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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. Yeah pawi falling was probably the most shocking thing! Great podium though fab to see new riders getting up there. Di giannantonio one to watch! Bring on moto 2!
  2. Haha! Epic moto3 race! Hope they're all this good!
  3. Dammit I knew I should have put money on pawi for moto3 as soon as rain was mentioned yesterday
  4. Only saw the second. Was pretty brutal sounds like thankfully he's OK though
  5. I'd need to fatten beefy up a bit before he's ready for cooking
  6. Horse is delicious like gamey beefy goodness
  7. ....it that your prediction or do you mean free practise? Or a message from the future?
  8. I knew I shouldn't have told heart my PayPal details
  9. Because people die getting hit by drunk drivers or signs falling on their head or choking on a biro lid so no point not doing some thing based on what ifs. That may sound flippant but just feel you may as well do what you enjoy whilst you can!
  10. See if there are any J&S or Infinity places near your travels. Few of both around
  11. Saw this thought of our lovely resident manual master but he's beat me to it worth your weight in gold Spanner
  12. Get them to start from cold is always rule number 1 Also see the paperwork If the guy doesn't point out the damaged bits he's hiding something and be suspicious And if it doesn't feel right trust your gut and walk away there's a lot of bikes out there
  13. I go mirror, check for bloody cyclists in the blind spot, indicate, check again, move
  14. On the flip side - people tend to fail for silly things like forgetting to lifesaver or not having a clue what the speed limit is (they WILL find a couple of 30 to 20 to 30 areas!) because they think it's easier so concentration does start to wander...
  15. 2 for sure. You don't have a room full of people watching and there's not the if you put your foot down INSTANT FAIL pressure
  16. Hello! Well most people have had a tumble at some point in their biking life whether on a lesson or after 35 years. I myself have thrown a 125 down the road (grabbing all the front brake in the wet). You're at a point where the learning curve is very steep but we're all still learning every time we go out. You're by no means the first to make a bit of a spoon up in your lessons and you won't be the last! The first question is do you want to carry on? After my down I wanted to carry on. I assessed why it went wrong (I was an idiot) and learnt a good lesson from that. And I wanted to ride again and go on to to my das. The more you ride the more the riding bit becomes subconscious and you can spend more brain power on assessing the road and spotting potential issues before they become a problem. Think of your instructor, he'll assess and learn from what happened and carry on riding because he loves it I'm not going to say you're never going to be in a position where it isn't scary because we've all had squeaky bum moments but your ability to react and assess will improve dramatically with experience and the love of riding out weighs the holymoly eeeep moments. So the second question is, do you want to carry on?
  17. Pft. Move it closer to London and I'll come
  18. Top tip! (No pun intended) My instructor said charity shops also have no idea about price so are also happy hunting grounds
  19. Too far for me sorry! I have evening stuff so would literally need to ride 3 hours there have a coke then ride 3 hours back and as much as I love you all.....
  20. ...... hopefully on a break and not when you're driving a BUS FULL OF PEOPLE
  21. Happy birthday You're almost as old as me now
  22. I originally thought it was your birthday and tiggy was taking the piss even more than usual
  23. I live in London. Indicating and looking are not required so we just wildly swerve around. Go round roundabouts anti clockwise, anything goes really.
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