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Everything posted by Arwen

  1. Sound like you had fun with it, but managed to keep rose tinted glasses off. Well done, sounds like you done the right thing If you really want one, there are quiet a few of them around. Maybe not that low of mileage, but I've seen a few that were in showroom condition.
  2. I use a throat mic when playing Airsoft. I wear a buff at Airsoft and that is enough fabric to interfere with the sound quality. The guys that play who use their "official" throat Comms say they have the same problem. Which is why they just use a shoulder mounted mic.
  3. I doubt it would work well due to a few reasons, but mostly because a lot of bike jackets collars are very stiff, and would likely interfere with it. Good ones are also super expensive. Much more expensive than a standard comms kit for a helmet.
  4. Yup, between 9-12" is about average for them. Proper little monster
  5. We've had Stevie for nearly 10 weeks now. I'm truly astounded at how quickly they grow! Got them when they were 3" in length. Measured them last night and now 7.5" ! And still got some growing to do
  6. Have a look at the ground anchors from these guys. I have chains from them, and their help and advice has been as fantastic as their products are! https://securityforbikes.com/products.php?cat=Ground+Anchors
  7. Both front and rear. Top tip: ride within the speed limit and it becomes irrelevant.
  8. Oh yes, they can be very temperamental! ZaZu is actually very "stable" compared to a lot of parrots. If she doesn't like you or want to be near you she just flies away. She does however have a thing for plastic, all plastic must be chewed into the smallest pieces ever, and then spread across the living room floor. So when the humans come down in the morning in bare feet she want watch us "dance" Ferrets are lovely, they do have a very strong smell though. I ended up with rat's instead, much less smelly and very trainable.
  9. But it wasn't Molly who messed the room up. Molly was asleep the whole time!
  10. My can opener with wings, ZaZu. She decided she wanted a bath, but would let me help And our (not so) little Stevie. Doubled in size since the end of December! I'm currently setting up a new tank for them.
  11. Reasonably obvious. Fork oil is usually a yellowish colour I think. From what I have seen they usually "weep" rather than full on leak. Depress the forks, let them bounce back and see if there is any residue, streaks or otherwise left on the fork. If so, stick a seal mate down and around the seal. Perform the test again. If no change then the seals need replaced, and if you are replacing the seals you may as well replace the fluid.
  12. I used wd40 chain wax once. It seized the chain and I ended up having to replace it and the sprockets. Never used wax again!
  13. I'm contemplating doing my MSX forks, since it is now 4 years old. No leaks yet, but different weight oil apparently helps stop them bottoming out over big bumps which is mostly why I want to do it. Only thing that's really stopping me is that they are usd forks.... And I don't have a way of holding up with bike without the forks just now
  14. I don't believe in lucky charms. But I do like jewelry made some odd things. Very nice!
  15. The other reason I have heard to not let them ideal on either the center or side stand for too long is the vibrations can knock them off the stand eventually. Just another reason to jump on and go! I love the sound of the older boxers. Although I did mistake a VW campervan for my partners R1150 once
  16. All sounding good [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention] ! You itching with excitement yet?
  17. I've read them. But the price is way to high for what you get I think.
  18. HAHAHAHAH have you seen how much they are? You'd have an electric bike then have to sneakily live in the office and eat the lunch leftovers as you would have no money for anything else. So long as you don't need to go 35+mph, the one I linked too is sub £3k. Much more justifiable for a toy
  19. I really want to test drive a tesla... but I am in two minds. 1. I don't think I could pull off a convincing "I really can afford this" act for a few hours 2. I think I would feel even worse after it as I would want it more, but can't afford it I have test driven the Hybrid Golf GTE. That was a whole lot of fun, even if I did forget it was an automatic and nearly put the three of us through the windscreen!
  20. Old BMW check list: Check for slipping clutch. It's more like changing a car clutch if it needs changed… Final drive seal leaks/dried out. Final drive bearing - put the bike on the center stand and wiggle the rear wheel from side to side. If it's very wobbly, then it's a pain of a job to do. Check for very noisy valves/tappet noise. Personally, I would have one that has been looked after by an experienced bike mechanic/owner no matter what the mileage was. If you want more info, my other half has the R1150gsa, his brother has a R1100r. They both do pretty much all the work on their bikes, so know then pretty well! The one you have linked to looks in fantastic condition. The 6months warrant makes me think it is probably fine. Give it a good look over for dried out rubber seals.
  21. Nice looking bike. But not for that price in my mind. I saw one of these in a shop window in Glasgow at the weekend. For the price, I can't see a better one. Currently looking to see if I can go for a test ride on one to see what it's like, although it might make my Grom redundant! https://urbanebikes.com/collections/super-soco/products/super-soco-tc?variant=7320172724247 They are also doing a more powerful one- https://urbanebikes.com/collections/super-soco/products/tc-max-62mph-deposit Electric bikes are made for the city in my eyes. Petrol bikes will rule the open roads for a number of years yet.
  22. I agree, I think? I used to use Moldex Spark Plug foam ones, which are SNR 35 dB. My custom fit ones are Ultimate Ear Squidgies SNR 30 . (no filters) Hearing wise, the Spark plugs performed very well. They cut out pretty much all the wind noise, but I could still hear the rev's and sirens etc. If I was speaking to someone, especially if I still had my helmet on they would have to shout for me to hear them. In general it feels a bit like hearing when underwater. You can tell there is noise, but it is distorted. The custom fit ones, cut out the same amount of wind noise, but the noise that does get through is much clearer and not distorted. If I am talking to someone they need to speak up a bit, but are not required to shout. Engine noise sounds so much nicer, I can more easily tell car noises around me and they don't heat up like foam ear plugs.
  23. I suppose I could do a comparison review. I wore foam disposable ones for a year or so (maybe 2?) Before I got moulded ones. I'll try and make it make sense
  24. Always welcome! Got a few reasonable sites on our door step I only started playing a couple of years ago. Partner has played a lot longer though.
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