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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. Third times a charm! Hello and welcome Fisherman!
  2. The way back with new rubber should be fine the ride there on the old tyres may be interesting
  3. Do you fred? Hope it's not grim down here have to take OHs bike for new tyres.... nervous enough riding it in the dry!
  4. And I get called the mean one!!!!!!
  6. Hoggs

    Would you go?

    Ouch. I've broken my foot it sucks, I sympathise! Hope everything goes well and everything mends properly
  7. Congrats on the mod1 pass! That's the tricky one!
  8. £190 for a beemer, £70 for the much better green motox one http://www.maplin.co.uk/search?text=ride+on+motorbike&x=0&y=0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
  9. Nice! Although I have checked the website and they do a green one so.....
  10. Hoggs

    I will

    Probably fail the MOT doing that. You'll be the expert soon enough Pft. Unlike some overconfident people we know I am not going into it bragging to everyone that it will sail through.
  11. Hoggs

    I will

    Probably fail the MOT doing that.
  12. Hoggs

    I will

    As Joe lures children onto trains then promptly falls asleep leaving a trail of confused toddlers from London to Kent
  13. Hoggs

    I will

    yep, waving and trying to entice them into our gang... Not in a Gary glitter way though.
  14. Hoggs

    I will

    This is why I try and wave back to any kids who stop and stare and wave
  15. I was just coming here to post as I couldn't remember if you were off still well done for overtaking Mr W rennie
  16. Yeah thankfully they're both ok. Ambulance and medics are top notch and were there really quickly
  17. We're home safe races were epic look forward to watching them again tomorrow on our day off
  18. Yeah 80000 people shouting at the track there
  19. Sun is out! Which is good as I've only just dried out from yesterday
  20. If it's wet he'll be a lap down in five laps
  21. Neil probably has several pairs in case anything happens to one We've been playing fun games of spotting people with the most amount of rossi gear on. (6 pieces of overpriced crap is the current leader) and the much harder game of spotting lorenzo fans
  22. Very wet XTreme. I'm having to dry everything I own with a hairdryer Hopefully tomorrow will be dry!
  23. Also weirdly the cup stays lava hot for hours but the beverage inside is drinkable temperature after about 5 minutes.... I shall aim to bump into you Neil but weather depending we may just hide in a grandstand all day
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