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Posts posted by Stu

  1. On 19/02/2023 at 18:07, Copycat73 said:

    seriously ?  frankly i found it to be slop you like ...   what would Egon Ronay   say  ...  

    but on a positive note there is a café just a short distance away NY500 ....   




    there you go .. 


    If you like paying £12 quid for a shite breakfast then extra for a brew then knock yourself out! 


    I won't be visiting NY500 again! 


    Trackers in Bridlington though! £6 for a large breakfast with everything you can think of and a brew :thumb: 

    • Like 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, Mick67 said:

    Looks a good route, other options could be drop down to Rhayader and follow the Elan valley road past the visitor centre and carry on it comes out at Devils Bridge but its a slow steady road with the occasional sheep on the road , at the devils bridge train station is the Two Hoots tea room, nice stopping point for a brew and a sarnie(good value), usually a few bikes there on the weekend. Oh if you go up that way there is also Doms bike stop just off the A49 near Leominster.


    I just let Google maps create that 


    I would fine tune it myself and pick some places to visit along the way 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Fiddlesticks said:

    But basic physics... you can only push downwards with the force of your own weight. I can stand with my whole weight pushing down on the tine and it won't be enough on its own.


    I can stand on mine and the bike won't move if I get it wrong that's why it's important to learn the technique 


    It's a hard one to explain its a quick action with force and it will pivot up on to the stand. 


    I struggled for months to get it right 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Fiddlesticks said:

    Pain has a funny way of making you re-evaluate your technique. I think I was snatching too hard to pull it forward off the stand. Also when pushing down on the tine I need to pull upwards on the bike to create an opposite force. Again, just a bit too enthusiastic.

    Bit of wood is a good idea, will use that one.


    There should be no pulling upwards of any bike as you put it on the centre stand you should only stabilise it. 


    The action should all be in your legs and feet on to the centre stand pushing it down in to the ground. 


    Try the piece of wood though just bear in mind it doesn't need to be thick just 20mm or so is enough and you will need to be able to remove it from under the wheel when it's on the stand 

  5. Heat Heat Heat! 


    Get it nice and hot the alloy will expand quicker and should crack it loose also hammer a torx in to it 


    Put the wheel on blocks of wood while doing this to save the wheel being on the floor 


    the heat will also break any locktite thats on there too 

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Bender said:

    Clutch, pads, lights, tyres, unless you could prove manufacturer fault they are consumables, if its new I would however be expecting a clutch to last as longer than 4k


    This is why I asked if its new I would be expecting at least 25k 

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, Tiggie said:


    That's the one 


    It lasts a while though 😂


    A lot of people are using other greases but they are not the same! This stuff actually creates a seal 

    • Like 2
  8. 12 minutes ago, manxie49 said:

    Where did you buy that grease from Stu?  We were just looking online and could only find the stuff in bulk .... Cheers.


    I will have a look when I get home and see if I can find the receipt! I seem the think I found it on ebay! 

    • Thanks 1
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