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You see a speed trap, do you....


<t>Do you warn other motorists of speed traps?</t>  

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  1. 1. Do you warn other motorists of speed traps?

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I was always taught to give a cycle the same space as a small car, so how can two or three small cars drive abreast? I don't see how it can be legal?? please clarify.

I came round a bend in a national speed limit yesterday (road up towards Tintern abbey at St Arwens), blind bend with double whites in the middle and I came across 2 bikes doing 15mph spread out across the road. No, I didn't nearly hit them, because I was driving sensibly, but I had to sit behind them for a while as there was not room to go past. The road was clear, and if they had been over I could have gone past as if something had come from opposite I would have had a safety margin, but where they were positioned it wasn't safe.

legal? possibly, annoying? yes!

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legal? possibly, annoying? yes!


My point exactly.

2 push bikes side by side is legal, 3 or more isn't. 2 bikes are smaller than a small car. However I only do it on certain roads, and a national limit road isn't one if them that's a fact! You know how you ride a motorbike like all car drivers are on drugs? You have to do the same on a push bike and then some.

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Yeah but after 120 miles and a face full of cake most of us just want to talk and ride lol. It's a leisure ride not a race the traditional Sunday morning club run. You can do double thru and off 4 abreast tho that's very efficient.

Edit to say double thru and off I only do on track/velo.


A friend of mine had a head on in dense fog, he was following the centre white lines on a b road & went head on into another cyclist doing the same thing !

Have you ever set off a gatso on cycle ? :wink: :lol:

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Lmao that's classic!!

No I haven't, Try as I may its not easy. I need a good tail wind or a bit if a hill to hit over 30 on leg power. I can hit 27 on the flat for a hundred meters or so but I'm shagged then lol

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Yeah but after 120 miles and a face full of cake most of us just want to talk and ride lol. It's a leisure ride not a race the traditional Sunday morning club run. You can do double thru and off 4 abreast tho that's very efficient.

Edit to say double thru and off I only do on track/velo.


A friend of mine had a head on in dense fog, he was following the centre white lines on a b road & went head on into another cyclist doing the same thing !

Have you ever set off a gatso on cycle ? :wink: :lol:


When I was young and fit I got stopped for doing 36 in a thirty But it was at the bottom of a big hill and it was a traffic car not a camera

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Cyclists are legally allowed to ride two abreast and a car or bike overtaking should by law cross the white line the same as you would to over take a car


Nowhere does the law state you must cross the white line to overtake anything.

I don't need to if I decide I can safely overtake a car without crossing it, so I certainly don't need to if I can otherwise give a cyclist a safe amount of room.

I am not tarring all cyclists with the same brush but there do seem to be a large proportion of them that act as though they are in a tank (well they certainly seem to ride as though they are invulnerable) as well as those that act as though all courtesy should be directed at them, while they are free to ride in the most obnoxious manner that they can. Sorry to say it mate but a gaggle of them in Lycra tend to be the worst offenders.

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Yep a group of Mamils can be a total PITA, I'm not going to argue its a fact. I don't agree with the way many ride I just ride with them.

I said cross the white line as a mental visual aid, as a rule you need to do so to pass a car, if the lane was 20 feet wide crossing the white line would be just stupid as long as the person you're overtaking is holding a steady line not wandering all over the place like a scared rabbit lol.

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I said cross the white line as a mental visual aid, as a rule you need to do so to pass a car, if the lane was 20 feet wide crossing the white line would be just stupid as long as the person you're overtaking is holding a steady line not wandering all over the place like a scared rabbit lol.


I agree with you, crossing the line is usually a good indication you have given enough room, it was your statement


overtaking should by law cross the white line


I disagreed with.

I have enough issues with cyclists completely ignoring the fact we are sharing the road without planting the idea in anybodies mind I am breaking the law and doing anything wrong because I happen to go past them in a safe manner but I dared to have a wheel on the same side of the road as them.

It is a shame that the favour is not returned in traffic when it seems acceptable to squeeze through any existing gap between the kerb and my car, and as the traffic moves off again and they are trying to wobble around my wing mirror, it again becomes my responsibility to ensure we have a safe clearance.

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It is a shame that the favour is not returned in traffic when it seems acceptable to squeeze through any existing gap between the kerb and my car, and as the traffic moves off again and they are trying to wobble around my wing mirror, it again becomes my responsibility to ensure we have a safe clearance.


totally agree there

what makes me laugh is they complain when a bus overtakes them but then as soon as they can they try and undertake a bus squeezing past for the bus to only overtake the numpty again!!

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Well it may have been a poor choice of words but as I say I was just trying to paint a picture not to be literal.

As for the law, I'm sure we all break it a dozen times a day without knowing it, the law should just be looked at as a guide to help shape conscience IMHO. Apart from on a court of law obviously but you get my point?

There is a long running vein of hatred between cyclists and car drivers, both parties have faults and both just want to jump down each others throats. I have been doing both for 20 years and see both sides of the coin. I feel safer if a bike hits my car than if a car hits my bike tho.

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Yup! When I used to cycle a lot I would always filter, but I would always overtake on the correct side. When I am in the van and I see someone coming up on the inside, squeezing past people on the left, I tend to move over to the kerb to stop them doing it. I get nasty looks, but I genuinely think it's safer for them to not do it or come round on the correct side.

I always let bikes come past on my right, no problem with being overtaken in traffic by a bike whatsoever.

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I don't object to a bus overtaking me btw, the ones that pull out on me so I hit the side of the bus get me miffed however lol

It does boil my piss when a car/bus etc overtakes and then turns left 3 inches in front of my bike tho!

Undertaking on a bike is as bad as in a car, if your knocked off undertaking its your own fault so don't grumble is my attitude. I don't do it.

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Cycle lanes should be banned!! Full of glass and other crap, stop start at every side road so you need to blend back onto traffic dangerously, normally some moron parked on them every 300 meters, on and off paths. I point blank refuse to use them as any good cyclist does. And the Highway Code says cyclists 'may' use them, but they dont have to!

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We will never all agree I know lol, I'm a cyclist/motorbike rider/driver (not a bus pilot lol ) so I see things from 3 sides. I try to do my best to treat others as I would like to be treated, shame every one doesn't. It's a minority in any group that do the stupid things tho, like the Mamils holding up traffic in a peloton down a country lane, they are 0.00000001% of cyclists, but if they P off a person they then take a dislike to all cyclists :lol:

I do feel this thread has been hijacked??

I've never signaled to a cyclist about a speed trap, the very words 'speed trap' say it all tho I feel.

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Police camera vans were out in force today - they always seem to be loads of them around during the run up to Xmas. I know the Police dont get the revenue from the camera vans, but i wouldn't mind betting there is some annual target they need to reach to justify the running costs of the vans.. In fact I would be almost more annoyed if there was not a yearly target, as they are tax payer funded, so if they dont make economic sense (cost more to run than they make back in fines), it would just be another example of wasted tax payers money...

Anyway, I was driving my car on the A31, and noticed loads of new 60mph signs. for those that dont know, the A31 is twin lane, dual carriageway, so perfectly safe at national speed limit (and over!).

I was in my car, i came over the brow of a hill and immediately saw a camera van in the distance. My instinct reaction was to hit the brakes!!

The guy following behind me (quite closely!), not realising why i braked so sharply, indicated right and pulled out round me. Then he too noticed the van and he too braked sharply!!

So there we both were, two abreast on a two lane dual carriageway just come over the brow of a hill, and both on the brakes, slowed to about 40mph...

So my question is, how does the presence of that van make that road safer?? it doesnt. it just causes observant motorist like myself to hit the brakes the intant we see that van, and unobservant drivers to possibly ram us from behind!

Yes there were 60mph signs everywhere, but had i missed a drop to 40mph?? I wouldn't put it past the sneaky b*stards to have slipped in one 40mph sign amongst all of the 60mph signs, just to catch us out and make more money for the Governemt at Xmas.... :evil: :evil:

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I get so annoyed at how sneaky they are - Manchester Airport right by the 'new 30 limit sign'. Also had a close shave going from a 40 B road into a 30. Again right on the change. If you're caught a half mile down the road in the town centre still doign 40, then you deserve it, but sat by the speed limit sign is just trying to catch out anyone whos still decelerating.

Does anyone know if average speed cameras pick up bikes? I know theyre all front facing so no plate, but as per earlier post,...repeat offending (or bad luck) could still see them IDing you later. Do the average speed ones ID and photo every vehicle or do they only respond when they detect the numberplate?

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Do they even work? I drive thru the m6 junction 6-10 road works every day and always set my speed limiter to 53, assuming 2-3mph over read, and don't risk it, after all 2 days and 2 journeys a day is 12 points if I got done! Yet the number of cars that are clearly doing 70 or 80+ always shocks me, many of them being 'motorway maintenance' lorries. Now surely they would know if they work and stick to the limit if so.

It does make me roll about laughing at the people who break for the camera then speed off in an average speed area tho, how thick can they be lol.

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Does anyone know if average speed cameras pick up bikes? I know theyre all front facing so no plate, but as per earlier post,...repeat offending (or bad luck) could still see them IDing you later. Do the average speed ones ID and photo every vehicle or do they only respond when they detect the numberplate?


Not all are front facing!! new set of the Yellow Average speed cameras which alternate in direction have been installed on the M25... not sure if they are active yet... but its yet another road thats going to be boring as hell...

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Do they even work? I drive thru the m6 junction 6-10 road works every day and always set my speed limiter to 53, assuming 2-3mph over read, and don't risk it, after all 2 days and 2 journeys a day is 12 points if I got done! Yet the number of cars that are clearly doing 70 or 80+ always shocks me, many of them being 'motorway maintenance' lorries. Now surely they would know if they work and stick to the limit if so.

It does make me roll about laughing at the people who break for the camera then speed off in an average speed area tho, how thick can they be lol.


apparently some do and some dont. I know people who've been done for speeding in average zones, but those 'in the know' can spot which lanes are live. I've not met anyone 'in the know' unfortunately!

Also I always worry about the cameras on the M...42/bottom of the M6 (I think thats the right area LOL) with the overhead variable signage - do the cameras work if the signs arent on??? Like you said, not worth risking it!

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Does anyone know if average speed cameras pick up bikes? I know theyre all front facing so no plate, but as per earlier post,...repeat offending (or bad luck) could still see them IDing you later. Do the average speed ones ID and photo every vehicle or do they only respond when they detect the numberplate?


Not all are front facing!! new set of the Yellow Average speed cameras which alternate in direction have been installed on the M25... not sure if they are active yet... but its yet another road thats going to be boring as hell...

ones round here have always been facing the rear, they are active and caught a taxi driver twice in one night, lost him his licence because its a 2 laned road that used to be 40, now its 30 and the taxi driver didnt realise because all they did was take the "40" signs down and didnt replace them with "30" signs.

poor bloke lost his licence because the road used to go from 30 to 40 and back down again, now its just 30 all the way through but there are none of those small 30 signs on every other lamp post. The annoying thing is there has only ever beenone accident on that road, and that was during a police chase so I dont see how they can really put speed cameras up. Its just a cash making scheme!

Back on topic though, yes I do warn others if they are speeding I will flash them or give them the slow down wave with my hand. If I see a bike I will give them the slow down wave if they are speeding or not as many speed traps are just coming out of towns where bikes are caught in traffic anyway, and not to be steriotypical, but they would most probably overtake any traffic once out of town

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