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Everything posted by rennie

  1. I've moved this to the correct section. There is no real need to use the report function to make us aware of things like this 1 of us would probably have done it eventually
  2. We had BTsport as part of our ridiculously expensive Virgin package! So far it hasn't gone up for TNT, but I bet it does soon! In which case we'll probably sack it off
  3. I've pretty much given up too! Haven't been at home for the racing so no idea who to swap for who. I'm hoping for a late charge at the end of the season won't be at home this weekend either!
  4. I don't think we'll be going! But there is still a small chance that we might make it
  5. Cadwell Park! about to start on Eurosport
  6. Good Morning We're home after a good little break away weather wasn't bad either!
  7. Austria this weekend! I missed the deadline Going away in the morning so will miss it anyway
  8. Good Morning I'm actually going to ride my bike today! It's booked in for MOT but I might go the long way I've already taken my car this morning and that passed looks like I'm starting new job early Sept.
  9. Good Morning I've been dealing with more forms today! How many times can I give the same information in different formats to different people? They should be paying me for this!
  10. I went on my mobility scooter! Then I supported local business by purchasing 2 beverages
  11. Good Morning Today I need to go to The Post Office It's very close to 4 Pubs!
  12. Good Afternoon We had a really good (long) weekend This morning I have been filling in forms, contracts etc. for the new job ( nearly 5 hours) Don't know when I'll be starting yet but going away again on Sunday!
  13. rennie


    Yes! that's the plan we're off in the campervan tomorrow! 1 night near sherringham then a weekend with lots of family in Diss including going to Roydon Soundwaves for the 3rd year running Then home for a few days then 5 nights away in the van again in Somerset I think ( lots of sites with no availability). I don't have an actual start date yet
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