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Everything posted by rennie

  1. Meant to say I've got a VFR12 now which I love! It runs out of fuel before I start to hurt too badly
  2. My recent bikes were Fazer1000 and Fireblade, I'd almost stopped riding because of my knees, out of almost sheer desperation I bought the midnight star! It worked! I rode it a lot more! It handled surprisingly well! and more than kept up with traffic! ( we felt comfortable at 3 figure speeds, 2 up, on more than 1 occasion). Just 1 point of caution! Cruisers are generally heavy!, not a problem when moving, but 300+KG plus pillion etc. can make car parks/slopes/gravel etc. interesting! But then, because I was riding more, I started to miss the sheer effortless overtaking and filtering etc. The cruiser will do both but not as easily, I've been riding 40 odd years now and I do like to make a bit of progress occasionally I'd think, for a lot of people, it would be a good choice
  3. I'm going to try to pay at least some attention this weekend! So all 4 of my riders will probably fall off!
  4. Hello and Welcome I hope your husband recovers quickly! I can't really answer your questions I'm afraid but hopefully somebody will soon. Have the other party admitted responsibility?
  5. After a lot of bartering I got the bike for £4 a year less and the car for about £30 a year more. I detest the whole process!
  6. I had a Yamaha 1300 midnight star for a couple of years! Although I decided cruisers weren't for me in general I can't fault the bike
  7. My best mate since childhood ( Now deceased, RTA in Spain) did his PPL there! I've spent hours there sometimes waiting on the ground sometimes in the plane! You couldn't get food there in my day! Lucky to get a drink!
  8. Good evening I've been out on my bike nearly all day today! only did 100 miles or so but really enjoyed myself I ache in places I didn't know I had places! It was very very warm at any speed less than about 50! ( that was most of the time on Welsh roads) I now have cider
  9. Hello and Welcome I've only been to Poland once! many many years ago, on the train and I really shouldn't have been there! ( I was a soldier, based in what was then W Germany, myself and a friend had been home for Christmas, but had to be back for New year, We met up at Waterloo, got on the train and started drinking , we managed the ferry and several train changes, still drinking. Somehow we ended up asleep on the train in Warsaw! . It must have happened before because there was no drama! they just put us on another train and sent us back) I'd like to go again legally 1 day!
  10. 4 in N Wales Abbey farm bistro Sugar plum tearoom old stores cafe Swans farm shop
  11. I've added UK Think it's worked
  12. Still got no start date! I'm getting mildly concerned now I think I'm going to have a day out on the bike tomorrow
  13. Good Morning I've been lost in France several times!
  14. Good Morning still no start date for the new job! They repeatedly assure me that I have got it! Shame they're not paying me yet!
  15. I'm gutted but we're not going to make it. Circumstances beyond our control! Well done to GoG for at least trying and I hope all that do go enjoy it!
  16. I've moved this to the correct section. There is no real need to use the report function to make us aware of things like this 1 of us would probably have done it eventually
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