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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Well was a few bikes there last night, am sure the numbers will grow roll on sun and next weekend
  2. Second hand helmet ??????????????? NOT GOOD
  3. Looks like me and neil going tonite anybody else up for it ???????
  4. This is a yes for me on the sunday me and lad let us know where and when or if all going sat will be at pondy on the sunday
  5. Me prob going to snetterton for bsb mate
  6. Me thinks it poss more to do with the suns interpretation of what was said not what was meant, no story in somebody saying he doing great hope tp step up next year ??????????? is there ??????????
  7. Gonna be coming down on the sunday so if any northeners want to join in ya can stop at mine sat night and then ride down sun
  8. Me home what a fun day for me , but at least the bike is sorted and i still got to meet some peeps
  9. OH gloating now guess who not got lorenzo in his fantasy team
  10. Have to say used to think lorenzo was a super twonk, but since his move to the big class he proved he got what it takes and keeps his mouth shut he not slagging of his team mate is he. The spanish midget on the other hand blames everybody else for the bike not working, this dispite the fact that he was injured and could not do the testing on said bike. Hayden on the other hand puts loads of hard work into improve the honda and even when slated by his team mate stays proffesional. BUT EVEN MORE TO THE POINT 0.4 OFF LEAD ON A NEW TRACK STONKING PRACTISE JT
  11. Me think i gonna ride straight there so hope to see ya will have the forum fleece on
  12. Me deff be there got me daughter sorted so got sat free so see ya there
  13. Well sure there will be more soon just keep an eye on this space
  14. Well hope to make i now as pos get some things done on fri not sat morn so lookout for forum fleece
  15. Well of course misty we only coming to meet all these tp biker gals and lads down there
  16. Ok will have to see how sat morn goes if poss will pop over
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