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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Hope to see ya there then me got a silver full faired bandit with forum stickers on plus got me black forum fleece on
  2. Me and the lad home what a lovely day nice and warm and an ace full of old brit bikes dam there was some lovely machinery down there
  3. Will rain again before race trust me i am a docter
  4. Its gonna be a wet race so all bets off could be anybody LOL top 3 west melandri and guintoli
  5. Or hartford marina on a tuesday night thread in this section for that as well. hliday 675 only just passed his test so we used to L plates with us
  6. Well looks like me nman ash and holiday 675 will be there at approx 12.30 silver bandit full fairing stickers on tail and a forum fleece on
  7. We can do either as last time we took a L plate down with us
  8. We out to ace cafe tomoz meet at brampton at 11 if ya come of a14 at race course turn left towards brampton cross first r/bout right at 2 left a t junction 50 yds shops car park small on right we meet in there
  9. The ace is a 65 mile for me so get on ya bike and ride LOL
  10. At the ace tomoz sunday dfor a brew and grub at approx 12.30
  11. Dont care me points on rossi and edwards noe
  12. Do not fear it gonna be all diff tomoz and sunday rossi edwards in top 3 with a n other
  13. Yes neil hope to bring 2 more from round me but at yours at 11
  14. Me and nman gonna run down on sunday lunch should be there approx 12.30 will be going A1 a510 circular route see ya there or give us a shout and can poss change route to meet up on way
  15. Morning neil sun meant to be best day me thinks ya fancy a run to ace for lunch ???? can go the scenic route again am out in morn with a L Plate freind of mine but can be wid u at 11 me thinks
  16. Morning neil sun meant to be best day me thinks ya fancy a run to ace for lunch ???? can go the scenic route again am out in morn with a L Plate freind of mine but can be wid u at 11 me thinks
  17. Yes lisa you can come one of the adults will keep an eye on ya
  18. Well a very small turn out tonite but hey ho these things happen, nice to meet ya jive sure will catch up wid ya again sometime, see ya laters peeps
  19. Sounds good jase top bad idea there mate
  20. Me thinks ya have mate should be there tomoz as long as dry
  21. Me am home slept now getting ready to go to work, did matt have another off ??? VIV AND DAN NICE TO MEET YA , hope next time better racing and better weather eh
  22. Me and neil sat talking to a fella selling a fazer with his son last week
  23. ya wait till september and go to the bmf end of season rally ya will get all sorts of good gear for half the price, full leaters from 100 quid just old designs they want to get rid off, helmets from 25 quid good ones that is, gloves from a fiver
  24. Look out for coco as well on a red deauville 08 plate ( colin )
  25. Confused ??????? i know it dont take a lot so we gonna meet ya in the lay by with mark yes
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