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Posts posted by Boothy

  1. the bandit has 3 compared to the one that the YBR has! O.O so yea, I will be doing that lol





    Where's the 4th brake disc?


    Doh... I thought he was talking about downpipes.

  2. I mean if learners of all ages were allowed up to 33hp, on L plates and then without once the tests had been passed, and DAS was as it is now.


    No then, makes no sense, people would never take their test.


    How old are you boothy? I'm thinking you must be young and that you have only got a restricted bike. I did my das because I wanted a big fast bike, not a restricted one, and no, we dont want to be like the europeans who are already restricted. If your frightened of what a fast bike can do, then i suggest you keep to your 33bhp and leave everyone else to do has we please.

    Thanks for listening :up:


    Oh and just another point, not just me... 17 people voted yes.

  3. How old are you boothy? I'm thinking you must be young and that you have only got a restricted bike. I did my das because I wanted a big fast bike, not a restricted one, and no, we dont want to be like the europeans who are already restricted. If your frightened of what a fast bike can do, then i suggest you keep to your 33bhp and leave everyone else to do has we please.

    Thanks for listening :up:


    1) 17

    2) Yes could only have a restricted bike

    3) Bored out of my mind on a restricted bike - could argue I'm jealous that people are able to do DAS

    4) I started this thread not for that reason but because I saw a post about somebody getting a bike that IN MY OPINION was too big and a silly thing to do.

    5) Don't jump to conclusions, because if you had just read the thread you would have no looked so silly.

    Would just like to point out again I am NOT saying 33bhp.

  4. Don't direct all your opinions at me... 9 other people voted yes... Although I did start the thread I did it because I wanted to see what other people thought without going off topic.


    Am Kind of amazed by that


    It's because people no matter how old they are go for bikes that are way too much for them when they have had hardly any road time, as has come to light in recent threads.

    I'm not suggesting that people should have a 33BHP limit... just a limit to stop them getting very big bikes too soon, 100BHP or something like that, nor am I suggesting it should be 2 years.

  5. Restrictions after DAS would not work. If it would come into legislation, You may as well do your A2 when possible, And just wait the 2 years for your unlimited access, as im sure has been mentioned.

    If this came into action, Then surely anyone who passes their car test should be restricted to cars under a certain performance grade? until they have driven a lower performing one for a period of time?

    Nah it wouldn't work and everyone would just drive/ride illegally. Or even if someone was to persue getting a license it'd be a massive ballache and people would no doubt be put off, Reducing the amount of riders.

    I have no idea if i made sense or not. :P


    Well they have done it to everybody under 21.

  6. At 21 you are big enough and ugly enough to understand your actions have consequences.


    I see what you mean and to by honest I thought that by the age of 21 that people would know that it would be silly to be getting bikes that can match supercars for performance after only a few weeks of riding but recent posts/ people I've spoken to it has become clear that this is not the case.

  7. hi guys, bikerboy414 here, torque wrenches ftw! lol.

    wrist aching? why not try a little vaseline on the knuckles! lol.

    seriously though, my torque wrench has become pretty tarnished recently, but look no further for the solution my friends, grape juice! Yes you heard right, just regular old grape juice! leaves the shine, takes the grime.

    for those of you pinching the pennys, some homemade does the trick. http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/making_grape_juice/

    normal grapes too expensive? then how did you afford a bike.

    haha great!1!


    That is the strangest post I have ever seen.

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