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Everything posted by klingelton

  1. I might stick some L-Plates on my Gillera-180 scooter and see what happens. That bike (180cc two stroke) will out accelerate most cars, but if they want to play silly buggers, i'm more than happy to park up, tap on the window and catch the whole conversation on helmet cam could you not get a ticking off from the boys in blue for sticking L-Plates on your bike, even though you're not a learner. I could have sworn i heard Russ from roadcraft nottingham say something to that effect on one of his videos.
  2. some manufacturers offer a conversion zip. get in touch with them.
  3. had a similar situation in a petrol station when a twat in an audi wanted to push past the worlds smallest gap between my bike and a car. he didn't expect a 15 stone 30 something year old to turn round and berate him, while shouting at him to engage his brain and then the reverse gear (he could easily have reversed out the petrol station). L-plates make it fair game to be picked on by other road users.
  4. I prefer to be in far far in front of them. They're obviously shite drivers!
  5. I've had one or two problems with filtering. I filter where I can and its appropriate (aside from cock ups) and the majority of people move out the way. The ones that don't are checking Facebook usually.
  6. Hayseed Dixie in anticipation of going to see them in holmfirth this weekend!
  7. looks much better now. I think the chrome helps with creating a flowing line down the side of the bike.
  8. it's plastic chrome effect anyway, so it's not going to pit. if it's not chipped, i say leave it.
  9. This is why I have my camera I've started to post some videos to youtube. I don't especially care if people get in trouble or not, i just want to highlight how dumb some people can be while operating a 2-tonne flesh-shredder!
  10. you got it in neutral when you start it? some bikes (most) will cut out if you have the kick stand down and 1st gear engaged.
  11. the second you said "not for the feint hearted." That's when I had to click it! I can't think how many times i've said not to go near that chain with the engine running and the bike in gear! ybr gear boxes are a little shite regarding false neutrals, i'd imagine that's what you had.
  12. i got one which was supposed to be good for heavy showers. it was as wet as an otters pocket after a light shower. i wouldn't entrust my iphone to any of those devices.
  13. congrats mate. i hope to be joining you in euphoria in a couple of weeks time
  14. don't over think it mate. eyes up for a full house, practice a couple more, look where you want the bike to go and it'll come around. you may have been going a little slowly. We're all entitled to fluff up a u-turn occasionally!
  15. That ukbike one that was listed yesterday is 5200, dodgy dealer putting a low price to get you to look...
  16. Cheers voodoo. I'll take a good look at those.
  17. Yeah, I'm a big girls blouse really and am completely risk averse!
  18. You might as well invest in some gear. You're keen to continue on and do your tests, the examiner can refuse to test you if he deems you're not wearing appropriate attire! It's been said before, you can get a second hand set of leathers off ebay for not alot of money. i paid £40 for a hein gericke jacket and trousers to go with and they're in good condition. the helmet, don't buy second hand. as already said, you only get 1 head, get the best you can afford. gloves wise, you will need a pair of summer gloves and a pair of winter - you won't need the winter gloves right away, but think about it when winter gets closer. Think about what happens when you're drunk and you fall over (happens alot!) think about the rash on your arm from a simple fall from stationary. now multiply that fall by a factor of 30 and that's about the damage from 10mph!! the final point is, the police are likely to pull you over and give you a talking to if you're not wearing the proper gear. They have to attend if you have an off and clean the road of your skin and bone. It's not a pleasant job and they're prefer not to do it! ultimately, it's your skin, and it's your choice.
  19. do you know - the best indicator as to what the price of a bike should be is ebay - that is what people are actually paying. I'd completely forgotten that until mentioned here. I'm going on ebay! maybe there's a street triple with my name on it (and it's cheap!)
  20. so I'm starting to ramp up my efforts in a bid to find my new steed of 2013. I've been looking (out of interest) for some time at the price of second hand bikes and in the last month, machines that would have cost 2300 are now costing 3000 and those that were 3000 are now 4000! I get that it's summer and people are out buying new bikes, but really. Am i really going to drop an extra £1000 on a bike just because it's summer? The yorkshire in me is saying "hold out till september and buy a street triple" but the speed freak in me says "BUY NOW!" which would you do?
  21. triple stress. life saver! when moving across the road, especially on slowing down for a junction, take a quick glance over that right shoulder before moving. Car drivers are knobs and may want to sneak up your right side if you're road positioning isn't perfect. on aproaching a right turn junction: 1. Check mirrors to see it's ok to manoeuvre. 2. Apply right turn signal. 3. Glance over your right shoulder. 4. Move into position if it's safe to do so. 5. Slow down the bike and be ready to stop, move through the gears. 6. If you have a clear view and the junction is clear, make progress. 7. If you need to stop, slip the bike into 1st gear and stop using front and back brake (depending on how fast you were approaching, if less than 5mph, just control brake will be sufficient, very light on the front brake) 8. Check it's clear to proceed and move off. Keep your head up and look where you want to go. you need drive to get the bike to come round, so don't be too precious with that power! 9. cancel right turn indicator and accelerate to a safe speed. take things slowly at first. your instructor should be filling your ear with exactly what he wants to see at the junction. I'm yet to do my mod 2, but im viewing it as a 40 min jolly on the road with an examiner in tow. I enjoy riding around for no good reason, so why should this be any different!
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