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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Me and f4113n there and back slightly damp only how lucky was that LOL
  2. No worries norm do about 80 - 90 mile ish back at mine approx 9 ish will pm ya my postcode
  3. So o mad ones r we out tomoz 6 o clock at mine for early start, me gonna go what ever me thinks need a blat on the bike helps clear me head
  4. Neil it is the bp station as you go past kettering mate first petrol station you go past after my turn off
  5. Get ya self to the tail end BMF rally peterborough in september thread in biking events
  6. Prob me and lad in motor but will see nearer to day hence put down for night only
  7. How about 12 oclock at the entrance to the short track circuit sure we can all spot that and there loos there as well
  8. I am working on said out fit for this run but if not got it no worries cos will be doing this end at least
  9. Me thinks i will b here any chance to get a cuddle of me fave 2 gals on here got to be took LOL Ash and golach what time sun morn i assume at the BP station
  10. As me and lad will be in motor will meet ya there got neils mob so will give ya a call on the morn
  11. Me think they wont be many more as th brit winter sets in but got to say is a good way of getting rid of a few hours on a friday HAHAHAHAHA
  12. Well have to say blue sky here chaps If ya up for it come over and me will be out
  13. Have to say chaps looking out the window looks like it gonna be nothing but a soaking so looks like it gonna be a no ride
  14. Tickets ordered and on there way so me and lad will be going on sunday in the car Anybody else need to stop over fri or sat night post up boys pm me for directions
  15. Ladies are always welcome as u know i have a special room just for them
  16. No worries peeps ya welcome stop fri or sat night just let us know for def so can get some beer in LOL
  17. Hello friday crew and anyone else from round here if the weather is kind to us do ya want to meet at mine for 6 then we can go diff route to the pub or anywhere else ya want to go to, ??????????????? If ya not been b4 pm me with addy or instructions
  18. shout out if ya want to kip nearer to ground can do fri and sat night at mine in fact this could become a party me thinks poss
  19. Flipper nice to meet ya will be next friday if weather ok alreadt had yes from nman and f4113n should be same time etc
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