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Well that was fun!

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I turn up to the long awaited BikeSafe course today, 5 minutes early after having trouble with work trying to get tonight off (as I would not have the day to sleep like I usually would) to find 8 police motorbikes and a load of regular motorbikes parked the other side of a closed barrier, so here is my first obstacle, getting into the place. People had started to walk away from their bikes and I had no idea where they were going so I needed to get in there as quick as possible and follow them like the stalker I am to find out where they were going.

A police officer points to a gap between the wall, its a path with a concrete bollard in the middle of it with room either side just wide enough for a wheelchair with a kid playing with his scooter in said gap. The boy, seeing the cop pointing, looks at me and stops playing so doing a shoulder check and seeing more pedestrians approaching. I think to hell with it and squeeze through before any other foot traffic gets there and park up.

Now, I had presumed we would get straight onto the bikes, and had used the ride up to warm up the tyres (that was fun) but instead we were in for a two hour presentation. It wasnt too bad, "interactive and engaging" I believe is what I wrote on the feedback form, with a few breaks in between with free coffee and biscuits.

After the presentation it was a quick dash to the local supermarket to get some lunch before heading back for the police to check the documents, eye test blah blah blah.

When I get back I feel a bit left out and try to fit in, however I fear it didnt work too well...


(sorry about the britishmotovlogger "signature" in the corner, I cba to find the origonal photo. (Shameful plug or sincere apology?))

I hear a guy asking about leaving stuff in the classroom and the answer being that the room is locked whilst they are out so they can leave what ever they want there, so on asking the cop I was with if it was going to rain or not, and him answering "no" I left my waterproofs, food and drink in my bag in the room.

I hand him my documents and realise I had forgotten my MOT certificate. He doesnt even realise, followed by the eye site test. "look out there" he says, pointing to the window and the bikes, one with the numberplate facing us, but at least 5 times the legal distance to be able to read it away so I am panicking that I cant read it. "you see some bikes?" he says. "Yea" I reply. "Good, you can see then". And finally onto making sure the bikes are legal. "Well, its got an engine" he says from a distance. Yea, its fine"

So off we go. Two bikes to one cop. One in front and one behind said cop. Luckly I am behind because I dont fancy a cop in my mirrors!

Sitting at an annoying 10mph under the speed limit the whole way, the woman in front on her old restricted GPZ is making a few mistakes, which is expected in the first couple of minutes when doing something like this, but after about 20 minutes we pull over in a supermarket car park. Nice and public so we get some accusing looks from passers by who think we have been pulled over.

Next its my turn to go in front! "OK, so out of here, turn left, then left at the roundabout, right at the next roundabout" blah blah blah. I look at him blankly. "Look in your mirrors and see which indicator I have on". "Ok, cool".

Before we can set off it starts to rain. I look down, and then back up to see the eyes of the police officer looking back at me. "You!" I say, with an accusing voice. "You said it wouldn't rain!".

Anyway, we set off to rain on the inside and outside of my visor, and the visor starting to steam up... It takes me a few minutes to feel comfortable riding on the wet roads (I hate riding in the wet) and to have a police motorcycle right up your ass (Seriously there were quite a few times I thought he was going into the back of me) but I get into the flow of things for a good 10-15 miles, getting my road positioning right, observing more than I usually would (I normally look out for movement in driveways/roads etc, but I was actively looking in driveways etc on the day).

We then pull in to a gravel section just off the road to have another chat and whilst its raining, hide in the bushes. He says I am doing well, cant really think of anything to say to improve on but to keep scanning everything to observe all that I can. A minute or two of chatting and a group of about 15 classic, over polished, two-wheeled beasts park up on the gravel next to us, one of them runs under the trees next to us to put his waterproofs on, all of them thinking we have been pulled over.


By this time it was getting towards the time we needed to be back, so we decided to brave the rain in our non-waterproofs and instead of pulling over to swap the person at the front with the person with the back, we decided to do it on the move. So when it becomes my time to go in front again, the police officer goes to the front of the group, and then I overtake the woman in front of me who kindly slows down and pulls over, and then time to overtake the cop, who is sitting at 60mph on a 60mph road. Before the ride he made it VERY clear that we should stick to speed limits, so I was a bit weary of how I should proceed. I decided it was a lovely straight road in perfect conditions (it had stopped raining and dried up by this point) with one oncoming car, so I waited for the car to pass and bravely overtook the marked police officer at just over 70mph, hoping that he wouldn't have a word when we got back. Now I was in front again, and remembering him saying "ride like you would normally" so following a car doing 45 in a 60, I wait for a down hill section where I have a good view ahead and see a nice big gap so decide to overtake. By the time I am committed and next to the car I am overtaking, I am sure he started speeding up (probably due to now going downhill) which means the gap is getting smaller and quicker than anticipated, which means I then accelerate to over the speed limit to complete the manouver. I get back in in time but the oncoming car gives a flash of his lights.

When we got back the police officer informed me that not only was it a bit too close for comfort, but I also overtook at a junction (which admittedly I did not see) but luckly did not pull out the "cop card" of "overtaking on a junction is illegal, speeding is illegal" etc, but at the end of it all IAM and Max rider were giving speeches on advanced training, and giving vouchers with a tenner off, so I think I will take one of them up on their offer as I am obviously still in need of a bit of training.

I would suggest that anyone who has not done a bikesafe course, to go along as everyone there said they feel more confident after the session (including me) and feel safer and more aware of whats going on.

By the way, 120 miles were covered that day, 70 of which were on the course, the rest were getting to and from the course. They said to expect to do about 90 miles, but we were chatting for a long time when we stopped.

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thanks for that alex... i have mine booked for this sunday, so its cool to know what to expect....kinda expecting some frustration regarding the speed limits etc, and a few dissaproving glances at the r6 lmao... but overall really loooking forward to it

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are they in voice contact the whole time ??

I was expecting them to be, but no. Thats why they pull you over for a chat every so often. (dont worry, they dont use the blue lights) and they have never given out a ticket on a course, so even though you would be sticking to 60, they arent going to fine you for going over, and you will find it very hard to go over with a cop sat behind you.

You get used to it very quickly.

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From what I remember some forces charge and some don't, some areas do not run the scheme at all. Places are normally limited and you may have to get on the waiting list.

I tried to do one a while back when I was instructing, just to see what it was like and have a giggle, but it was cancelled due to the riots. Can't honestly be bothered now and IMHO traffic police are not the riders they would have you believe they are...

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IMHO traffic police are not the riders they would have you believe they are...

I always wondered about that. Are they police first who have learn to ride, or are they bikers who joined the police??

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The cost is different per force. Mine was £35, others can be £60, others free.

As for the riders, We were told on the day that it takes them something like 18 months of training to be able to ride at the level which they are able to be involved in a chase (which everyone is trained up to eventually). They have to do 9 months ofcar training, and then 9 months of motorbike training. The guys there are already bikers I believe, but I would assume you would be a biker to want to get into being apolice biker. I doubt someone who was in the trafficdepartment of the police force that was in a car would want to get onto bikes if they didnt already have one or an interest in them at least. I would also presume they would have to have a bike licence before hopping on a police bike for the advanced training

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I always wondered about that. Are they police first who have learn to ride, or are they bikers who joined the police??


Normally already bikers with a licence but I don't think they are too fussy about experience.

I remember one programme a while back (Emergency Bikers maybe) where a female officer had joined the bike team, she hadn't riden for years and then nothing bigger than a 250cc! Scary...

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ours was 60, some are much cheaper , and some also include a discount towards iams....as far as i understand it it can help with your insurance, as they always ask if you have done extra courses and bikesafe is listed

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Ours is £10, the theory is about 4 weeks before the practical though. not sure if this is good or bad. Obviously time to practise (if the weather's good). Looking forward to it though.

As for police bikers not being all you think they are... I guess everyone to their own... have you ridden with any?

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As for police bikers not being all you think they are... I guess everyone to their own... have you ridden with any?


Yes, otherwise I wouldn't of made the comment :wink:

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As for police bikers not being all you think they are... I guess everyone to their own... have you ridden with any?


Yes, otherwise I wouldn't of made the comment :wink:

We've obviously just had different ends of the quality scale. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone know if the bikesafe course actually gets you a discount on insurance?

Having done the course I think it (my officer at least) was a waste of time so hoping at least it can be useful for something. I can't see an option on any insurance comparison sites (although i remember seeing advanced options ages ago).

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