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What would be the most effective means of reducing speeding?


<t>Which one would stop you from speeding?</t>  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one would stop you from speeding?

    • Fixed speed cameras.
    • Mobile speed cameras.
    • Adverts showing the consequences of speed in accidents.
    • Police stops and friendly warnings.
    • Instead of fines a days driver education course.
    • Increased use of speed limiting measures such as humps.
    • The removal of all warning signs and road markings.
    • A combination of all of the above.
    • None of the above.

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Fixed speed cameras - I know where the local ones are, and i know which ones don't work. I also have an app which tells you where they all are (as well as other things)

Adverts showing the consequences of speed in accidents - Better idea, it makes you think about the effect of what your speed has

The removal of all warning signs and road markings - this would surely make it worse? People would overtake in stupid places etc

So, a combination of adverts and driver ed courses. Maybe combined with friendly police stops


strange as it sounds, there are a few places that have done this and the driving has been better, remove the centre line and people naturally slow down as it unearve them, if you have nothing to tell you how the road is you have to start to drive/ride properly which naturally slows you down.


The removal of signage has my vote. It has been shown to dramatically increase concentration and a lack of concentration is the main cause of accidents.

One option I thought of adding was having a great big spike sticking out of the steering wheel of in the middle of the handlebars. That would get people to slow down and pay attention.

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The obvious item missing from the poll is 'set speed limits at a level which actually do represent the highest speed at which it is ever safe to travel on that stretch of road'.


+1, but that probably born out of resentment towards the ever expanding 40 and 50 limits that are taking over the NSLs.

To be honest the biggest constraint over me going over the speed limit is average speed cams on motorways, but then the remainder of the journey may well be done at excessive speed to make up for it. Let's be honest, I would have thought that anyone who does a reasonable commute on motorways would consider 90 - 100 to be a reasonably sensible pace (with suitable road conditions, obviously) and many dual carriageways aren't far short either.

Pushing the educating the effects of speeding would have zero percent effect on me I'm afraid, for as long as speeding is targeted with more gusto than ignorant careless drivers with scant regard for lane discipline.

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you forgot GPS tracking, anyone caught with a defective unit instant 10 year jail term.


HA! I've seen murderers get less...

Why dont they bring hanging back just for bikers then, given they are putting the whole thing in a noose anyway!

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The obvious item missing from the poll is 'set speed limits at a level which actually do represent the highest speed at which it is ever safe to travel on that stretch of road'.


Using whose definition of safe? Traffic engineers country-wide are already doing this, but they use "safe" as presently defined and people are still dying and getting injured.

"Highest speed at which it is ever safe" would lead to 5mph on all urban roads as it's the highest you would want to travek is a party of school kids were walking along the road, or the dustbin lorry was ahead of you :wink:

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None of the options, What would stop me speeding is my right hand...throttle and brake and the knowledge that doing it will have consequences I don`t want or would have to put up with if I did. It`s called using your brain

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The obvious item missing from the poll is 'set speed limits at a level which actually do represent the highest speed at which it is ever safe to travel on that stretch of road'.


Using whose definition of safe? Traffic engineers country-wide are already doing this, but they use "safe" as presently defined and people are still dying and getting injured.

"Highest speed at which it is ever safe" would lead to 5mph on all urban roads as it's the highest you would want to travek is a party of school kids were walking along the road, or the dustbin lorry was ahead of you :wink:


Precisely, it’s a fantastic idea, but maximum safe speed is a matter of opinion and of course affected by many constantly changing variables. In my opinion I don’t believe an agreement would ever be reached on the matter.

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So relaxing speeding offences when an officer determines that the level of danger is reduced might be the better idea.

Ill give an example, on the M6 at 3am I was heading back to Northampton on my CBR600. I admit openly I was doing 85-90mph and I got pulled over.

The officer asked me if I knew what speed I was doing, so I apologised and admitted I knew I was speeding, but felt it was ok to do so with no one ahead of me and no one behind me on an open motorway with only myself to blame if i get it wrong.

He acknowledged my reason and said the law is the law BUT as it appeared I was not being reckless and i was no threat to anyone I got told to go on my way but slow down. So I did as he said and off I went.

I appreciated this level of understanding and would love it to take hold. So if I get pulled over like that again in the same circumstances an officer can say "you were speeding, that breaks the law but given the circumstances today you will only get the fine".

Let common sense prevail :)

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they need to re-calculate the speed limits as the current ones were set 40 years ago and modern vehicles have progressed no-end since then, the current limits are all way to LOW and should be at least 10MPH higher.



its hard enough trying to stop some of our buses when a car pulls out in front of you at 30 so can you imagine what its like at 40!! then you have HGV's too!

the speed limits are set for ALL vehicles not just cars and bikes

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they need to re-calculate the speed limits as the current ones were set 40 years ago and modern vehicles have progressed no-end since then, the current limits are all way to LOW and should be at least 10MPH higher.



its hard enough trying to stop some of our buses when a car pulls out in front of you at 30 so can you imagine what its like at 40!! then you have HGV's too!

the speed limits are set for ALL vehicles not just cars and bikes


Which is why these vehicles have different speed limits



So relaxing speeding offences when an officer determines that the level of danger is reduced might be the better idea.

Ill give an example, on the M6 at 3am I was heading back to Northampton on my CBR600. I admit openly I was doing 85-90mph and I got pulled over.

The officer asked me if I knew what speed I was doing, so I apologised and admitted I knew I was speeding, but felt it was ok to do so with no one ahead of me and no one behind me on an open motorway with only myself to blame if i get it wrong.

He acknowledged my reason and said the law is the law BUT as it appeared I was not being reckless and i was no threat to anyone I got told to go on my way but slow down. So I did as he said and off I went.

I appreciated this level of understanding and would love it to take hold. So if I get pulled over like that again in the same circumstances an officer can say "you were speeding, that breaks the law but given the circumstances today you will only get the fine".

Let common sense prevail :)


Poor obsevation for not spotting the copper though. I wonder what else you missed? 8-)[

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Poor obsevation for not spotting the copper though. I wonder what else you missed? 8-)[


Im not studying the sides of the road, Im looking forward with a check of my mirrors every now and then so I know whats in front of me and behind me to make good decisions :thumb:

Though if you must know it was on the banked bend on the M6 toll to be precise, I came round and he was there and I saw him realising it was too late and pointless to brake so I rolled off and went by and saw him pull out behind me. I then had a good idea he was going to pull me over.

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they need to re-calculate the speed limits as the current ones were set 40 years ago and modern vehicles have progressed no-end since then, the current limits are all way to LOW and should be at least 10MPH higher.



its hard enough trying to stop some of our buses when a car pulls out in front of you at 30 so can you imagine what its like at 40!! then you have HGV's too!

the speed limits are set for ALL vehicles not just cars and bikes


Which is why these vehicles have different speed limits


yes in the national speed limit areas :roll:

a large vehicle can do 30 in a 30 and 40 in a 40 etc etc

so if a built up area was changed to a 40 a HGV could go down their at 40 not something i would advise :?

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I would like to see a progressive licence system brought in that had more categories. More competent and able road users allowed more leeway. Restrict vehicles, similar to the way bikes are, till the driver passes competence tests, get too many points and you get down graded to a Reliant restricted to 30mph, keep doing it and you're on powered roller skates mate.

Most people just need transport. Passing one test that lets you drive anything is too simple. A decent family saloon performs like a 60's formula one car. Doing the school run in a vehicle that would have out performed Sterling Moss is a strange concept.

The easiest way to slow traffic down is to not repair the roads, then we'll all get shook to bits 8-)

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I would like to see a progressive licence system brought in that had more categories. More competent and able road users allowed more leeway. Restrict vehicles, similar to the way bikes are, till the driver passes competence tests, get too many points and you get down graded to a Reliant restricted to 30mph, keep doing it and you're on powered roller skates mate.

Most people just need transport. Passing one test that lets you drive anything is too simple. A decent family saloon performs like a 60's formula one car. Doing the school run in a vehicle that would have out performed Sterling Moss is a strange concept.

The easiest way to slow traffic down is to not repair the roads, then we'll all get shook to bits 8-)


I agree with this, it would be a better system, on top of this I would still add the officer use common sense when deciding if to issue a fine or a fine and points. It would smooth things out quite a bit.

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I would like to see a progressive licence system brought in that had more categories. More competent and able road users allowed more leeway. Restrict vehicles, similar to the way bikes are, till the driver passes competence tests, get too many points and you get down graded to a Reliant restricted to 30mph, keep doing it and you're on powered roller skates mate.

Most people just need transport. Passing one test that lets you drive anything is too simple. A decent family saloon performs like a 60's formula one car. Doing the school run in a vehicle that would have out performed Sterling Moss is a strange concept.

The easiest way to slow traffic down is to not repair the roads, then we'll all get shook to bits 8-)


I like that, a reward system. For every 5 years you drive with any convictions you get another point added to your total, so you go from 12 to 13 etc and so if you do make a mistake once in a blue moon it is harder for you to get banned than someone who commits traffic offences more often. So I would now need 16 points before I could be banned.

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The officer asked me if I knew what speed I was doing, so I apologised and admitted I knew I was speeding, but felt it was ok to do so with no one ahead of me and no one behind me on an open motorway with only myself to blame if i get it wrong.


Was he in a helicopter? :wink:

It's a bit idealistic again though. Your idea of "safe" is quite likely to be different to his idea of "safe". So how do you reconcile the difference in opinion? How do you legislate for an ever changing speed limit that relies on an individual's opinion?

You can't, which is why we have speed limits determined by traffic engineers that are applied universally. That way we all know where we are, and there's no room for confusion to catch us out.

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The officer asked me if I knew what speed I was doing, so I apologised and admitted I knew I was speeding, but felt it was ok to do so with no one ahead of me and no one behind me on an open motorway with only myself to blame if i get it wrong.


Was he in a helicopter? :wink:

It's a bit idealistic again though. Your idea of "safe" is quite likely to be different to his idea of "safe". So how do you reconcile the difference in opinion? How do you legislate for an ever changing speed limit that relies on an individual's opinion?

You can't, which is why we have speed limits determined by traffic engineers that are applied universally. That way we all know where we are, and there's no room for confusion to catch us out.


I disagree on that. You can do 70mph going to Dumbarton on a dual carriageway with direct access to people's driveways and a pavement running the length of it and 50mph going to Sirling on the M80 with no pedestrians, sliproad access only and a hard shoulder.

Some villages in Argyll have 30mph speed limits, others 40 and others 60. There is no rhyme or reason to which village gets which.

These huge inconsistences do cause problems.

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Not only that but how can they say that upto now 40 is safe but tomoro cos we changed the sign 40 is too dangerous as is 35 so its now a 30 no accidents just someones opinion, before long way thungs are going anything over a 30 will be unlawful but in no way more safe.

Reducing speed limits dumbs down peoples skill levels, and that can cause problems when these people decide to venture onto a motorway or fast dual carrigeway...they shit themselves!

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Not read the whole lot (lazy) but simply GPS system dialled into the engine management system that maxes out the vehicles top speed depending on the GPS location/road speed..




And that would be time to quit!

They looked into something like that and it was deemed to dangerous for motorcycles.

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Not read the whole lot (lazy) but simply GPS system dialled into the engine management system that maxes out the vehicles top speed depending on the GPS location/road speed..




And that would be time to quit!

They looked into something like that and it was deemed to dangerous for motorcycles.


they should turn bikes into 3 wheelers!

Yeah sod the bikers, bunch of craxzy half wit middle aged doddering old sods!


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You can't, which is why we have speed limits determined by traffic engineers that are applied universally. That way we all know where we are, and there's no room for confusion to catch us out.


I disagree on that. You can do 70mph going to Dumbarton on a dual carriageway with direct access to people's driveways and a pavement running the length of it and 50mph going to Sirling on the M80 with no pedestrians, sliproad access only and a hard shoulder.

Some villages in Argyll have 30mph speed limits, others 40 and others 60. There is no rhyme or reason to which village gets which.

These huge inconsistences do cause problems.


I meant "applied universally to all traffic using that particular road, unless a lower limit is applicable to a particular vehicle type".

The different limits applying to similar stretches of road will be due to traffic engineering differences on those roads and/or the accident record on a particular road. Limits will often be applied where local opinion is brought to bear on the Highways Agency (or it's equivalent in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

If anyone feels that a low limit is wrongly imposed on a particular road they are free to lobby to get it changed. Contact your local authorities highway authority in the first instance, they will often be able to save you wasting time as they can explain why a limit is in force on a particular stretch of road. I've helped to successfully increase the limit a couple of times, and had lower limits imposed a few times, although as a councillor it was a little easier than as a member of public.

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I think its all wrong.

Darwin is the answer. Natural selection. Let people ride as fast as they want. Those that ride beyond their limit will remove themselves from the gene pool. Ultimately we will breed people that can ride safely very quickly.

Seriously though the ultimate answer (assuming we are in favour of big brother telling us what we can and cant do) is to have GPS speed limiters fitted to all vehicles. But when that happens I think I will emigrate. Until then I would rather have coppers with a little common sense deciding whether my speed is inappropriate.


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