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Posts posted by dimmers

  1. Hi all,

    had my module 2 re-test today, sods law the week that they changed it....almost 2 months to the day since my first attempt.

    Anyhow to cut a long story short, same examiner, same route and same different result!

    Passed with 2 minors so off to see what I can spend my hard earned pennies on.

    The independent driving I found easier by the way, the routes (certainly around gloucester) are not complicated and if you know the road lay out (which hopefully your instructor will have taken you on) you should be ok not to mention I was so busy concentrating on signs, being in the right lanes etc, I forgot my examiner was there.

    All in all worked out nicely

    Thanks to everyone for their support on here, really is a great help to raise low spirits and some sound advice.

    best of luck to those with tests coming up, now where did my wife hide my credit card.....


    Well done mate! great feeling isn't it?

    Even better still, you now get to go bike shopping! :)

  2. i know this brand is looked upon as entry level gear, but i've just recently bought some textile trousers and jacket which are both RST, and i'm really impressed with them.

    Another thing i thought i'd mention, is that I noticed a while ago in one of the editions of 'Ride' that the RST two piece leathers (can't remember which model) rated very highly in their tests, and beat some of the other more expensive leathers by a long way on the abrasion resistance and seem burst strength tests.

    I normally look for the best value for money gear, and this brand (along with Spada - i have some gloves by them) seem to be pretty good. I always thought that after i'd been riding a while i'd look to 'upgrade' my gear to some of the more well known brands (and hence more expensive), but i can't really see that happening now.

    Anyone else a fan of the more affordable brands? Any other brands that you like that do good value / quality products?


  3. if you're going to ride in all sorts of weather, then i'd go for textiles.

    I'm getting a bit fed up of having to wear so many base layers underneath my summer textile mesh jacket. Plus when it rains, i have to wear a cheapy waterproof jacket over the top of my textile mesh jacket (trust me, it gets annoying having to carry two jackets!)

    my next jacket for the road will probably be an all season textile jacket, they are more versitile than leather, and waterproof, and probably more breathable (and overall, cheaper, unless you go down the gore tex route).

  4. Beat this!!,


    So it was test day for me. Met the instructor at 9 am, and another guy who was also doing his Mod 2, drove to Swindon for the test. All was fine and i was feeling really good after the drive out.

    So on the test,

    Everything was pefect except for one thing, now i dont know if you know Swindon but they have these MAJOR roundabouts with 4-5 lanes on the approach. so i found myself in the wrong lane to go straight on, Should have been in lane 2 as thats where the examiner was. So i paniced and once on the roundabout thought i could switch lanes, the only problem was that i forgot to do a lifesaver - FAIL!

    Damn i was gutted. No minors.

    Oh and on top of that on the ride home the front sproket on the bike i was riding snapped and sheared off! causing the chain to get caught and all while i was going around a tight bend. The bike skidded sideways and i came off at about 35mph - Sliding down the road.

    I was fine thankfully, only a grazed knee. Couldnt believe it, the instuctor said in all his 20+ years of teaching he had never seen anything like this. So i had to ride pillion back to the training center.

    Not exactly the best day for me, But at least im alive to tell you about it.

    Roll on next test - 3 Weeks

    bloody hell mate! that is terrible, glad you're alright though! its bad enough getting a fail, but to have a crash on the way back.

    Best of luck next time mate, glad you're getting on with it and not giving up.

  5. I have ordered and got delivered today an Almax Immobiliser series III chain 2.5m with Squire SS65CS lock and Hardy ground anchor. F**k me that chain is massive :shock: I'm not 100% happy with the anchor to be honest. It is being hold by 1 bolt only although pretty thick one. I'll live with that :roll: Also received 2 bike covers from ebay, £9.99 each and they seems to be pretty good quality :thumb: I'll put some pics tomorrow :mrgreen:

    that is one serious chain and padlock! nice buy :cheers:

  6. you must live in the middle of nowhere?!? :)


    :) they closed it down around our way, i have to travel into Wigan to the nearest JJB, they don't even have one on Manchester anymore..

    Nice price though, hope they keep me warm, dohh just thought about the leggings....


    i'm happy with it so far... fits like a second skin, no room for any cold air to get in :D

    haven't had to buy any leggings, as i already own quite few pairs. I'm hoping they work just as well on the bike as they do when i'm out running during the winter.

  7. its probably ce level 1 protection (hopefully it is anyway).

    personally i'd ditch that and get a proper back protector, something like the Knoxx aegis, or a forcefield, as they are CE level 2 and offer much better protection.

    but if you want something just to put in your jacket, then again i'd check out Knoxx. http://www.bigbikebook.com/14987/KNOX-ADVANCE-X-UPGRADE-BACK-PART-66.html

    (interesting thread from another site http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/equipment-reviews/best-back-protection-inserts-full-37967)

  8. hello mate!

    i've got one of those jackets (well the air spin 2, but same difference)

    nice jacket, very comfortable on hot days as it does let a lot of air in. In colder weather you could always just wear more layers underneath the jacket, plus it has a waterproof drop lining.

    pretty sure sportsbikeshop were doing a sale on the Weise air spin 2 at the moment, might be worth a look.

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