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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. fixed indicators shouting blinker blinker would be better This made me actually laugh out loud
  2. rumour has it he removed the button because no-one ever liked his posts OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I sense you better keep an eye on your signature again
  3. Just to throw my tuppence in (feel free to throw it back!) I think you will be better off not knowing as you will be paying more attention than just thinking "oh I know where I am going la la la" and forget to lifesaver and fail. My commute riding is probably not as good as when I am lost (which is frequently haha)
  5. I think I "made" Hoggfather buy Daytona boots....
  6. Ooh well feel free to post in the project section we always like to nose at what people are doing I have already reviewed the unfettled ride home! Yeah sorry I read that after I posted here! Sounds like an.... interesting ride! Although nice catch on the switching to reserve
  7. Ooh well feel free to post in the project section we always like to nose at what people are doing
  8. Haven't owned a car in 6 years. Don't really miss it. Unless I have ordered heavy things to work....
  9. May be a minor but what they are looking for is how you recover it. If you flail around and then stall again and again and then throw the bike down in a fit of rage that's probably a fail. A nice calm recovery with checks before you set off no problemo
  10. We're not happy! We want our like button back!
  11. WHAT!? The middle lane is the most dangerous you are literally surrounded on all sides by idiots! Also I have three nobs of the day today. First one is me , pulling out of a junction there was a car turning so I thought I can get out in that gap but then turning car flew round and the guy behind was also flying along so I did make him brake to let me out. Sorry red car and thank you for not squishing me Second was the guy in a truck who indicated and immediately swerved wildly into my lane causing me to have a slight squeaky bum moment (luckily there was enough room for me to scoot round) Then third was the guy who obviously doesn't know how roundabouts work and as I was turning right decided to just pull straight in front of me. Stupid mondays
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB! 21st is it?
  13. You should have a word with the bugger that picked them then
  14. hahaha Mr How Fkin much was Six30 at the TOGS ride
  15. U WOT MATE?! YOU DISSING SOUTHERNERS?! yes? oh. oh. ok then.
  16. I love some of the stuff on crowdfunding sites but I am too much of a cynical person to give them money! At least the investors get a letter! "Unfortunately, those who initially invested in an AR-1 helmet on Indiegogo will not be refunded. However, a letter on the Indiegogo web page states that those who invested funds for a Skully helmet will receive a notice from the bankruptcy court in regards to how to file a claim"
  17. Hello! This does seem to have happened to a lot of people - sadly some schools just don't seem to have the patience for new new new riders preferring to push through people who kinda know how to work a bike and just need a bit of pointing and road experience. Seeing as you have a bike do you have any private land you can practise just stopping and starting? Once you get the hang of clutch control everything becomes a little easier! Also I get the whole wanting to give up bit - but you obviously do want to do this so please don't let a little set back knock you all the way down. Riding a bike is a shed load of fun! Which is why there are so many of us! Are they charging you for the 20th? Call them and ask to be put in a group with novices. You are paying them for a service. They need to provide one. Otherwise name and shame!!
  18. Top stuff Foxy - mod2 is a breeze in comparison! Let your trainers know if you are open to cancellations they may be able to get you in quicker (if you want!)
  19. Top Stuff this is where the real learning begins! stay safe
  20. I hear that. Was trying on jeans a while back and it was really just pot luck if they fit as the sizes meant nothing!! I went to On Yer Bike Ltd A41 Bicester Road, Westcott HP18 0JX - they don't have looooads of stuff but the guy was very chilled at me running around the shop trying everything on (and let me wear the jeans home with no probs). I'd probably go back when I have money again
  21. Rennie I hope you don't mind me stealing your posting job but I wanted to gloat over Mr W some more 1 GT250 Milan Gajic £800 k 1 1945 2 roys wobblers roy garnett £1.2 m 2 1866 3 KO Racing Andrew Bateson £0 2 1616 4 Big Green Dog David Ralphson £300 k 2 1552 5 The Green Rattlecans Sam Hoggarth £0 2 1448 6 BrizzleSBK Matthew Wylde £400 k 2 1392 7 Susies Stunners susan walls £0 2 1338 8 Rennies rides ian renshaw £100 k 2 1291 9 Jivesterrrs Elite Stars Martin Haylett £0 2 1290 10 AGM Racing Alex Gray £100 k 2 1182 11 Weekend Warriors Paul De Ste Croix £1.4 m2 1180 12 TankSlappers Racing Josh Timmins£0 2 1137 13 RB Racing Robert Bagshaw £100 k 2 1124 14 Ale Team John Beckett £600 k 2 952 15 neilm Neil Marsden £0 2 892
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