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Guest petrolhead1989

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As for the other comment about spending all your money on your kids that made me lol, deffinetly didnt come from someone with kids.

I have 3 kids, ive spent alot of money on guns and ive got a scope ontop of a rifle that probaly cost as much as a holiday.

If he spent it on bike parts that answer would be completly diffrent


It made me lol too, seeing as I suggested he just be a bit more "committed" rather than spend all your dosh on them.

See... Invest in your kids, or they might lack reading skills. :lol:

If it was bike parts to fix his bike no bother, as it's his transport. Just every other week I'm reading the next thing PH is getting himself into. Was just a suggestion he slow down and take a minute to think, does he really need a shotgun or is it an impulsive buy that would otherwise have been better spent doing something for the family.

He seems a tad impulsive, and it's even what landed him a prison sentence. Can't really blame me for showing a bit of compassion and trying to say "stop, think, here is everything else you could be doing, now how do you feel?"

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I used to own a gun (air rifle) and tried to shoot a cat! I was about 8 at the time.

Some of us grow up and learn from our past - Hopefully improving. Some don't.

Mind you - The OPs posts do tend to be a tad confusing at times!


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The money you spend on guns and bikes should be going elsewhere, your kids.



When you have kids you will laugh at shit like this.

You borght ??????, but you have kids. Somebody think of the kids.

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I have kids.

Tell you what. If I didn't occasionally treat myself to some nice toys I would be a right miserable n shite dad.

Look after your family first but then look after yourself a bit.

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The money you spend on guns and bikes should be going elsewhere, your kids.



When you have kids you will laugh at shit like this.

You borght ??????, but you have kids. Somebody think of the kids.


The "Shit like this" was beaten into me by parents who were bikers. One of which was my own dad.

I said I'd not give up biking. Then was told it's much more likely to kill me if it goes wrong in a crash, and would I want to risk myself and leave a mother and child behind with a mortgage they likely can't afford, and leave two people without a partner/father. To me, that's such a horrible prospect I'd back off for a good few years. But being responsible is a terrible disease to some people.

I've repeated myself now, go and buy a bike, xbox, tv, sound system, whatever. My gripe was with petrolhead it's a new thing every week. And suggest he should be prioritising other things right now.

Call it wrong, unfortunately you'll never be right either.

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Thats what life insurance is for, anyone with half a brain would make sure they have enough cover in place to pay the morgage off/buy a house and have enough so the mrs and kids have some coin for a few years.

Just because you stoped riding your bike dosnt mean your not going to die tomorow.

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I'm covered for all of that and 4 years of my salary get paid to a benefactor of my choice.

You could be killed tomorrow. But it's far more likely when on a bike. It's the thought of physically not being there as after a few years when the money has dried up, you leave all the work to the mother, and what if an accident befalls her? The impact on the family emotionally due to you not being there as well, just absolutely abhorrent to me.

Biking won't stop, I'd knock riding in the week to work on the head as that's prime splatter time for bikes, and I'd not switch bikes very often. Like I said, point wasn't to divert your entire attention, it was aimed at PH as lately from what I've read it seems like his attention isn't split like it should be.

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My Granny always said, "if you can't afford to buy two of them, dont buy one"

She stuck pretty well to that philosophy, and its something i try to do also.

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. It's the thought of physically not being there as after a few years when the money has dried up, you leave all the work to the mother, and what if an accident befalls her? The impact on the family emotionally due to you not being there as well, just absolutely abhorrent to me.


Life go's on, after a few years she will be in bed with someone else and you will be a distant memory. Kids will be calling someone else dad.

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. It's the thought of physically not being there as after a few years when the money has dried up, you leave all the work to the mother, and what if an accident befalls her? The impact on the family emotionally due to you not being there as well, just absolutely abhorrent to me.


Life go's on, after a few years she will be in bed with someone else and you will be a distant memory. Kids will be calling someone else dad.


That's preferable if I went as I know everything would be secure but unfortunately that statement is more accurate if you caused the *relationship* to die, rather than yourself. As it better allows the person to move on.

When someone in the relationship dies it's a mixed pot as its so traumatic. Some recover and start, even if begrudgingly, looking for someone new, and others just don't let go. And as you're dead, you don't know, so you wouldn't care, but right now I want to avoid that reality :lol:

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My Granny always said, "if you can't afford to buy two of them, dont buy one"

She stuck pretty well to that philosophy, and its something i try to do also.

But my gran said "A little bit of what you fancy does you good". I go by that. I had lots of bits of what I fancied until I got married. :-)

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Butterscotch coated. Be careful though, there are little bits of glass in it after all these bricks that people have been throwing.


I like a good crunch

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