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Posts posted by Arwen

  1. In February my brother in law got some at the bike show in Edinburgh. think they were about £50 after the show discount and he got them delivered in 2 weeks.

    For that price I am considering them.

    My Flare's cost £25, and they are fine for short trips. But any more than 45 min they start to irritate my ears.

    My "favourite plugs" I can get a box of 200 moldex spark plugs for around £23.They are only really good for a few trips before they get "icky" in my view!

    I'm a bit undecided :?

  2. It's a close call between two for me:

    My Lindstrands Sheridan jacket.

    For the grand sum of £120 I've had nearly two years of use out of this jacket in various weather conditions.

    It is not the most well vented jacket, but it does have them, and combined with unzipping the cuffs as far as they go it creates a nice breeze throughout the jacket.

    It's also fully waterproof when the vents are zipped closed, without the need of a removable liner. Which I love! I hate jackets with loads of zips and layers. If I'm cold I'll wear a thin fleece under it, if I'm too warm I wear better wicking layers.


    My Alt Berg Clubman Roadster boots. I got these custom made for me due to my small feet but larger than average calf size (avg for feet size at least - that's what years of playing sport does!)

    The boots are some of the comfiest boots I have ever worn, fully waterproof and although I have never tested them in a crash, they feel very protective, while looking just like normal black boots.

  3. Then do just that.

    Inboxes will get overwhelmed and the powers that be who reckon this is a good idea will get sick of signing overtime sheets for folk processing the influx of videos, having to pay extra for IT kit to securely store, backup and catalogue these clips and various other things.

    Bad driving is everywhere.

    If you don't drive/ride like a knob then you'll be fine so nothing to worry about.

    If you do ride/drive like a knob, then you may get what you deserve.

  4. In my completely not professional opinion, I'd say try eating something that has slow releasing energy about an hour before going to the gym if you are finding yourself properly exhausted rather than just tired.

    Porridge is a good one if you go to the gym in the mornings. My go to is a handful of dried fruit and nuts however.

    Also, important to keep hydrated in the gym. I find myself getting knackered if I don't drink enough during the day ...

  5. First off, so you actually need the vitamin/protein powder at all?

    If you are eating healthily and hitting the gym for weight loss/casual reasons rather than wanting to become a body builder then you probably don't need it. So long as you start off correctly, and increase the intensity/weight progressively then you will get fitter, faster, stronger without having to spend a fortune on "magical" powders. :roll:

    If however you want to have muscles the size that Arnie's used to be as quick as possible, then crack on.

  6. Untitled.thumb.jpg.dab2d2d5c133393a252cee61773889d0.jpg


    My basic principles of it was the car should always keep travelling straight, unless the number of human occupants inside was equal to or greater than those it would hit, in which case, drive into the wall.

    If it was a choice of two even numbers of groups (all human), car continues straight. If not then hit the least number of humans.

    It is an interesting experiment.

    Edit: according to that I'll spare all the old, fat low-lives! :lol:

  7. Just be thankful you actually have a motorway. This is the kinda crap I need to deal with on our main arterial route (should be a motorway, but can't cause "rural". And tractors use it. )


    Also, some turn offs are just that, 90 degree turn offs. No slip road, from a dual carriageway at 70mph, where loads of folk do 90.…

    Also, the random far right lane that turns into a slip road for Cathedral on the M8 at Glasgow...catches a few folk out :lol: Screenshot_20170814-215035.thumb.png.7f85dda45981ec0f897a0809c85ccb83.png

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