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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Thats what i liked about mick simple and to the point
  2. Me and murray prob meet ya there neil got some freinds coming round not sure what time i gonna get out
  3. At the mo me and lad gonna leave mine at approx 8 sun morn and ride down, will meet up with who ever wants on way down so ahould be somewhere down there (want some suggestions of where to meet down there please from u lot ) 11.00 ish i would think, may well make it sat morn as i prob gonna have to work sun night, but if most want to meet sun no prob as long as i home for 7, 2 hours kip should do.
  4. Sorry mate not got a clue but sure someone who will we be along soon
  5. Well what can i say to answer a few questions 1. Yes mrs mac i did take ya route 2 debs the stuff that did ya in was a glass of WATER 3 ride to cat was DIFFERENT sideways, guess a lane, and oh my GOD did actually say to meself WHOS STUPID IDEA WAS THIS till i remembered twas me 4 yes you should always do stupid things in front of mr chunks when he got his camera 5 yes newbs all these pics are fake and we did have tea and cucumber sarnies all weekend 6 serious stuff was discussed all weekend, what beer to have, how many burgers can ya eat in one day, which beer to have, grown men in dodgy shorts, which beer to have, grown and aptly portoined ladies in schoolgirl outfits, which beer to have, school girl out fits, the length of some ladies legs, which beer to have, how nice are her eyes !!!!, which beer to have. 7 how long will phill keep this tent ????? 8 how bad does the weather have to get to ruin our fun 9 why do ya go on a rideout when it blowing a hurricane 10 THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE WHENS THE NEXT ONE
  6. Me am home mick on his way to lisas in london GOT TO SAY TOP WEEKEND, NICE TO SEE YA ALL AGAIN AND MEET SOME NEW FACES
  7. Me not even started will do it tomoz when i wake up hope u lot enjoying all the packing LOL FC bring all the bacon mate stuff everything else bacon sarnies the important bit
  8. ME fri sat sun dam given away the empty slot in me tent already sorry barbie !!!!!!!! OR pete ya kipping outside LOL on me BIKE stuff the brit weather OOOOHHHHHHHH IT SO CLOSE I COULD CRUSH A GRAPE ready and waiting girlfreind
  9. Put date in diary will see what i doing nearer like on the friday
  10. We got light showers forcast for tomoz so me and poss lad will be out early evening tomorow me thinks
  11. Yes mate meeting dutch mick at kettering at 7 if u ride up M1 meet at services after m6/a14 jct if ya want, or ya can come accross to me fri afternoon up to you mate ??
  12. Top man u is akey, oh and have the grub been sorted ?????? oh and the beer ?????????? oh and the loose women ??????? Dont let me forum girlfreind see that bit !!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. yorbandit

    Bike Horn

    Can ya pwer straight to horn and see if it works if so switch or wiring wrong, if does not work tis ya horn poss maybe erm could be right
  15. Disposable pants and bras ?????????????
  16. Will lovingly give ya a ride V get ya arse down here and will go to snetterton
  17. I am sure ya will get far more offers of help than the houd will daffers
  18. Sorry to read about ya mate steve he bike shopping now is he ????
  19. Have ya not noticed the peeps in the white coats ??????????????
  20. You ok tomo and have ya been out bike shopping yet ??????????
  21. Hippy i am meeting dutch mick fri night and then riding up there but not expecting to get to NOTTS untill 8-8.30 ish, all ya need to do is head to eastwood and follow bikes with gear on
  22. WSB Batliss, neukerchiener dont care max points for me BSB Byrne, yorbancit on his 600 dont care max points i can get and a big grin LOL
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