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Everything posted by klingelton

  1. if there is a line between the 2 panels (i.e. a small gap) then matching so closely won't be too much of an issue. it's mainly when you're repairing a section of a main panel, even then, you'd need to feather it in. i've taken a quick look online and the device you're after is a handheld spectrophotometer. they currently retail at around £2500... im sure they will have one at your local body shop though...
  2. yours is a pretty old bike, it's unlikely that the paint on yours won't have faded over the years. I'm pretty sure a good paint shop can tell you what the paint code needs to be now for a good match. Although i don't know how much they might charge for this service!
  3. been listening to Dragonforce, razorlight and a collection of random 70's and 80's rock bands.
  4. at the risk of sounding like martin lewis... I would pay off the bike, however if i had other debt at a higher rate than the 3% bandied around, i'd pay that off first. however, as someone who has recently got rid of a car because it was costing too much, i can't believe what a difference that extra £200-£400 a month makes. I no longer feel like i have a car that's grinding me into more and more debt!
  5. have fun. Bagsy burgle his house while he's away!
  6. yup, just saving a few extra pennies so i don't bankrupt myself. im planning on taking a few days off next month so i can get it all out the way. im getting sick of cycling now!
  7. Took my theory test on saturday just gone. I got to the test centre an enthusiastic 45 minutes early and they piled me straight in. 49/50 in the theory test section - no worries there. i dropped a few marks on the hazard perception - partly because of a gammy mouse and partly because of a sheep that should learn how to cross the damn road! Oh well! onwards to the next challenge - Mod 1!
  8. Never did see the point in jumping out of a fully functioning plane. I will save that for when the thing is going down! Track day for me.
  9. is that the copper doing the slalom course? I can't see it - im at work!
  10. approach the line, RELAX, turn your head, KEEP YOUR EYES UP!!! gently apply power keep your eyes up!! you can turn a cruiser on a dime, just have the faith!
  11. Relax and enjoy it. Listen and absorb what they say. I'd recommend taking a drink of some sort. It was a warm day when I did mine. If you're new to riding, it might be worth not taking your own lid, but using theirs. Then if you stuff it, you're stuffing their equipment! if you're worried about the quality of the equipment - or how many knits you're going to get - take your own. Certainly i've heard of a woman who took her shoei lid which cost her hundreds to the CBT on her first day and dropped the bike and smacked her head. i would imagine operating the clutch without operating the accellerator is with respect to "setting the gas" and allowing the clutch out slowly to find the bite. If you've driven a car - it's much the same principal except you can ride a bike clutch much more to control your slow speed. quite often you see people not balancing the gas and clutch or just dumping the clutch. there's examples of what happens there on youtube! I'm at work at the moment, so can't find the link. but woman and wheelchair granny are taken out!
  12. make your lifesaver over your left shoulder after your signal, before you position your bike to leave the roundabout. you signal as you pass the exit before the one you intend to leave on. Your instructor should really be telling you this stuff, if not either you're not asking or he's not tellin (get another instructor!)
  13. I got mine from J&S - seemed like a nice bunch of lads, ready to help out where needed, but also didn't pounce on me the second i walked through the door and allowed me to choose what i wanted. In fact - a good shopping experience. They have stores all over the country. You've probably heard this a million times as well, but the best lid is not necessarily the brand, but the one that fits the best.
  14. sounds like it's time to clean them carbs up good and proper. new fuel filter. anything else that can be done to give the system a good flush?
  15. torque wrench is over rated! i have a friend who follows the haynes manual to the letter. I'm a little more slap-dash, being too yorkshire to "splash out" on a torque wrench!
  16. I'm pretty sure I'm too fat to ride moto gp. And too old!
  17. Meatloaf - Paradise by the dashboard light. desperately trying to learn it for a wedding we have to play in a few weeks time and i still don't know the structure of the song! Apologies if it's your wedding we're playing! also listening to chris cornell in anticipation of seeing him doing an acoustic set on june 16th. on top of that - plenty of muse and dream theater, genesis and white snake! spotify is useful for tracking what you're listening to!
  18. i thought it was because i "disobeyed his order" as well. i've just never liked to labour an engine more than is necessary.
  19. I did my CBT up at Tommy bee, rawdon. I'm dubious about going back there for my DAS because some of the bikes seemed a little flakey. However the instructors were great guys - hence the dilemma!
  20. So when i did my CBT, first time on a geared bike i might add, mr chappie (instructor) was talking me through the bike and just as we're about to set off, he told me to set the revs and let the clutch out slowly. Instead of following exactly what he said, i increased the revs a little and let the clutch out, always maintaining the same revs by balancing the 2. His reaction to this was "hmm, That's interesting..." I'm just wondering why this reaction?!
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