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Posts posted by Arwen

  1. Price wise, carphone warehouse is usually the best for handset only deals.



    As for music on android, what app are you using to play your music? Google Music? If so, it is by design that Google music overwrites your meta data... it doesn't actually upload all your music to google. It simply links what you have to what they have and uses it. It's a smart way saving on storage space.

    If you are having problems playing your music, there are loads of other apps out there that will. Personally, I use a mix of google music, spotify and amazon music.

  2. If you hate android (which is seems you do) go iOS.

    That is the real choice. Android or iOS.

    Samsung is android with loads of bloatware. If you don't like android, don't get a Samsung.

    I have the first Pixel and simply love it, never had an issue with it. However I have been with android since near the start so I am used to it's quirks.

    Edit: I've been sim free for over 4 years now. I buy my phones outright and save an absolute fortune while still not having to restrict my data or minutes.

  3. My old Clio on normal all weather tyres could eat that hill for breakfast…

    That's a dusting of snow. Annoyingly we are just getting short flurries up here. Nothing major settling yet :(

  4. Congrats on the CBT pass.

    I messed around on my 125 for nearly 2 years before sitting and passing MOD2. Although my first taster of a big bike was only a couple of months after my CBT. I disliked the bike (an SV650 - it just felt wrong to me) which probably didn't push me to doing my full test, however the time spent on my 125 was time well spent I think.

    I'm not saying you would need 2 years on a 125, but a few months is enough for most people to properly get a feel for being on a bike, in many different road conditions and be comfortable with most of it.

  5. I'm assuming you mean a Benelli TNT 125 ? Nice little bikes. I think a few of the companies that make aftermarket parts for the MSX/Grom are starting to mak parts for this bike too. Maybe get in touch with them?

    Like the MSX, you will struggle to get anything in stock in this country for quite a while. Even now, most of the after mark stuff for the Grom is from Asian websites.

  6. I'm not big on black Friday deals... However If you find yourself always looking for a phone charger, then pick up an Anker PowerCore. There are a few different sizes on offer just now. I've got a lots of Anker stuff (full disclosure, I do some product testing for them) but it is their powercores that I love most. Been using them for years and they withstand all the abuse I throw at them.

    The top two are the most biker pocket friendly. I tend to take one of Mini's out with me when I'm on the bike.

    Anker PowerCore+ mini 3350mAh £9.99

    Anker Astro E1 6700mAh £13.99

    Anker PowerCore II 10000mAh £25.99

    Anker PowerCore II 20000mAh £30.39

  7. My dad used to take them. He stopped after having a major falling out with his doctor ( a whole other story!) and is looking and feeling much better. He's been off them for over a year now...

    However I would say go talk to your doctor before simply coming off them. Everyone is different and there are many different varieties of statins. They may prescribe a different kind that you do not get these side effects from.

  8. I completely agree Gin. The TV series is apparently going to be a sort or prequel, but also telling other stories of Middle Earth. So my worry is they end up introducing those characters I loved in the movies, and don't do them justice :?

    I'll be prepared to watch it. But I'm wary of it too!

  9. How in the name of sanity can it possibly be a series ?


    I suspect the popularity of Game of Thrones has spurred someone on to make a TV series. LotR is one of few epics I actually like both books and movies. But there was a whole lot missed out in the movies because of time constraints (understandably so).

    So long as they don't wreck it like those stupid people who done the TV series of "Legend of the Seeker". :evil: :crybaby:

  10. I've only been to the NEC show once before, but I did rather enjoy it from a "lets sit on everything and have a laugh" perspective. I think If I was looking for a bargain I would be disappointed.

    Nice list you have there [mention]Rodders[/mention] ! I love the two Triumphs you have there. My other half has been eyeing up the cup version when ever we take a trip down to Edinburgh triumph.

    The Rebel is lovely too. My local dealer is selling them like hot cakes.

  11. I have a Go Pro Hero Session 5, its a little cube so smaller and less intrusive than the bigger go pros. It is also waterproof without a case. However battery life is not massive, you can film and charge at the same time. But then because it's door is open it is not waterproof when doing this... I'm toying with buying a spare door and drilling out a whole for the usb cable to go in. Then using some sort of waterproof glue to glue it in place.

    Like nearly all helmet cams, it does look silly.



    But the quality is pretty good. Mine is the 4k version, but you can get a cheaper one that does 1080p.


    I used to think I'd prefer a bike mounted camera. But with a helmet mount you can simply point it to what you want it to see. Like car dashcams, a bike mounted cam may not actually get any footage of a crash.

  12. I'd buy another squire lock in a heartbeat if I needed another.Mine has stood up to the abuse of being dragged around, left out in the cold and wet and never failed me.

    More information here - https://securityforbikes.com/padlocks.php

    Edit: I have the Squire SS50CS . which I got with a chain from them. Its £55, but just make sure the links of the chain you want to use with it fit through it.

  13. Can you get at least the ball of one foot on the ground when the other is on a peg? If so, learn to stop and set off like that, alternate it so you can eventually stop like that with either foot.

    It's what I need to do, and I have a lowerd bike :roll:

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