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Everything posted by Arwen

  1. Arwen


    Lol that must have been a sight Bender I wouldn't say I was immune as such… on the very rare occasion I do get bit (only ever happened when I put insect repellent on ) the bite blows up to around a 10p size and looks like a puss filled blister.
  2. Arwen


    You have no concept of a gathering of Highland midgies is all I can say to that I've lived in and traveled throughout Scotland my whole life. Trust me, I know about swarms of midges! Apparently it's something to do with blood type. Midges prefer some blood types over others. But as I have no idea what blood type I am, I cannot confirm it It's been another scorching day over on the east side of the country Bob!
  3. Arwen


    All this talk of midges amuses me. Midges very, very rarely bite me! Sorry you seem to be getting all the horrible people on the camp sites this time Bob, some people are simply in the wrong job!
  4. Arwen


    Have fun Bob! It's already 24°C in Dundee today. We are moving all the big things from one house to the other today, melting!! Roads around the Cairngorms are lovely, and usually quiet enough to enjoy. Personally not much compares to the scenery on the west coast for me, which just gets better and better the further north you go.
  5. Because if you done something wrong you should... It is called honesty, and is generally seen as being a good quality to have. Or do you teach kids to lie about everything they do cause they can only be told off if they are caught?
  6. Not the falling off bit thankfully (and the pies were unintended... ) Groms are stupidly easy to wheelie…
  7. Learn to wheelie is 5 easy steps. 1. Buy a grom 2. Eat lots of pies 3. Sit at the back of the seat. 4. Pin the throttle back and "take off" in 1st. 5. Don't fall off as you giggle. Optional- 6. Fall off, pick up grom like a push bike.
  8. Do you do a lot of tight filtering on your commute? The tiger is around the same dimensions of my f700, which I use for commuting. It's perfectly doable as a commuter, however I don't filter in inner city traffic on it - mostly dual carriageway. The turning circle of the falco would maybe be a concern with filtering in my eyes.
  9. That is s a great idea would stop dust and small children falling on it too. Rob Just mind and wear a decent dust mask and eye pro when you are painting in it. I done mine over two years ago and still looking pretty good.
  10. I used a £30 Tesco tent as a spray booth to paint my msx panels. Worked a treat!
  11. Around 210kg. I'm pretty sure I'm out of negative equity on the BMW, so any "extra" I have from trading it in after paying off the finance would go to the new bike... Is that correct? I'll ask the finance/dealer too, but was wondering if anyone had done similar.
  12. So I am having to get rid of my BMW and swap it for something much lighter - mostly doctors orders. ( I have been damaging the muscles between my ribs getting it of it's stand and manually moving it around. This has meant for the past 6 months I've been struggling to breath normally without being in pain ) I've been mostly looking at the BMW G310r and the Kawasaki Z400. Unfortunately I have not test ridden either, as on the 4 occasions I was going to, there was torrential rain all day and I chickened out However I have spotted a 2017 G310r up for sale, at a rather good price. But I have no idea how trading in a bike halfway through it's pcp term for a bike that costs substantially less. Can anyone give a a dummies guide?
  13. The missing dothraki not being a problem was something I noticed too, but also surprised that there was that number of them left after the battle for winterfell! Although I liked Jon's ending, I do t agree with it. Grey Worm would have executed him the moment Jon admitted what he done. Just like he executed those lannister soldiers we seen. Bron being master of coin is odd... Sam being a arch maester is odd and makes no sense, but I like it.
  14. I've just watched it… it was as I thought, disappointing. I'm not disappointed or surprised (completely) by the endings, but completely disappointed in the execution of them. Too rushed, too much "big dramatic CGI" moments, to much skipping in time, too much assumption of what has went on during that time, too few human moment, too few chances for us to genuinely build any sort of emotions to character or their new roles and relationships. I'm looking forward to reading the final books.
  15. I tend to run on the warm side as well. I do always wear wicking base layers on the bike and they tend to do the trick for me. No need to go super expensive. I have a mix of Helly Hanson, Gore, Lidl, under armour and a few weird tk maxx specials. They all pretty much do the trick. Thinner ones for summer, thicker ones, or merino wool for winter. As I said on another thread, I tend to wear fully length layers (long legs, long arms) rather than shorts and t-shirt style ones. Although it may seem counter intuitive, it stops your skin "sticking" to your bike gear. Outlast is another "magical" liner available in jackets, gloves, trousers that can help to keep you cool, and warm. I have it in my gloves and it is fantastic. Definitely will be buying a jacket and trousers with it when I come to buying new kit.
  16. Nothing quite beats having this on our doorstep ! I ran my BWM in by taking it around the Cairngorms
  17. It is nice to hear someme else enjoying a 125 as much as me As for the big bike test… there has been chatter for a while on them changing it to be less of a test and more a constant assessment (bit like CBT) for passing. So maybe in future you'll get it without having to sit a test.
  18. Wicking base layers all year round. Normally ankle length for legs and full sleeves for arms. However if it's just a short ride I'll maybe swap to short versions. So much "cleaner" feeling with decent wicking layers.
  19. Nope. Limiting it to even half its power would be more than A2 is allowed. https://www.gov.uk/motorcycle-test/motorcycles-mopeds-you-can-use
  20. I've been wondering this too. I fully expected Drogon to die during the Kingslanding battle. The fact he has came out of it unscathed has got me wondering just how he will get killed off.
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