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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. I'm gonna go with it being the baffles first, then moooove onto your other suggestions if that proves unsuccessful methinks. I popped back to the place I got it serviced in April after the electric startup gave up on me repeatedly and mentioned about the backfiring - the guy tightened a part of the exhaust (I think he did anyway - I was being distracted by a cool old biker bloke who was giving me some tips as I'd just started riding) and it stopped backfiring. It's only backfired literally about 3 times recently. I will check everything and clean it tomorrow night, been sorting out the new headlight all night with my partner tonight - it's been a bit of a 'mare due to rusty bits and superglued parts! I hope it's nothing too complex - my family got it fully serviced before I got the bike in late March...I'll keep you all updated! Cheers
  2. Megawatt: Oh wow, yeah...may not be re-moo-vable! Lol! But isn't the baffle bit separate? I have no idea yet. Spent the whole night sorting out my new headlight so not had a chance to fanny about with the baffles yet. That's very kind of you, I'll see what state it is if/when I get it out to clean it! Cheers for the help . I'm baffled the whole exhaust is so cheap - it's pretty huge and looks the bollocks I love eBay
  3. Thankyou for all the help guys, very much appreciated! Just gorging some pizza then will reply properly - my partner and I have just spent 2 hours pulling apart parts of my bike to get the new headlight on - some bits were thoroughly rusted into place, and bizarrely we found out my horn was superglued into place!!!
  4. Hello lovely TMBF people! More recently my bike exhaust has been a bit rattle-y and very occasionally backfires (which I see a bit like a bike farting!). I don't want my bike to fart anymore, and altho it sounds more mean and grr, it's not how it should be so I wanna sort it out - it's also a bit rattle-y. I'm assuming all I have to do is clean my baffles to fix this (at least, that's what my ex-biker dad says). Having seen a couple of youtube vids, is it literally that I unscrew the screw on the exhaust and take 'em out. Also not really seen anything on actually cleaning them - what should I use please? Thankyou in advance
  5. Right, I only joined today and have been talking to several lovely people on here through posts and chat day and night...and I'm 75% sure I'm gonna go! It'll be my second ever big journey, and I'd be coming alone from Cambridge. I've arranged to borrow my dad's satnav (I already have a mount and waterproof case from when I borrowed it b4), a few ppl sent me links for a new headlight and I've just bought that. I need to check my tyre pressure for the first time - hopefully won't look too stupid at the garage when I do that - and yeah, I've even got my cow tent! I'd be coming up Sat tho as I work Friday - unless I came up straight from work (which is possibly unlikely)...what time is the rideout on Saturday plz? Anything else I need to know? Oh yeah, the sat nav's battery life is a bit shoddy - I think you can buy extra battery-life charger-y things on ebay tho...will need to look into that, doubt I'd be able to wire it to my bike. This sounds like lots of fun...I'm pretty sure I'll come along P.S - this is what I did the last time the sat nav ran out of battery!!
  6. Oh, and iiisecondcreep found me one too - I just hadn't seen the post til now! Thanks guys - I've ordered it already
  7. Thanks for the advice, but eastanglianbiker AKA Steve found me a whole new headlight on ebay for £26 inc p&p http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320933869322? ... 1439.l2649 I'm 75% sure I'll come to TMBF rally now...
  8. Hello fellow bikers Can anyone recommend where else I can get 6.5" diameter headlight glass from pretty please - I've had problems with 2 companies I've ordered it from now,. The 1st one (SparesUnlimited.com) cancelled my order but didn't notify me and it took me calling them up to find out, and the other company (MotorcycleSparesUk.co.uk) apparently sent me it, it never arrived (or they're telling fibs!), and I'm waiting for them to get more stock, which should have been received by them and sent out to me last week, but still no sign of it It's been almost a month now...I've not been going out at night, and cling film and a rubber band ain't cool!! . I REALLY miss riding at night. If anyone can recommend anywhere else I could try I'd be hugely grateful, thanks in advance. My bike is a Kymco Zing 125cc Oh dear! A friend and I attached my new saddle bags, and as I was pushing my Beast in through the ramp in the entrance to our flats, the saddle bag caught the back of my knee - she went into the door headlight first. Thankfully that was the only damage! I <3 my bike!!!
  9. Forget that actually, I'll ask about the headlight glass on another forum - but hope to meet up one Tuesday in the near future
  10. I'll come along sometime - as soon as I've got my headlight glass replaced, and when I'm not doing my fortnightly late Tuesday. So in other words, potentially Tuesday 17th P.S - can anyone recommend where else I can get 6.5" diameter headlight glass from - I've had problems with 2 companies I've ordered it from now, the 1st one (SparesUnlimited.com) cancelled my order but didn't notify me and it took me calling them up to find out, and the other company (MotorcycleSparesUk.co.uk) apparently sent me it, it never arrived (or they're telling fibs!), and I'm waiting for them to get more stock, which should have been last week but still no sign of it So not been going out at night, and cling film and a rubber band ain't cool!!
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