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No luck with instructors...

Guest Savanna1702

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I have had the worst luck finding a bike instructor. :( I was going to A1 motorbike school in Gateshead who were good, I passed my mod 1 with them but they stopped doing evening lessons (which is the only time i had free for it). So i moved to another school (which shall remain nameless!) the guys are total pr!cks there. They overtake me doing wheelies to show off, give minimal instruction when we're out and charge me for a 2 hour slot when I was only actually out for an hour and 20 minutes. :x

I decided i want to sit my test in Aberdeen instead as I'm much more familiar with the roads there (having only lived in Newcastle for a year) so I had a couple of lesson last weekend with a recommended bike instructor in Aberdeen. The lesson on Saturday was brilliant - i learned SO much that i'd never been told in all my time down here. But the lesson on sunday was a complete disaster.... :cry: I was out with an older man (the most arrogant, rude horrible man ive ever met) and as well as a series of minor mistakes, he made a couple of serious mistakes (pulling out at a roundabout on front of a car so it had to stop, and stopping dead in the right hand lane of a dual carriageway for no reason with cars all around him blasting their horns) the instructor had the biggest row with him, he argued back & they had the worst screaming match at the side of the road. Wound up, the instructor then put me in the lead instead and took all his frustration out on me....

He was picking me up for EVERYTHING -I couldnt win - I wasnt speeding up quick enough after roundabouts, then i was speeding up too quick.....I was too close to parked cars, then too far from parked cars.....there are just too many examples to write down - but because he got me so upset, i started making more silly mistakes like stalling. When we got back - he ripped me apart but said nothing to the old guy. What made it worse was that my boyfriend was there to pick me up and heard it all. I was almost in tears, I've never been shouted at/sworn at or ripped apart like that before. And the thing is - I'm not bad on a bike, it was so unjustified. Ive never dropped a bike, ive never done anything dangerous or made any silly mistakes - i love riding and i want to be a good rider more than anything

Nothing was said to the old guy and his mistakes were a million times worse than my minor ones. I feel like its totally set me back for my test which is NEXT WEEK :shock: I now dont feel ready or confident. I was contemplating just giving up completely, I was so upset. :crybaby:

I've just had no luck with instructors. And because ive chopped and changed, ive missed out on a lot of instruction and had to teach myself everything. I had never done an angle start before (didnt even know it was possible) and the instructor at the weekend went MENTAL at me for not locking my handle bars at a juntion. :(

Anyway, rant over. I'll try and put that behind me and sit my test although i am dreading it now. :(

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Hi Savannah

That's a majorly bad experience on many levels. I have a test to do soon and hope I don't get that type of treatment.

I hope you get over it soon and are ready for the test next week. Just tell yourself that bad instructors are not worth dwelling on and concentrate on the many good points of your riding skills you mentioned.

I can't help with any good instructors in your area but I'm sure someone on the forum will be able to.

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That sounds terrible.

Not sure what I'd do about the one's in Newcastle area, but I'd be having a serious word with your new school in Aberdeen. If you need your b/f there as well then take him along (or do it over the phone) and give him the biggest dressing down for his behaviour possible.

Chances are the instructor already know's he acted like a prick and it hoping you don't pick him up on it. Seems like he's a good guy other than when old guy is there?

Hope you get it sorted and good luck with your test. If anything, just keep in mind it can't go worse than sunday's lesson!


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Anyway, rant over. I'll try and put that behind me and sit my test although i am dreading it now. :(


There are some idiots out there who think its ok to boss people about, but there is never an excuse to shout and swear in a professional situation, especially not at a lady!

Swearing just demonstrates lack of vocabulary, and shouting demonstrates lack of self control… its their problem, not yours

Don’t let these egotistical idiot instructors set you back. you know you can ride, you know you are safe, so just read up on everything that’s likely to come up in the test, and practice when ever you get the chance, and go into the test with confidence :)

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same thing happend on my cbt (not quite as unaceptable as you describe though!!)

report them to the law or trading standards or something, its f*cking discusting behaviour and PAYING CUSTOMERS do not have to put up with it.

formal complaints?

is there a bike instructors association or something? if so get them involved too?

dont stand for it.

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Well, the thing with the aberdeen guy is that he IS an excellent instructor - he trains you up to 110% so that if you only perform to 80% of your ability on the test because of nerves, then you'll still pass no bother. He is good. BUT he should have taken that bad mood out on the guy that caused it...!!!!! The old guy actually stood next to the instructor nodding his head when he was criticising me!!!! I could have punched him!!!! :evil:

Another example, i was riding along to a T-junction - I saw a stop sign so I started slowing and going down the gears to get ready for stopping....and he started SCREAMING in my ear "LOOK AT THE SIGN - LOOK AT THE SIGN - LOOK AT THE SIGN" - I started to freak out and look around thinking i'd missed an important sign - but it was actually the "Stop" sign that i was already preparing for....when we got back he quizzed me asking what sign i thought he was talking about.....I hadnt ran the stop sign, I was preparing to stop....what was the issue there?!!!! But stupidly - i didnt speak up for myself and let him rip me for that too....!!! :(

I think he knew that he'd been harsh after he calmed down as he knocked money off my lesson, but the damage was done. How do you rebuild confidence after something like that?

I only have 2 lessons left - one with "wheelie" guy in Gateshead and one with "shouting" man in Aberdeen. Dreading both...!!

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my view is that everything you say is good about him is what anyone should expect as a minimum from an instructor

but loosing your temper on the job and being this much of a C*&T is simply not aceptable and personally i'd have a damn good go at getting him fired, its what he deserves

i'd get a video of mr wheely for the local constabularys veiwing pleasure.

hope it doesnt happen to you again!

Much luck for your test! :)


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my view is that everything you say is good about him is what anyone should expect as a minimum from an instructor

but loosing your temper on the job and being this much of a C*&T is simply not aceptable and personally i'd have a damn good go at getting him fired, its what he deserves

i'd get a video of mr wheely for the local constabularys veiwing pleasure.

hope it doesnt happen to you again!

Much luck for your test! :)



Aw, thank you! :cheers:

I forgot to mention I already got an instructor fired....I SWEAR I HAVE NO LUCK WITH THESE GUYS?! Has no one else seriously had any problem?!! Just me?!! :scratch:

Well this was my second ever lesson on a bike bike (after my CBT) and an instructor took me out on a grade 6 ride when I wasnt even a grade 1 rider - through rush hour traffic. No instruction from him at all, he just sat behind and laughed everytime I stalled or did something stupid like ride straight into a kerb!! I had to figure out hill starts on my own with a line of angry beeping cars behind me & he even had me doing 70mph on the motorway....!! I was terrified!!!! :shock: He had forgotten to check what level I was at and was fired. (I can laugh about that one now...!!)

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my view is that everything you say is good about him is what anyone should expect as a minimum from an instructor

but loosing your temper on the job and being this much of a C*&T is simply not aceptable and personally i'd have a damn good go at getting him fired, its what he deserves

i'd get a video of mr wheely for the local constabularys veiwing pleasure.

hope it doesnt happen to you again!

Much luck for your test! :)



Aw, thank you! :cheers:

I forgot to mention I already got an instructor fired....I SWEAR I HAVE NO LUCK WITH THESE GUYS?! Has no one else seriously had any problem?!! Just me?!! :scratch:

Well this was my second ever lesson on a bike bike (after my CBT) and an instructor took me out on a grade 6 ride when I wasnt even a grade 1 rider - through rush hour traffic. No instruction from him at all, he just sat behind and laughed everytime I stalled or did something stupid like ride straight into a kerb!! I had to figure out hill starts on my own with a line of angry beeping cars behind me & he even had me doing 70mph on the motorway....!! I was terrified!!!! :shock: He had forgotten to check what level I was at and was fired. (I can laugh about that one now...!!)


LOL, should have laid the bike down in the middle of the road, and got a cab back to the test center, leaving the instructor to deal with two bikes and a queue of cars!! :twisted:

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you're not alone ... i actually had a massive problem even finding a school/instructor that would take me for DAS.. i think despite most bikers great attitudes to girls on bikes, it isnt neccessarily the same for instructors.

Granted i needed a fully lowered bike, so some may not have been able to accomodate me.. but there were just as many who simply didnt want to ...Luckily im a bloody minded determined little cow and didnt stop till i found the right place for me.. and the place i eventually used couldnt have been better.

Do Not let some a**hole with an attitude dent your confidence.. you already know your mistakes were not that big, and that it was him unsettling you.

If you must use him on the day of your test... insist on having a space between riding to the test centre and your slot.. so you can walk off for an hour and clear your head...then take great pleasure in telling him what you thought of his crap attitude after you get that pass cert in your hand.

good luck with it.. believe in yourself , and dont let the buggers put you off

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you're not alone ... i actually had a massive problem even finding a school/instructor that would take me for DAS.. i think despite most bikers great attitudes to girls on bikes, it isnt neccessarily the same for instructors.

Granted i needed a fully lowered bike, so some may not have been able to accomodate me.. but there were just as many who simply didnt want to ...Luckily im a bloody minded determined little cow and didnt stop till i found the right place for me.. and the place i eventually used couldnt have been better.

Do Not let some a**hole with an attitude dent your confidence.. you already know your mistakes were not that big, and that it was him unsettling you.

If you must use him on the day of your test... insist on having a space between riding to the test centre and your slot.. so you can walk off for an hour and clear your head...then take great pleasure in telling him what you thought of his crap attitude after you get that pass cert in your hand.

good luck with it.. believe in yourself , and dont let the buggers put you off

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LOL, should have laid the bike down in the middle of the road, and got a cab back to the test center, leaving the instructor to deal with two bikes and a queue of cars!! :twisted:

PMSL....thats hilarious!!! Why didn't I think of that?! Will definitely keep that in mind for my next lesson with that guy...!!!



you're not alone ... i actually had a massive problem even finding a school/instructor that would take me for DAS.. i think despite most bikers great attitudes to girls on bikes, it isnt neccessarily the same for instructors.

Granted i needed a fully lowered bike, so some may not have been able to accomodate me.. but there were just as many who simply didnt want to ...Luckily im a bloody minded determined little cow and didnt stop till i found the right place for me.. and the place i eventually used couldnt have been better.

Do Not let some a**hole with an attitude dent your confidence.. you already know your mistakes were not that big, and that it was him unsettling you.

If you must use him on the day of your test... insist on having a space between riding to the test centre and your slot.. so you can walk off for an hour and clear your head...then take great pleasure in telling him what you thought of his crap attitude after you get that pass cert in your hand.

good luck with it.. believe in yourself , and dont let the buggers put you off


Aw, thank you for that kind message! Its kind of comforting to know i'm not the only one who's had problems with instructors. It did cross my mind that maybe it was a "girl" thing. :(

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LOL, should have laid the bike down in the middle of the road, and got a cab back to the test center, leaving the instructor to deal with two bikes and a queue of cars!! :twisted:

PMSL....thats hilarious!!! Why didn't I think of that?! Will definitely keep that in mind for my next lesson with that guy...!!!



you're not alone ... i actually had a massive problem even finding a school/instructor that would take me for DAS.. i think despite most bikers great attitudes to girls on bikes, it isnt neccessarily the same for instructors.

Granted i needed a fully lowered bike, so some may not have been able to accomodate me.. but there were just as many who simply didnt want to ...Luckily im a bloody minded determined little cow and didnt stop till i found the right place for me.. and the place i eventually used couldnt have been better.

Do Not let some a**hole with an attitude dent your confidence.. you already know your mistakes were not that big, and that it was him unsettling you.

If you must use him on the day of your test... insist on having a space between riding to the test centre and your slot.. so you can walk off for an hour and clear your head...then take great pleasure in telling him what you thought of his crap attitude after you get that pass cert in your hand.

good luck with it.. believe in yourself , and dont let the buggers put you off


Aw, thank you for that kind message! Its kind of comforting to know i'm not the only one who's had problems with instructors. It did cross my mind that maybe it was a "girl" thing. :(

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Yours is not the first experience I have heard of like this. It must surely be isolated to Bike instructors? (mine were excellent though, I was obviously lucky) No other people in the country take your money to teach you something, and then shout and swear at you surely?

I must admit, if I was paying somebody good money and they had a temper tantrum at me they would be told they were unprofessional and had seen the last of my money (as well as being told in no uncertain terms if they EVER talk to me like that again they will end up sat on their arse)

How do these people stay in business?

If it were me, and you are set on going back to him, I would have a word before the next lesson. I would be doing all the talking and he would be doing all the listening and he would be damn sure where he stood at the end of the conversation. You are there to be taught (and the odd sharp word can go along with that) not to be bullied to make him feel like the big man.

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i think it is , partly at least, and very unfortunately, 'a girl thing'.

on the day of my mod 2, after both i , and the other guy who came with the same instructor, passed, we were riding back when our instructor ( who i have to say was brilliant) decided to stop off and say hi to some other instructors he knew who were doing cbt training in a local carpark... and when i opened my visor , one of them actually ran over and squealed...' oh look , its a girl !'.

i found it all rather humourous tbh, but they didnt seem to find the strapping lad who had also just passed to be a novelty.. just me !

and as for the schools that snorted in derision when i wanted to do DAS... i have a deep desire to go back to them ( they have bikeshops attached )... on the r6, take up lots of their time enquiring about very expensive mods... then not so politely point out why i will be spending my money elsewhere :D...will do it soon as i have a free weekend when im not riding my big scary unsuitable motorbike :lol:

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I haven't read all of the replies, but you should report these people to the DSA. Either that or at least talk the owner of the schools about the individual instructors. You can't let them get away with this terrible behaviour.

I hope everthing turns out good for you in the end.

Good luck.

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I haven't read all of the replies, but you should report these people to the DSA.



Do this ASAP while the details are firm in your mind otherwise nothing will change.

Having worked in this industry I can tell you that it is filled with a large number of t**ts. There are also some great instructors out there but finding them is hard.

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Having worked in this industry I can tell you that it is filled with a large number of t**ts. There are also some great instructors out there but finding them is hard.


What do you think it is about the job that makes some instructors behave like this??

I wonder how many people are put off by rude/arrogant instructors??? these idiot instructors are harming our sport - they need to be dealt with so that more people are not put off biking :evil:

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Having worked in this industry I can tell you that it is filled with a large number of t**ts. There are also some great instructors out there but finding them is hard.


What do you think it is about the job that makes some instructors behave like this??

I wonder how many people are put off by rude/arrogant instructors??? these idiot instructors are harming our sport - they need to be dealt with so that more people are not put off biking :evil:


I don't really know tbh. A lot of them think they are some kind of elite rider, fall at my feet you plebs, kinda people who don't really have the skill set or the patience to teach novices. You know Cardington (despite what instructors will tell you) is really not hard to pass and the only real qualification you need is a few years riding experience.

I honestly think that instuctors should have to hold some kind of formal teaching qualification (like a C&G of some sort) and that schools should be checked far more regularly than they are.

I think the other issue is a lot of instructors don't actually like running CBTs. There is no money in it due to cheapskate schools screwing down prices, it is usually bloody hard work, and a lot of stress having 2 complete novices out on the road in your care. Some people just can't hack it.

I have heard too many stories about students being verbally abused/intimidated by instructors and the only way to stop it is to complain.

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I agree 100% about the teaching qualification.

I did a basic C&G 7303 qualification a couple of years ago and it has helped.

Most instructors don't seem interested in furthering their knowledge either, which is why the DSA are making noises about making CPD compulsory.

I gained a Diploma in Motorcycle Instruction in May. Cost a fair amount in lost wages, hotels and the course cost but well worth it - even if only being able to put DipMI after my name :D

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That is dreadful unprofessional behaviour and he should be reported, as has been said. Nobody should be belittled in that way if you are paying to be instructed, what benefit does he think his attitude is going to be to you? I wouldn't have given him a second chance, but I do feel sorry for you not being able to find a decent instructor.

I must have been really lucky - I had a great guy take me for my CBT, although he thought the fact that I'd briefly ridden a bike 20 years ago meant I didn't need much in the way of instruction! :shock: He was however very encouraging on the roads and I felt quite safe with him.

The guy who gave me a couple of lessons before my tests was also very professional, he never made me feel stupid if I made mistakes and was full of encouragement when I did the right things. Neither of them made me feel inferior because I was female!

A weird reaction to you 'not locking your bars at a junction' - I rarely do that?? In fact the one time I did lock my bars I had to stop suddenly because a car came round the corner quickly and the bike went over! :shock:

I do hope everything goes well for you and you get that pass - and hope you're more relaxed with the examiner than your instructor!

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i agree with remys point about locking the bars.. i never do that , even now.. its the kiss of death to smaller lighter riders... i angle the bike towards any turn , and always give myself room to get rolling before i have to turn sharply

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Noone is going to fail you on a test for not locking the bars - not something I'd ever do unless it was a ridiculously tight turn.

I've never had any issues with instructors but so much of biking is about confidence and that's what instructors should be aiming to instil - not undermining it :evil:

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Noone is going to fail you on a test for not locking the bars - not something I'd ever do unless it was a ridiculously tight turn.

I've never had any issues with instructors but so much of biking is about confidence and that's what instructors should be aiming to instil - not undermining it :evil:

i agree with remys point about locking the bars.. i never do that , even now.. its the kiss of death to smaller lighter riders... i angle the bike towards any turn , and always give myself room to get rolling before i have to turn sharply


YES!! I remember reading online somewhere that you never pull away with your bars locked, always move them while you're moving and my lesson tonight I told "Mr Wheelie" (bad instructor #2!) that I needed to practice an "angled start" as I'd been shouted at to do one and wasn't very comfortable doing it, he looked at me like I was mad and said theres no way hes teaching that because you dont do that....confused....?!! My brain hurts... :hammer:

And as for the effect that "Mr Shouty" has had on me - tonights lesson was awful, I've totally lost confidence in my ability and was shaky, kept forgetting lifesavers and I just felt like I was all over the place. :(

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