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Posts posted by Arwen

  1. Welcome, As other have said, go do your CBT and see how you feel. The test for A2 and full A is the exact same, so It's up to you if you want to do it twice, or if you stay on a 125cc until you are 24 then do the test for your full A licence.

    Depending on what you are wanting from a bike, 125c's can be fine. I stayed on mine for 2 years before getting my full licence. Still use the 125 for commuting to work and general around town stuff. But everyone likes and wants different things.

  2. Anyway, unless you specifically want the SSD version of that WD drive, this one stores much more for a lot less.



    I'd highly recommend getting an SSD if you will be carrying it on a bike for long periods of time.

    Jolting movements from pot holes/ramps etc as well as cornering forces on a bike can eaaily damage the platters on a normal HDD.

    Personally, I'd simply take a stack of SD cards.

  3. So it sounds like either you want massive recording capacity on board the bike - so a DVR camera set up that records to hard drives located on the bike. Expensive if you don't want to make your own system up.

    Or you want one of these to off load your SD cards to at the end of each days riding -


  4. Just to say, my MSX does this when it is on the paddock stand. When on the ground it is "normal". It used to really bug me, I'd spend ages adjusting the chain on the paddock stand to stop it doing it, put it back on the ground and the chain would be way to tight...

    I suspect my neighbours thought I had truly gone mad this time as it must have looked like I was taking my bike for a walk, wandering around with the bike at a walking pace as I checked it! :lol:

  5. My MSX gets an oil change every 6 months or so, it only takes a litre and has no filter, so it's simple and quick. Normally April and October, as over the winter the oil goes all icky and white from crap temperatures (it's a "feature" of this little bike).

    The BMW gets done once a year at it's service (or it will do).

  6. Yup, roads up here are in an awful state. Most of bad ones are where previous holes have been patched. There are also a number of drains that appear to have sunk and the road is now disintegrating around them!

    I just report them on fixmystreet.com and they seem to get fixed quicker than going direct to the council...

  7. I wanted to follow up on the topic. Particularly the end part of things. How much will a bike insurance be for a 125 cc with a CBT?? I can only image it will be extremely expensive! Have been trying to get a few quotes for a 321 cc bike and the minimum is around 1000 pounds. Surely 125 on a CBT only will be the same rate. What are people's experiences there? or tips on cracking the insurance eff in the first year of holding a CBT.




    Welcome to the forum!

    Insurance depends on many factors, the big ones being

    Where you live (and where the bike is stored overnight)

    Any driving convictions

    How new/steal-able the bike is.

    As an idea, my first year of insurance, no driving convictions, bike garaged at home address each night (in a middle of the road risk area). Brand new 125cc valued at £2.8k for a 26 year old was £330ish fully comp.

  8. Depends on what you want to use the bike for. I stayed on my grom for 2 year before getting my full licence. Still use the grom to cross the city to get to and from work - it is so much more fun on such a small bike!

    The grom (and most 125's) are ideal for buzzing around town in 20-50mph limits. Out of town they can start to struggle and, depending on how much you love speed, get a bit frustrating.

  9. Part of the no rucksack for me if I find them awkward when doing shoulder checks. Why don't you want a pad on the back all the time? A pillion could sit on top if needed.

    The alternative is the little clip things that Kreiga use as they can be hidden under your seat when not in use (I am led to believe)

  10. I'm biased. For for £30, get the Held tail/tank bag I've got. It's the same price as you average rucksack, but attached to a bike with ease. The Lomo is a few quid cheaper, but you would need to cargo net it or wear it. - I'm also in the band of "don't wear a ruck sack on the bike".

    If you want something much sleeker looking, and don't mind spending the cash then go with a Kreiga US bag. They are worth it from what I have heard.

  11. Looks very tidy!

    How does it strap down? Do the straps come with?


    It's got attachment points at each corner and a sort of collar clip at one end. I've got the two "front" straps attached to the rear foot peg supports and a Rok strap attached to the two "rear" attachment points, under the bike. The collar strap I've got going around the pillion hand rails to stop it moving back/forward. But it doesn't really need this in my experience so far, so long as the straps are done up tight.

    I can get more pictures of it this evening if you want.

    Edit: Yes the straps all come with it



    I'd vouch for Lomo too. I have used their bags else where and they are fantastic. Very similar build quality to Held and Ortlieb. Plus, they are "local" to me :lol:

  12. I've done it multiple times for various different crimes.

    Lots of sitting around waiting to see if you will be picked. - take a book or Powerbank for your phone and be prepared to sit in a tiny room with 40+ other people.

    Once you are picked it becomes a bit easier and more interesting. Most cases are done within a few days. If it is projected to go on longer they normally advice you at the beginning how many days they think it will last so you can rearrange work. Longest I have been on was 2 weeks (loads of evidence and witnesses).

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