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You know that big 20ft gazebo thing that there... you put it up in there, then carry it to where u want it and peg it down :)

And dont bring too much, u wanna see what i need to fit in the car lol!!

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Not wishing to raise people's hopes about the weather, but . . . . . .

It's stopped pishing it doon and the sun is trying to peep through right now!

Oooh, ooooh, ooooh, I can see some blue stuff too!

OK, so there's loads of grey crap about still, but at least it's making the effort for us 8-)

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Well here you go a live update from the venue, its dry but overcast and there have been some very light rain but nothing really the ground is dry and its warm with a little wind.

See some of you later.

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Well, it's memories of last year over at MFN!

Arrived with Ian and Sue in tow in the middle of a bit of a shower, which developed into a nasty squall and gusting winds.

The gazebo went up . . . . .

the gazebo came down!

Back home now trying to calm the kids down before I take Mrs S and the younguns to the airport at Sparrow's fart in the morning.

See you all back there in't morning!

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day 2 at MFN,

Top night last night, few beers in the bar and a good social, weather seems to be improving with the sun poking through occasionally.

Might just head out on the bike later.

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well what a lovely night it was last night, bundle of fun, tent went up with thanks to akey :D

then the gazebo went up, men went to bar, gazebo tried to go with them so we took it down lol

but many a beer was drunk and rennie had a singsong.

well i am at work now but back there to join in another night of giggles.

oh n it rained a little :?

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Arghhhhhhhh bloody hell. What with planning to get ready for our week away I totally forgot about the Rally this weekend else I'd have popped down to say hello. Bugger!!! I was looking for an excuse to leave the house yesterday too. :(

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Just got home. Brill weekend, so glad I made it there yesterday apart from this morning's utter inability to even speak. Apologies for not showing my face to say g'bye to y'all, but you really wouldn't have wanted to see it. Thanks and sorry to Louise, Liz and Dan for helping me with the tent and not objecting to vomit corner too much. And Willow, official forum mum, you cured me, thanks!

I shall now attempt to replenish my bodily fluids in time for the Beetle drive, can't wait! There will be more rain, no doubt...

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hi all we back safe and sound, it took only 3 hours back, stopped off at Warwick services for coffee for 45mins and as we were about to leave it peed down.... typical..... at least thats better than 6 hours it took to get there and constant rain and roadworks......

It was a great weekend, and would love to meet up with you all again, just a shame we're so far away from you all. We now doing washing, and I have the pleasure of cleaning my bike tomorrow....... :crybaby:

Thanks Keith for the entertainment, I'm sure it'll end up on you tube...... :lol: :lol:

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We're back and unloaded - magically the cleaning fairies had been into the van and sorted it all out by the time I work up from my nap! :twisted:

Top weekend.. kinda wanna say wot happened in Nottingham shud stay in Nottingham, but....

If you're not currently under-going therapy...you might need to after you'ver seen some of the pictures :wink:

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