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Posts posted by littlecat

  1. thermostats fine.

    having investigated further , the fan fuse was blown....

    I have continuity on the live, from connector to fuse....the neutral , from connector to switch...

    but im not able to get anything from the green earth to ground.

    im guessing wildly here , but looks like an earth problem, and that's about where my talent runs out.....helpppppp

  2. ok, had some 'issues ' with the cooling system on the cbr...including overheating and pretty much boiling the contents to the point you could make a cuppa each time I stopped ....but wont go into the whole long winded essay.

    have replaced the rad today ( which is way better than the old one|)...kept the original fan as when tested off the bike it works fine..

    whole system seems much happier today , but after leaving the bike to warm up until the needles almost off the gauge, the fans still not kicking in.

    where do I start looking next ???

  3. looks almost identical to the set ohjay and I have, we use it for bike to bike, sat nav, music, and taking the occasional call ( when dearest darling daughter forgets we're on a 200 mile run and has something she absolutely HAS to discuss right now).

    we've done London and back on one charge , and more recently Scotland, with them on constantly, and they've been brilliant.

  4. get yourself a decent riding handbook ( roadcraft is a good starting point) learn more about positioning for view, vanishing points , how to read the road etc.

    forget about speed, that comes later ( and isn't the be all and end all anyway) safety and smoothness should be your aim , once you feel confident, capable , and feel you are cornering smoothly and safely, you will naturally go a little faster.

    get your eyes up...look for the furthest vantage point , ( using both peripheral vision , and scanning to asses anything nearer ) , it does take practise, and so does overriding the natural survival instinct to roll off/.brake/change down... all things you don't want to be doing on a bike.

    go in slower if you find you're panicking, and keep a positive throttle all the way through...powering out after the apex .

    none of these things are inbuilt( unless you're one of the superbly awesome people who were brilliant from the minute they first sat on a bike).

    take your time, go play on a road where you can learn the bends, and just work on being smooth while you build confidence and perfect some of the techniques.

  5. iif you're going to plastic weld do it on the back, not the front, yes you can use a soldering iron, but be very gentle ( not tried it myself, and it does look tricky)

    id probably go for the fibreglass kit myself

  6. depends how much play there is...if its clunking, or catching on the pads, then its probably time for a replacement or repair ( not saying how i'd fix it... its a bit unorthodox and probably not recommended lol )

    forgot what the second question was ..:P

    id split that again, clean up all the crap , use fibreglass on the back , or plastic weld it...then if theres a noticeable amount of damage on the outside, use some kind of car filler, lots of grades of sandpaper ( or similar ) then respray/touch up ( or poor mans version... cover it in stickers :D )

  7. that's not constructive, and no way to teach anyone anything.

    if the worse thing you were doing was stopping when he shouted at you, then I think he was totally overreacting...which doesn't help you at all.

    have you tried ringing him since to discuss how you feel about the day?

    I would give that a shot...see how he responds( he may have just been having a really bad day, which still doesn't excuse his behaviour).

    if he still has the same attitude then I would definitely cut your losses, maybe do a get on as has been suggested , to get a little more time to get a feel for the controls, and then ask around for reccomendations, or even ring a few places and explain the experience you've had....you will get a sense of which school will be right for you by their responses to what's happened .

    good luck, and don't give up....we all learn in our own ways, and not getting something the first time is not a failure... it just means you need a little longer . plenty of people fail one ( or both ) mods first time... not being instantly perfect and needing more time for the cbt is no different

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