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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. looking at this picture is it possible they took the silencer off (not entire exhaust) to get easier access to rear spindle nut? http://m.bectrade.com/p/08/11708_Sell_125cc_motorcycle_JH125_7A.jpg I know on my Bike I cant get a socket on the nut and have to use a spanner which is a pain when it comes to torquing it back up
  2. my manual only tells me to inspect the forks every 20 months (or 5000 miles) so yours should last a damn site longer than 8 months
  3. interesting, will try lithium next time as an experiment
  4. dont drill you will only knack something I had exact same problem with my caliper, tried heat, hammering, penetration spray, everything I could but the pin wouldnt shift. I bought a set of easy out extractors like these http://images.esellerpro.com/2176/I/318/3/da70.jpg they bite down into the metal as you are trying to loosen the bolt and after a bit of hammering and sweating it came off. the new bolt got a hell of a lot of anti seize slathered on the threads
  5. keep things you have taken out together and spaced in the order they go as well
  6. cant see a problem there, wouldnt be obstructing anyone or anything so you might as well do it
  7. either would be ok, I think the instructor would just be happy that you didnt show up in shorts & t-shirt do you have proper footwear? race rep leathers with trainers would go down well i'm sure
  8. If a council warden sees it or whichever electric board comes to service the lamp you will get told to move it I expect, I think a copper would have to be very bored or in a bad mood to do anything if they saw it.
  9. if its been sat outside under a cover for a couple of years have a good luck at the frame and swingarm, could be very badly rusted. £300 - £400 sounds good to me
  10. ouch! sounds nasty, hope it mends well so you can be back on the saddle. p.s. Harleys might be a bit more comfy for you with the foot forward position
  11. you're in the top ten so quit your whining!
  12. that oil is perfectly fine, its the same I use in mine and i'm pretty sure Stu uses it too and he knows a hell of a lot more than me Some car oils have friction modifiers which affects a bikes clutch, I will stress though that its some not all.
  13. really no point messing about until this is done
  14. didnt you hear? the bottom 3 have to wash everyones bikes at the rally!
  15. though I'm not sure how long the spider oil will last
  16. decent result for your team maybe!!!
  17. from checking google 1 litre is correct , either 10/40 or 15/40 will do. changing oil is pretty important, my service book recommends every 5000 miles though I do mine a little more often as its only a 125 my bike only take 2 litres of oil so cost isnt really an issue like the bigger bikes. Its a good idea to change your oil filter at the same time, you dont have to but you might as well while your down there. I would say change your oil every 6 months as a guide, and dont get caught up in the fully synth, semi, dino, car or bike specific, 0 weight arguments, just stick some fresh oil in and ride it! ( when your leg allows ) I'm pretty sure that one of the more experienced members will chime in and give you better, more detailed and probably more correct advice but that is mine
  18. regular 10/40 would be fine, asda quite often do 4 litres of castrol for £10, cant go wrong
  19. have you checked the compression? even a finger test would be better than nothing
  20. I'm leaving it in my Wifes hands as its her Brother, by the time she's finished he will wish it was me having a go
  21. Brother in Law owes me £900 from December but cant afford to pay me it back yet, has just borrowed £2000 from his Mum to get a car which he is paying her back weekly. I have just seen on his Wifes Facebook a status update about their summer holiday plans. going to Paris for a week including Euro Disney then hiring a car and driving to Italy for two weeks
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