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12.04.2015 - SouthEast Shandy Drinkers& Cambridge meetup

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The frightening thing is that's exactly how Phil looks in real life.


Oh, and Ollie; please stop being so amusing - I'm getting even less work done than usual.

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I promise nothing - the devil makes work for idle hands, and I'm currently sat around waiting for the head of marketing to give final approval for my last 15 months of work before we sink an unholy amount of money on printing this Friday :lol:

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I promise nothing - the devil makes work for idle hands, and I'm currently sat around waiting for the head of marketing to give final approval for my last 15 months of work before we sink an unholy amount of money on printing this Friday :lol:


Trying not to doze off today.. Tired and boring paper work and nice day outside = MEH! I wanna go out on the bike.

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Hopefully it'll still be sunny after work so you can go for a spin! After I finish I've got to go out to an event one of our clients is holding to do some networking :roll: And I can't even ride a bike there!


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Hopefully it'll still be sunny after work so you can go for a spin! After I finish I've got to go out to an event one of our clients is holding to do some networking :roll: And I can't even ride a bike there!



Hahahaha, oh dear, that made me laugh rather loudly. Good thing my assistant isn't in the office or he'd think I was losing it :lol:

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"Networking"? Ooh, yum!

Networking for me generally (well, always) involves me not turning up. I consider it a far more effective use of my time and resources if I stare out of the window, squinting as the sunlight hits my eyes. Sometimes I watch the birds in the trees or make "Vroom-Vroom" noises while I play with my toy motorbike. I also have a birthday candle, a He-Man/Wonder Woman picture and a plastic dinosaur called Brian on my desk with which I play.

Christ I'm bored.

What was that about a video Phil?

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Networking for me means going to a print auction and talking to a bunch of the photographers, and speaking with my contact there about a competition we're meant to be running with them. I hadn't actually done any organising, so I'm rushing to do it now :P

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I've not had time to edit I'm afraid, expect the rest of the pics by the weekend lovelies...

Great vid Phil, was hoping to see Fozzles burning rubber chasing you tho 8-) ! He really enjoyed that bit, nice to see him enjoying riding again... :angel1:

Off out to attempt my first proper drive in my cage...is it weird I find it way more scary than biking?! :oops: :shock:

Also, I used to go to Business Networking International mettings all over London and really enjoyed it...mainly cos I was being paid to chat to lots of hilarious people, eat exceptionally posh breakfasts and think up amoosing 60 seconds selling my dad's business. :lol:

Lol @ the pic btw Wolls, tho didn't know who any of those characters were of course haha, Chris had to elaborate. I like BonnieBird's the best!! Defo got the boobage right there! :thumb:

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Great vid Phil, was hoping to see Fozzles burning rubber chasing you tho 8-)

It's in there... it just didn't last long before I was out of sight / fozz too small on cam lol

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Great vid Phil, was hoping to see Fozzles burning rubber chasing you tho 8-)

It's in there... it just didn't last long before I was out of sight / fozz too small on cam lol


I was working on keeping you in sight, which is about as good as it gets with a touring 600 chasing a 1000cc sportsbike :lol:

Was the best bit for me in the end, was using you to gauge corners as you had to get there to figure them out, whereas I could watch what sort of angle of attack you were taking and trying and claw back some ground. But whatever I gained, you doubled the separation each time you got the taps back open :lol:

Don't know if you saw, but another group of bikers came between us and our group in that bit. They were right behind me, new gixxer a S1000 and a couple of sports tourers. We put quite a bit of distance between us and them in that stint and got a big smile and a shake of the head from the old chap on the S1000. Gave a good boost to the biking mojo!

I'll bring the Drift camera next time and mount it on the helmet, see what footage I can get. If we can get into some very tight twisties I get the best shots there so I'm doing a recce of some roads near me, and will holla when I see a route worth doing.

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Sounds like you're getting your biking mojo back fozzie!!

You would have loved the ride home. Phil Nic and myself carving up the twisties.

My fork-cam was running for the whole ride so ive got some great footage. You can hear the engine screaming and see the forks go between full extension and fully compressed... And thats with the forks setup pretty stiff.. That should wake the mojo some more ;)

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Sounds like you're getting your biking mojo back fozzie!!

You would have loved the ride home. Phil Nic and myself carving up the twisties.

My fork-cam was running for the whole ride so ive got some great footage. You can hear the engine screaming and see the forks go between full extension and fully compressed... And thats with the forks setup pretty stiff.. That should wake the mojo some more ;)


It is flowing back! Even with an old front tyre and a rear full of tyre weld and I was still beaming as the likes of you and Phil accelerated away! As it presented a challenge to see how I could reduce or limit the gap.

As a newbie on 2-stroke 125s my best experiences were always chasing the bigger bikes through the Via Gellia and the cat and fiddle. So was a familiar feeling I have missed :)

I would have liked to do the 2nd part. Just had too much to do general life wise, and Moo's knee was in agony on the way back after a day on bikes as well as my head due to the helmet putting pressure on my temples (ear plugs stick out and causes it for some reason). But the hunger for more is now back! :mrgreen:

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Sounds like you're getting your biking mojo back fozzie!!

You would have loved the ride home. Phil Nic and myself carving up the twisties.

My fork-cam was running for the whole ride so ive got some great footage. You can hear the engine screaming and see the forks go between full extension and fully compressed... And thats with the forks setup pretty stiff.. That should wake the mojo some more ;)


It is flowing back! Even with an old front tyre and a rear full of tyre weld and I was still beaming as the likes of you and Phil accelerated away! As it presented a challenge to see how I could reduce or limit the gap.

As a newbie on 2-stroke 125s my best experiences were always chasing the bigger bikes through the Via Gellia and the cat and fiddle. So was a familiar feeling I have missed :)

I would have liked to do the 2nd part. Just had too much to do general life wise, and Moo's knee was in agony on the way back after a day on bikes as well as my head due to the helmet putting pressure on my temples (ear plugs stick out and causes it for some reason). But the hunger for more is now back! :mrgreen:

Give us some Sunday dates you're free and we'll set something up :)

Fozz, I remember that group of riders. I overtook them all with a 'Phil special' (4+ vehicle overtake) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just changed my front which was on it's limit and a bit warped... now I'm BT023 all round and brand new. Ready for those corners this weekend!!! :twisted:

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ARGH just wrote my post after HOURS of editing these pics and bloody Firefox crashed!!!!!!!!!

And again...here are the rest of the pics from the rideout at last! Took a lot of time to do as despite having a fab Panasonic Lumix camera, due to camera shake a good few were blurry (over 30mph was a challenge with the wind pushing the camera away!), some had overexposed skies, taken at an angle etc etc, so I wanted to correct them...then I got a bit keen with layers and levels and dodging and burning and such...but was so worth it! The quality of pics from this rideout were far superior to the last tho, pretty freaking chuffed :thumb: ('mazin crimbo pressie from Fozzlebags!). It was difficult taking pics on the back of Tango's Speedie but I loved being able to do it again, was v scared I would knock the protruding lens, arse trying to escape the seat constantly :lol: , I needed my hand on the tank at times with a big compact in my hand (always wrapped in my hand so as not to damage the cam or the beautiful Speedie tank!).

Wearing a thickly gloved hand I could just about manage to shoot in Sport Mode as my thumb kept knocking the dial in Shutter Priority - then it kept leaving Sport Mode and I had to fumble to adjust it, but ended up with another awesome shot of Joeman thumbs-upping me in accidental Miniature Mode (hence the blurred edges but I cropped it)! :mrgreen: :

P1010644a - RQ.jpg[/attachment]

And SO MUCH MORE (Fozzle's most hated saying!) :lol: . Enjoy and feel free to PM me if you'd like me to send you original large files :thumb: . Cheers for the awesome ride everyone, was great to see all of you and I look forward to the next one :bike2:



Edited by BikerMooFromMars
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No worries, thanks for helping make my monthly £8.50-ish subscription to using Photoshop worthwhile!


Top quality pics moo!

i look good in miniature 8-)

Didnt realise i had my air vents open in the back of my jacket - the red spoils my steal look haha


Fixed :mrgreen:


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