bike full licence 20 years after Car test pass ! Full circle
  15. Well done daddyg What did you take the mod1 on? Sounds very much like my own experiance and I have my mod 2 two days after you So If you pass then I will pass I cant say im counting the minutes though Good Luck and make sure you pass !
  16. Thanks Joey that sort of makes me feel better although It is only when I started Sticking to the exact speed limits That I realised how Vunrable you become Because these days everyone see's you as a hazard to get around or pull out in front of once you reduce speed to the limits ! Adrian
  17. Hi, I decided to go practice in the area of Penzance where my Test will be at the same time and day and time as my real one in a few weeks .... I was not concerned because I can ride pretty well. But after today I am a little concerned Cars parked all over the double yellows and double parked through the town,People just Ambling in the road,scooters Under take you as you try sticking to the speed limit. People just Decided to Unload Carpets From one side of the main street to another Dodging in and out of the traffic, after seeing a crossing light Go yellow then red, I was slowing down as a car and another scooter just shot through the red lights cutting me up as I was slowing. It was worse on the dual carriage ways as I was trying to keep to the 50 limit and felt like a rolling road block as Nearly everyone squeezed past me and CUT ME UP. My question is ... When I am out RIding I cope with all this and ride according to the situatiion but ON my test I will Have to obey all the rules while all others Dont . DO the examiners Take all this into account on the TEST ?
  18. I thought the mod 1 was stupid and impossible on a 125 but on my 2nd attempt of the test and 7th run on the speed trap I passed. So I didnt just pay £15 and rock up for the test I drove thousands of miles over several years unlike some of the DAS students who payed £500 and learned to pass a test in a week The reason I found the mod 1 Swerve horendous was due to lack of Practice and the only place you can truly practice this "stunt" is on the mod 1 test I belive. So I would say keep the test as it is by all means But The Test center is only open on sundays So there needs to be an authentic way to practice this manoever inless you look on the mod 1 test as that practice and when you Do it then you pass ? Its only £15 to hire this mod1 course to practice on and you get a DSA Examiner to review you at the end ? maby this is the way to look at it and only Floor the Bike on your 2nd or 3rd Test when you are ready. This may cut down on accidents if people are not so determined NOT to fail ? and Ride beyond their experience on the First test ? Its more or less what My DSA examiner was saying when I finally passed it
  19. Bad luck m8 this is why i just ordered myself a warning buzzer because i dont want to risk this happening to me It was only £4, compared to the price of a test a good investment i reckon? Maby you would have time to do the same
  20. 20 years you think you have forgoten everything but as time goes on you will find your past experiance comes back to you gradually when it matters Welcome back to bikes
  21. Well done a pass is a pass i always say just think of it like this you are HAlF way there now Adrian
  22. 1 fault you can make that I am aware of is you can skid a little on the emergency stop as long as you regain control quickly ~(seen it with me own eyes ) I think people find the mod 2 easier because they are out Doing what they Do best :Riding a bike on the road trying to be safe and responsible. Module 1 seems at the moment all about driving like a stunt rider in a car park which is not what most people took up riding to DO adrian
  23. Take a look at this video "> it looks like the DSA equiptment is showing a diferent speed to this guys motorcycle anyhow so a conspiracy theorist may argue that its calibrated 2mph out to make us take more tests I was out on my test by .5 of a mile per hour and FAILED So dont think its you that Failed more the Driving standards Agency and your instructor failed YOU
  24. on my mod 1 test last week my DSA examiner did say in 2012 some radical changes will take place in the motorcycle tests as the numbers of death or injury hadnt come down as much as they wanted the only thing he mentioned was the new age for das though (24) Adrian
  25. hi, I have seen two off road type bikes do the module 1 last sunday and they both passed ! If your bike has a mot it will I presume be Road legal,the only thing i would say is some of the test centers have very smooth tarmac and others are very rough VOSA sites with diesel on the ground ! Oh and of course you will need to take your two part driving licence (or passport if old paper one) your CBT cert and your THEORY test pass cert before they will let you take the test Hope this helps Adrian
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