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Everything posted by Benn

  1. Cracking. Tal Wilkenfeld and Vinnie Colaiuta make a mean rhythm section
  2. I'll be there. But I live right by Portsmouth Maybe see you there.
  3. My bands new track. I listened to it hundreds of times while mixing and mastering it ">
  4. DONE. It looks fine in person! I checked it when you said that. It just seems to be a trick of the light
  5. http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u577/BennXD/Motorbike/IMG_0108_zps51ab2c1c.jpg http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u577/BennXD/Motorbike/IMG_0107_zpsc9e50725.jpg
  6. Don't think you need brake cleaner mate......just a brush or compressed air (just cover your mouth and nose if you use air....you don't want to be inhaling that dust)...... It's all black, oily and grimy. I don't know how, because it's supposed to be fairly closed off. I'll post a pic to make sure it does need cleaning! If that's okay?
  7. It has begun. I've got the wheel off and opened(?) the drum brake. It's and absolute dump in there! Filthy But the shoes are in great nick, so no big expenditure there. On my way out to get brake cleaner. I'll be done soon! Thanks for the advice guys!
  8. I print directions off Google maps and sellotape them to my handle bars What phone do you have?
  9. I hope not. My bank account is severely depleted at the moment. If they are bad, I'll have to out it back together and order the parts, then take it apart again when they come as I need my bike every day. That's gonna be frustrating if they do need replacing.
  10. Will do! That's a job for tomorrow afternoon then. Thank you!
  11. Oh! Sorry about that. I didn't spot that section Okay, I'll look into that! Drum
  12. Hopefully this is my last problem for a while My rear brake squeals whenever I put it on at low speed, which was embarrassing as I rode past Loomies earlier! Should I clean the pads? Or could it me something else? As always, I appreciate any replies
  13. You can't fail. The place I went had a guarantee that said if they don't consider you safe, you'd go back the next day. That's all it is. Giving you a basic level of training so you're 'safe' on the road.
  14. They used to be my favourite band, but their last two albums haven't phased me Absolution and Origins of Symmetry were cracking albums. Great live though. Saw them on their resistance tour. They put on one heluva show.
  15. That's some good music right there. I'll have to remember then when I next need some chilled out music! And he's doing a drum clinic (basically a lecture) near me. Couldn't not go! I'd love to see PT live one day. Next time they're around these parts of the world I'm going to have to see them.
  16. Porcupine Tree... Meeting their drummer on the 10th http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgDfrFDo7gg I know these guy's drummer which is how I know of them, but these guys are crazy talented. May not be your cup of tea though ">
  17. I've read through a few of these threads (this topic has been thoroughly discussed several times) and it seems to be Almax chains and locks that are supposed to be the best. Pricey, but worth it. http://www.almax-security-chains.co.uk/ ... ts/c-1-73/
  18. I think I'll pop up for a day then. I want to buy some soft panniers and some new gloves and a warmer jacket, so I'll just bring a massive camping rucksack. Thanks for the advice
  19. This sounds mighty good but a bit far to take my bike..? 170 miles each way? Hmm.
  20. Yamaha YBR 125 with L plates I saw your picture in the picture thread and recognised you. I go up there everyday haha.
  21. Priest, I think I saw you up Portsdown Hill yesterday!
  22. Benn

    MOT Frame

    Flippin' heck! Did he buy the bike new?
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