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Everything posted by BikerMooFromMars

  1. HOLY CRAP!!! Thankyou all for the incredibly kind resonses!!! I feel really bad now , because Ollie thankfully managed to get around the problem with a suggestion from his manager: to work a couplea lunch breaks and use the time to get out of work early tonight and buy the jacket he wanted from Cambridge Motorcycles! So no more issue - Moo will have her warm Furygan jacket to wear, and Ollie has bought himself this: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/spada_jackets_cruiser_zps17e297ee.jpg Look forward to seeing it on him, he's not home yet. Apparently had to get a 46" chest cos his torso & arms are so freakishly long it didn't cover his body enough in the 44! And I found this for him, he's getting it in lime green! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... AQ:GB:1123 Wahhh, I feel like a numpty! Tho all your responses have been nonetheless valuable and hilarious in their own ways so it's all good Tango: SO sorry to reply late to your v kind offer!!! Twas v nice of you, but all sorted now fanks Hodgy: let me know what you think of your 'leccy bodywarmer if you get round to wearing it! I'm still interested in getting one if they're worth it. Are you biking to Scotland?? Matty: I'd love to, if you mooove closer to us =D Tiggie: WHERE did you find that and how long have you been waiting for an appropriate mooment to use it?!?! LOVE IT! HAhahaha Throttled: Moo does not feel that the textile jacket has a good look to it haha! We don't have the problem anymore now Wallie has managed to get out of work early to buy his own jacket, thanks anyway. I will defo look ino thermals when it starts getting older later in the year. Chris: All I ever do is wear layer upon layer on a normal chilly day even when not on my bike! I swear I'm mean to be a lizard! Heated grips would be sexual! Mailee: Will DEFO check that out, cheers!! (love me a bargain!!) Alex: Epic reply! I feel really bad now for all these lovely replies as the problem is sorted!! Thanks so much!! Yep, you can lend me your hands - cut yours off at abour wrist level, yeah?? Like you say, skin SHOULD be warmest Would defo consider the funky silk thing Derek posted for the coming Autumn/winter - less layers = less frumpy looking = looking more awesome on my bike Haha, so vain! Would be great if it did work. MrBarry: I never had an issue with wearing my Furygan jacket with its thermal bit inside, a thermal vest and a hoodie. I'm so glad I won't need to wear my cold, rather tight leather jacket now! UK190: Aldi have all that biker stuff?! No way! Will have to check it out when back on The Beasty, tho wouldn't trust protective gear from there, anything else defo! Cheers guys x
  2. Cool, cheers for the quick reply! I thought as much, but had a 40yr old friend of my husband's, who apparently rushed to do his full license (to ride a 400cc scooter) before the new rules came in last year, INSIST to me you do DAS and then can only ride a 125, then have more tests after! I knew he was wrong, but was concerned nonetheless that there were changes that would ffect me I didn't know about cos he was insisting loads I couldn't get any size bike I wanted after DAS (not that I particularly want a 1000cc or something anyway haha!)... Spent ages looking at govt websiteyness etc, and saw about 600 cc but nothing more. Oh, and approved bikes etc - but you'd loan one for your lessons and test anyway wouldn't you? I wouldn't be rocking up on my 125, or buying a 600 cc specially for the test! What an epic waste of 40 mins. Moo is gonna finally have shower, dry hair and bed late now! Nighty night lovelies!
  3. Good question! Moo didn't know. I'd probably just sit and hope for the best haha!
  4. I find it really crappy that you can only do BikeSafe with full license. I tried signing up with them after I did my CBT cos I felt like there was still more I could benefit from learning, even drove to the police station to see where it was before I booked it - then website said must have full license to book. Makes little sense to me to only have this option for people who have had their full, hardcore training rather than just a day of going round a car park, on roads a bit and a bit of highway code. Would have loved to have had more training after I did my CBT! Esp as I then enquired with place I did my CBT about a bit more training after and was quoted £100 . BikeSafe was only £40 and got a lot of time with trainers etc. Moan-y moo! Have a great time on the course, let us know how it went
  5. So if you're over 24 and only have a CBT, to get full unrestricted you just have to learn and do test on 600cc bike? Can't you hire that from test centre? In which case no changes for over 24's? Or am I being retarded?
  6. Yarr, my Furygan jacket is pretty good too with remoooovable thermal lining (in my signature pic). Cost £110 - wish I hadn't gone a size up assuming I'd still need lots of layers tho! When I sit down it looks like I'm pregnant!!
  7. Hmm, I know, my leather jacket is horrible in cold weather. So, basically Ollie's just gonna have to get himself a jacket before Saturday so I can use mine or I'll freeze. Maybe he should get a warm textile one and when we're at BMF in May he can get a sexy leather jacket then. Thanks for saving moo some pennies! How about you model US your new biker onesie, matty?!
  8. Jesus christ, you guys are like dogs on heat! LOVE the cow Tiggie, that is feckin cute! Kinda looks like a hospital gown Derek - that thin thing is £68! Maybe it is magical and wonderful and made of expensive stuff BUT I literally can't imagine how it can possibly make me that much warmer! Will try Maplins when back on the bike, its a hell of a distance from here by bus! So no one has one? I'm really surprised! I could skin someone and wear that maybe?? I just spent the past 2 hours outside draining oil and cleaning my Beast! I can't feel anything anymore!!! I was snowed on! *gets violin out and my old granny elecrtric blanket out*...
  9. Good afternoon lovely TMBF peoples! Moo has the body temperature of a little old lady on the verge of dying when outside in the cold! At this moment in time I am wearing tights under my jeans and a vest top, 2 actual vests and a hoodie in our living room and I am only just at a comfortable temperature and dreading stepping outside to change the oil in my bike! Ollie's gonna be borrowing my bigger, warmer bike jacket til he finds one he wants to spend good money on, so I'm stuck with my tight leather one - which looks awesome but little room for layers in the cold weather. Being on a cruiser with arms open is like an invite to freeze my tiny t*ts off!! I've considered getting an electric body warmer in the past, but now I'm v keen! I've seen cheap general ones from as little as £15 and proper biker ones up to £200. Not sure of my budget yet (defo not over £100 is all I would say), but just wondering if anyone has experience with one and would they recommend it? Fanks in advance, hope everyone's having a nice weekend and not too peeved at the lame weather!
  10. I really empathise, except I partially ruptured my ligament too but thankfully nothing wrong with my other knee too like you. REALLY feel for you, and such bad timing. How did you tear cartilage? General wear and tear or did you do have a fall? Cant actually believe how fecking long you have to wait to have an arthroscopy when in pain every day. I was dragging my leg around for 5 months before my MRI and another month before my op. It's really shitty. Does yours swell up lots too? I worked out that if I'd just paid to have a private arthroscopy I'd have ended up spending less on the surgery than I lost in wages too...might be something to consider if you have to have some time off work. You on crutches or just hobbling lots?
  11. HAR HAR, Screw you all, I was right!!!! (love you all really tho...!) Put them back, it made sense having them there!
  12. YES Jamie, that's it!!! Bah, too late, hubby has most of his gear now!! Thanks anyhoo
  13. Myself and the hubby will be able to join you all in a few weeks!! Only met Steve so far, will be great to get to know more of the lovely TMBF-ers!
  14. Hahaha, let us know what he says, and which bike it is. They're awesome, moo loves a Shadow!
  15. Maybe - I can't seem to find the exact ones I'm talking about - about getting your first helmet and other stuff...wanted to show to the hubby. His first motorbike is being delivered next Sat, the same day I will hopefully have mine back up and running and be riding again
  16. ...I'm sure there used to be a few threads of advice on back protectors, which helmet, etc pinned permanently at the start of this board? Or am I going mad? Cos they were v helpful
  17. The itch needs scratching! Yep, I'm hobbling with 1 or no crutches these days! Gonna take a while to get the muscle back, but apparently since seeing consultant surgeon after op, part of my ligament is in fact still in tact! (poetry!). Just gotta hope it doesn't snap some day *GROSS*! But I should make a full recovery! Gotta love some unexpected ridiculously good news, eh?? I went ahead and bought 4 litres on Amazon last night http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004AFE8BS/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  18. Cobweb free engine?? Must be good stuff - surely?! http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/cobwebbikecropped_zps28de8877.jpg This guy really shoulda invested in some
  19. I am safe to ride now, just gotta get the strength back in my leg, I have to kinda lift it over with my hand to get on hahaha! I saw the consultant for the first time since my surgery last week, and it turns out I have a large tear in my ligament, not a complete tear like they thought they saw on the MRI. So no second op for moo, and full recovery in 6-12 months *boo yah*!! I think the oil was changed when I got the bike 6 months ago, but will be sorting that out next weekend for sure (if it's not sowing or bitterly cold - damn weather!!)
  20. I didn't think it was the amount, it just looked like 10/40 was for much faster bikes from what I read in the descriptions You tell him Lou..... I was just clarifying that I wasn't being as dozey as usual!
  21. I didn't think it was the amount, it just looked like 10/40 was for much faster bikes from what I read in the descriptions
  22. I only have 125cc so prob won't ned 10/40 from what I'm reading? Didn't realise how important changing oil is til reading Haynes: "Consistent routine oil changes are the single most important maintenance procedure you can perform...*etc etc*"
  23. Cool, cheers. I mainly did this post for the amusement of Spider Oil! I will prob go for this: 1L = waaay less postage costs! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Castrol-15042E-Power-4T-10W-30/dp/B0064YM5PO/ref=sr_1_2?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1361662517&sr=1-2. Was looking at L plates on eBay too and it came up with hen party accessories!
  24. So I'm being good and reading my Haynes into changing bike oil, and, not being anywhere near town to buy the stuff, I'm looking on Amazon. Which seems to recommend....SPIDER OIL?!?! http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/spastic_potato/BikerMoos%20Piccies/SpiderOil_zpsb2143cbc.jpg Hahahaha! Thought you all might enjoy that. On a serious note, any recommendations for which motorbike oil I should get or anything ok? Cheers
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