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Posts posted by dimmers

  1. anybody use a rucksack/backpack when riding?

    if so, what sort of rucksack do you use? is it designed with being used whilst riding a motorbike, or is it just a cheapy from JJB or something like that?

    Reason i ask is that the Kriega bags look really good! but they are very expensive, anybody got one (or something similar), is it worth the money?


  2. all the best riders/ drivers pass second time mate!

    sorry to hear you can't take another test until end of September! keep ringing up for cancellations, or maybe try another test center?



    That's what I'm hoping, 2nd time lucky again :)

    I will keep ringing up but I've got to wait 10 days apparently. I'm a bit bemused by that. All I want to do is get back on a bike and get it done but I think 2 weeks cool off is a little extreme. I can understand a small amount of time to re-compose yourself, 72 hours maybe would be better or even one week but 2 is a bit much.

    Had a look at other test centres but having got used to the routes and the bike that my instructor provides me with I'm reluctant to change. I don't want to take ny chances! :wink:

    yep i agree with you! i really don't see the point in waiting 10 days. I passed 2nd time, and had no extra lessons in the 10 days i was waiting to re-sit, apart from the ride just before my test. Does seem a long time to have to wait.

    Hope it goes well for you 2nd time round!

  3. So i had my Mod 2 first attempt today and passed :D 1 minor.

    Started the day with training (test was at 2pm) and it went terrible. I was going in the wrong lanes in big round-abouts, was going to fast up to junctions (still at 30mph) so ended up leaving myself too much to do with the lifesavers before making the turn.

    Basically was just panicking too much in areas i didnt know.

    Then the radio broke while practising on a test route so the instructor had to go infront as i had no idea where i was, however this actually relaxed me as i was learning the routes without getting myself flustered or over-thinking things.

    Anyway, the last route we practised happened to be the one on my test, and a route i regularly go round so didnt get myself worked up with not knowing where i was.

    Ended up getting one minor as i said earlier and that was because a car indicated to come into the same lane as me while i was next to them and proceeded to cut me up causing me to brake. My examiner said I could of gone into the right hand lane instead (was 2 lanes, where a 3rd lane joins it from a swing but you can stay in it to go straight on).

    Very happy its all over and no longer have to show my L-plates. Now to decide whether to sell my r125 or keep it for a bit longer :P

    nice one mate! well done.

    ditch the 125 though, you want to get a proper bike now :mrgreen:

  4. Hi all,

    First post for me and sadly it's not a happy one :crybaby:

    Anyhow had my mod 2 test today in Gloucester with examiner from Bristol (Tony - nice chap)

    Conditions were fine, no problem at all, test was scheduled for 08:40am. Rush hour. Which I have to say phased me a little when I found out the time but as it happens didn't have too much of an impact.

    Basically I'd been pretty rubbish on observations and doing them too late or in the wrong order SOM not OSM....

    As it happens though this wasn't to be the cause of my failure. I had a good run all in all but what failed me was 2 minutes of nerves around 5 minutes from the end of my test (doubly gutting)

    Going up a 20 zone road on a gradient I stopped at a stop sign at an intersection as I should. Checked the way was clear and proceeded to pull off and.....stalled. OK so no major problem. Restarted the bike, re-did my observations and moved off. At the top of the slight hill was a reasonably tight T junction with a cycle lane running in front of it. I was instructed to turn left.

    I did my observations, saw a gap in the traffic and.....stalled again. WTF I have never ever stalled this bike even on proper hill starts....what is going on? So determined not to make the mistake again and conscious that I can't afford any more control minors I see another gap in the traffic and give it more juice when pulling off. Way too much juice as it happens and I ran wide onto the centre line. Bang. Instant fail.

    5 minutes later we are at the test centre and I already know the outcome. Essentially I was so worried about the two stalls that I overcompensated massively in my panic and promptly failed my test. I had 2 minors and that was it on my sheet besides that fateful turn.

    Totally gutted, even more so now as Gloucester has no home examiners so the earliest re-test I can get is September 30th.....

    The moral of the story is if I had maintained my composure as I had done after the first minor mistake I'd made I would have passed. SO don't dwell on your mistakes, take a deep breath and re-focus.

    Still I passed my car test second time round so maybe it's fate :)

    all the best riders/ drivers pass second time mate! :lol:

    sorry to hear you can't take another test until end of September! keep ringing up for cancellations, or maybe try another test center?

  5. PASSED! 2nd time lucky.

    Compared to yesterday, the weather was really nice so had no worries there.

    Went out for a lesson before hand with Mark (really cool instructor from 1stGear), nice route, not much traffic around, didn't do anything stupid, so was feeling good.

    Time for the test. Was being examined by a guy called Jim (nice guy!) and he asked me all the questions before we went out for the test, so it was good to get that out the way. Then it was off out for the test. Started off going on the same route as i had done in my lesson before hand, so was quite pleased about that. Got asked to pull over a few times early on in the test in a quiet housing estate (instead of on a main busy road like last time), so that went well. Then proceeded to do the EXACT same route as i had done in my lesson before hand (my instructor is such a legend for taking me on that route this morning!!!!), so was really pleased about that.

    Got back in after what i thought was a pretty good ride, and was told pretty much straight away that i passed.

    Thank fuk for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Trying my hardest to wipe the stupid grin off my face at work, as they all i think i was at the 'doctors' ha

    Now time for bike shopping! Brilliant!

    thanks to everyone on the forum, the information on here has really helped me a lot.



  6. i take it you've done your CBT already? If not, i'd book that separately to see how you get on, and then your instructor will be able to determine how many days training you will require to pass mod 1 and 2.

    I took a week off work to do mine, from CBT on the Sunday through to Mod 1 on the Thursday. Once all that is out the way, you book an early mod 2 (say 9.30am) to avoid any further time off work, and any additional training you can take at the weekends.

    But i would definately recommend taking some time off work and getting it done and dusted, at least mod 1 anyway, then take it from there.

    Like a previous post said, if you know biking is for you, then go out and buy the kit (helmet, gloves and boots minimum) as its nicer training in your own gear - the kit you borrow will stink!! But if you're not sure, then the training school will be able to provide you with all you need (but double check with them first).

    best of luck!

  7. Keep going!!!

    Like some people say, you can just be really unlucky, but keep trying as it will be worth it.

    If you're not getting on with your current instructor, then maybe try someone new, the change might help give you a fresh approach to riding and your test.

    Also, if / when you have another lesson with an instructor, ask them to practise the things you aren't very good at/don't feel confident with. If dual carriageways and overtaking is something your not sure about, then ask to do quite a bit of it (at the end of the day you're the one paying for the lesson).

  8. Failed mod 2 today, and thought i'd give everyone a laugh!

    As with my car driving test (12 years ago) i got very few minors, but made one serious mistake, seems history likes to repeat itself :(

    basically i was approaching some traffic lights, they turned red so i stopped (in the right hand lane to turn right).

    Lights turn to green, but the right arrow hadn't turned green, so i wait. After about 5 seconds i knew that something was up and that the green arrow wasn't going to turn green, and was about to pull away when i heard the examiner over the radio say 'Please move on, as it is safe to do so'.

    ffffffffffffffffffffffffak! :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Knew it there and then i'd failed, and sure enough when we got back he told me i'd failed. I even tried to reason with him that the arrow to turn right hand't changed to green, but all he said was that there was no red light so i should have gone.

    This is a serious fault, so i failed. Absolutely gutted, as not only would i have passed otherwise (i'd only had 2 minors) i wouldn't have to pay over £100 quid for another test!

    If anyone else has some stories to tell of what they failed on (that hasn't posted yet) please let me know, i really don't want to get caught out 2nd time round on something like that again.

    (have a massive urge to go smash up that right arrow traffic light tonight!!! haha)



    Sorry to hear that mate but I think its something about filter lights that many people don't know.

    If the straight ahead green light is a normal light then you can turn once that light is green, even if the arrow for your lane isn't. The green arrow for your lane only comes on when there is no traffic moving in the lane you need to go across.

    The only time you HAVE to wait for your filter light to come on is if the straight ahead green light is an arrow.

    thanks mate, at least i won't make that mistake again.

  9. hi dimmers did you have your test about 10,ish tuesday morning with 1,st gear if so i,am the guy that had the practice ride with you .Sorry to here you failed . f#'#king lights :x . Better luck next time mate you,ll pass.

    yes mate! that was me.

    did you pass your test?

    thing is other than that, i only got 1 minor, and i tried to argue my case with the examiner afterwards but he was having none of it. Still angry about it now :evil: I was even arguing with myself that i should just turn right, but something else told me to be safe, and sensible, and wait for the green arrow.

    I bet next time i fail for being to casual!!!!!!!!

    anyone got any money making ideas? i'm gonna be broke by the time i pass my mod 2 :roll:

    yes mate i passed only just, had 3 minors one was very close to a fail so he said. best of luck for your retest let us know how you get on.


    well done mate!! let me know what bike you go for.

  10. what you'd all do at a set of traffic lights (to turn right), they go green but the right arrow traffic light hasn't turned green yet. Do you go anyway? or wait for the right arrow to turn green?


    If the green light for straight ahead is just a green light you can turn right when the road is clear.

    If the green light is a straight ahead arrow you have to wait for the right filter to turn green before moving off.


    If thats correct then I now realise why I often get honked at for sitting waiting at a set of traffic lights near me. For some reason the filter light only comes on once every 3 cycles of the normal lights.

    apparently they come on as soon as you move forward a bit and trigger the arrow to come on (well thats what the examiner told me).

  11. Yeah filter lights are bitches

    basically you go on green , even if there is traffic there you move forward.. The filter light is there incase there is traffic holding you up..atleast our local fail area (filter lights near the test station) is how it work...lots of people fail on it.

    Yeah, i've made sure i understand every traffic light sequence ever invented now! Strange how you only really think about these things when your on a test.

  12. hi dimmers did you have your test about 10,ish tuesday morning with 1,st gear if so i,am the guy that had the practice ride with you .Sorry to here you failed . f#'#king lights :x . Better luck next time mate you,ll pass.

    yes mate! that was me.

    did you pass your test?

    thing is other than that, i only got 1 minor, and i tried to argue my case with the examiner afterwards but he was having none of it. Still angry about it now :evil: I was even arguing with myself that i should just turn right, but something else told me to be safe, and sensible, and wait for the green arrow.

    I bet next time i fail for being to casual!!!!!!!!

    anyone got any money making ideas? i'm gonna be broke by the time i pass my mod 2 :roll:

  13. Yes, i'm beginning to have my doubts as to whether this was such a good idea after all, especially if i fail mod 2 again, i'm not sure i can afford a third go at it (well not for a month or so anyway).

    It gets to the point where you get people doing their CBT every two years as they can't be bothered with the actual test.

    Correct me if i'm wrong here, but in America i don't think they have to do any tests whatsoever, just apply for your license and then buy whatever bike you want! :shock: I'm not saying thats a good thing, i believe that some sort of test/training is required, but whats in place at the moment is crazy.

    With mod 1 for example, you get people failing because they are 1kph below the required 50 for the swerve test!!?!?!??!???!!!! Insanity. And when are you ever going to be driving down the road and suddenly think to yourself 'i know what, this looks like a nice place to do some figure of 8's!' :roll:

    I dread to think what it's going to be like in a few more years time.

    rant over :P

  14. i find it really funny that even though after completing a CBT and being allowed on the road on a 125cc bike, you can turn up to your mod2 and do something the examiner doesn't like, and you get a fail for a serious fault, or something dangerous. Yet you're still allowed to ride around on your 125cc with L plates???????????

    The whole system that's in place at the moment to be able to obtain a motorbike license is ridiculous if you ask me. I can see why a lot of people don't even bother anymore. If you haven't ever ridden a bike before, the whole process can cost nearly 1000 pounds (from theory test / CBT to mod 1 and 2, and all your training), not to mention time off work required in some cases.

    I reckon a modified CBT, or a 'version 2' CBT is all thats really needed to get your bike license.

    then again, i'm just bitter as i failed my mod 2 yesterday :(

  15. Cheers guys, I do have a couple more now I think about it:

    7# Assume you are on a small suburban road, cars parked on either side of the road leaving only a single track (or lots of gaps). If you are pulling aside for an oncoming car, should you indicate to rejoin the road?

    Not sure about this, but i would imagine you don't need to indicate, just a quick life saver. Same as you don't need to indicate when passing parked cars on the parked on the side of the road, just a lifesaver before moving out to pass them.

    8# where is an appropriate place to stop? When I'm riding for myself I'll just find a gap and pull in, then edge away. I don't tend to worry how close I am to a car, just providing they can get past.

    Not opposite a junction, or within a certain distance from a junction (i think 10 metres). Not on the brow of a hill. And not in front of someones driveway.

    9# Same scenario, you are about to take a T-Junction to the left but a car has nicely (and illegally) parked slap bang in your lane. Usually you'd stay quite close to the left, would you just keep your positioning central for the manoeuvre (assuming it's safe to move out)

    I think you would just keep central and pass them but keep indicating left, it should be obvious the traffic behind that you are turning left at the junction and not pulling in behind the car if you are still in the center of the road (instead of near the curb like normal when turning left at a t-junction


    again, i'm no expert, just letting you know what i've recently been taught. You might want to check that distance from the junctions when pulling over, but i think thats what my instructor said.

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