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Epic Earl

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Got caught speeding the other day in a rural village down the road from me, In the car at the time.

Got busted doing 34 mph in a 30. OOOh bit harsh I thought.

Distracted for a moment, now i've got to do a blooming speed awareness course!

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yup, thats the way it goes.

A mate of mine got caught doing about the same. He got an awareness course too and was not happy at the time.

He was even less happy when he followed me about two weeks later past a cop with a speed gun. I was doing about 40 in a 30 at the time, the cop followed me with his gun and I never heard anything from it - presumably because I was only speeding to get out of a sticky situation, but still, he was not best pleased.

(sticky situation = me doing the speed limit on a 2 laned road in lane 2. Another biker tries to undertake me, but sees the cop and slows down but ends up beside me doing the same speed. Road narrows to 1 lane ahead so I slow down to get in behind him, but he slows down too matching my speed, right next to me so I still can't merge, so I then accelerate to get into lane 1 before lane 2 closes, get up to about 40 and see the cop stood there pointing his gun at me)

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I saw a camera van whilst doing 85 on a dual carriageway on Sunday in the car... As soon as i saw him i hit the brakes down to 65.. Not sure if he got me or not. Just waiting for the ticket to arrive :(

They should give some allowance for people who instantly slow down as clearly they are very observant!

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I'm thinking they must have had a very slow day that day lol

we get the police bike with his camera a lot in our neck of the woods. I know all the places he tries to HIDE,

just very unfortunate this time I had the little un being naughty in the back, turns round to tell him off, turn back and oooh copper.

no idea what speed I was doing when I saw him, so wasn't sure id been speeding till I got the ticket.

Oh well, half a day being taught how to suck eggs. Could have been worse I suppose

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I'm thinking they must have had a very slow day that day lol

we get the police bike with his camera a lot in our neck of the woods. I know all the places he tries to HIDE,

just very unfortunate this time I had the little un being naughty in the back, turns round to tell him off, turn back and oooh copper.

no idea what speed I was doing when I saw him, so wasn't sure id been speeding till I got the ticket.

Oh well, half a day being taught how to suck eggs. Could have been worse I suppose


yea, you could be taught how to suck d*cks..

Anyway, he isn't hiding very well. There is a list of places he could be here - http://www.safetycamera.org/camera-loca ... he-mobiles

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Their favourite trick round here is to put scamera vans *JUST* past 30mph signs where the limit drops from 40 to 30, so they will get you if you're one second too slow on the brakes and not *QUITE* doing 30 by the time you reach the sign.

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I got done at 36 in a 30 zone pretty early on a Sunday morning passing through a village with not a soul in sight except for the cop biker with a gun. I was the lead car on a trip out for about 10 of us and I was told later the other driver was moaning about how much I was slowing down for the villages seconds before I got pulled. He of course cruised past and waited round the next bend for us all. No option of training course then, 3 points and a fine.

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bad luck - it is a constant worry for me going through london regularly, speed limits changing every few miles.

the times i've spent dreading a letter :( - I would have surely caught one if a van hadn't flashed a warning .

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It's the endless miles of temporary 50 mph on the motorways that annoy me. I wouldn't mind so much if there was ever any evidence of work actually taking place, but there isn't. The French have the better approach of just restricting the bit they're actually working on rather than 15 miles either side of it, which is what seems to happen here.

I got done doing 61 mph on a 50 mph stretch of the M6 in the middle of the night last year. I didn't see the first average speed check camera, and by the time I saw the second one it was too late. I returned the NIP to say I'd do a speed awareness course, but they withdrew their offer after I 'failed to accept it'. In reality their offer letter never arrived, and trying to get the court to grasp this painfully simple fact was like trying to get a lobotomised peasant to understand quantum mechanics. In the end I just paid the fine and took the points rather than waste any more time on their impenetrable stupidity.

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Don't they have to allow for incorrect speedos?

Thought they couldn't actually bust you until you're above 10% + 2mph, so 36mph in a 30 zone...?

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Don't they have to allow for incorrect speedos?

Thought they couldn't actually bust you until you're above 10% + 2mph, so 36mph in a 30 zone...?


you can get done for 1mph over the limit

speedos are designed to be 10% out so if YOU are doing 33 on your speedo you should be safe and not if you are doing 33 :wink:

different forces have different tolerances some allow 2mph over some dont

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If you check your sat nav speed against your speedo reading. Like Stu says the speedo will always read lower.

Last week in an average 60mph stretch 60 mph reading on sat nav = 65 mph on the speedo

Edited by TC
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Thought they couldn't actually bust you until you're above 10% + 2mph, so 36mph in a 30 zone...?


That relates to guidance issued by ACPO which is only discretionary, and not enshrined in legislation.

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thread hijack time (sorry)

Thought they couldn't actually bust you until you're above 10% + 2mph, so 36mph in a 30 zone...?


That relates to guidance issued by ACPO which is only discretionary, and not enshrined in legislation.


Whilst we are on the subject of ACPO and speeding, is everything ACPO say only guidelines and up to the discretion of the officer?

I only ask because over a year ago I got caught speeding by a cop who told me my average speed at the time of the offence. I later found out that ACPO say I should have received a summons for doing that speed, but due to the time, place and the officer at the time, he let me off without so much as a speed awareness course, but I've always wondered if he was risking his job by doing so, or if they are actually allowed to use discretion in situations like that?

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15 years ago it must have been discretionary. I got done for passing a 30mph sign doing 70mph. It was on a dual carriageway early in the morning new years day 2000.

The road slowed from 50mph to 30mph..

Nobody else on the road. The cop started off talking about court but i had some banter with the cop and got away with three points and a fine for doing 70 in the 50limit rather than in the 30limit.

Nice copper. Wish they were all like that!

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Some years back there was a copper with a speed gun on a stretch of road which had been reduced from 40 to 30 a few days beforehand. I was doing 40 on my 125; forgot it was a 30 zone, I saw the copper and thought, "Good job I'm doing the speed limit!", then "Oh shit, it's now a 30!" then, "Oh well, here comes a tug" - because I was almost on top of him by that point. I slowed to 30; he kept his gun on me the whole time, never gave me a tug, then as I went past, he gave me a very, very evil look. In that moment, I figured he probably couldn't get a lock on me because I was presenting a small target, or because the gun had malfunctioned, or something like that. So I nodded at him and gave him a thumbs up. :lol:

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re: So I nodded at him and gave him a thumbs up. cheeky :D


Lol! Yes. It was a good number of years ago no, and I would imaging speed guns have improved! So have my skills of observation and politeness! I was much younger in those days (funny how time works like that!)

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