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Posts posted by Hoggs

  1. Redding was insanely consistent!!!!!

    Bennetts British Superbike race one - conditions dry

    1 45 Scott REDDING GBR Ducati - Be Wiser Ducati 26 29:05.336

    Bennetts British Superbike race three - conditions dry

    1 45 Scott REDDING GBR Ducati - Be Wiser Ducati 26 29:05.749

  2. First time I've ever named a bike... sorry for the iPhone shots, but I'll take some better one's over the long weekend.


    Those pictures are better than anything I've even taken with a proper camera :crybaby:

  3. ....you spoon

    but seriously glad you're ok. You should send RST an email with that image thanking them for saving your skin see if they'll give you a discount on the replacements :lol: :lol:

  4. i would urge all to attend either a

    First bike on scene or Biker Down first aid course .

    Those skills will make a huge difference to someone's life one day .


    This this this! having the knowledge and confidence to remove a helmet is a skill worth having, it can literally save a life.

    It's also FREE. Google a course near you. Do it.

  5. Alternative Arya ending: the I'm at a keyboard edition.

    After the burning of the city a white horse appeared, its mane singed at the ends, its flank covered in the blood of the city, its hooves leaving dark crescents in the deep ash. Arya slowly moves towards it, it seems to have been expecting her and allows her to climb on its back and calmly walks through the city. She looks down on the charred remains of the occupants, most of them are melted bones and twisted sinew, here and there is a glimpse of something almost recognisable as face – an eye gazing at something beyond the realm of human perception, a twisted grimace of pain, an ear forever hearing the ringing lie of the bells.

    At the edge of the city the horse turns into a small secluded courtyard, miraculously untouched by fire, not even the ash was blowing into this space and the central apple tree was a jarring vision of vibrancy and life. Under the tree is a small table and a couple of chairs, one of which is occupied by a man, his long dark hair half hiding his face and as he looks up Ayra sees his eyes are even darker, almost pools of total blackness. He motions for her to join him at the table.

    Dismounting from the horse, Ayra glances quickly at the exit of the courtyard although she feels the gaze of the man almost pulling her back and so she walks to the table and sits down.

    “I have a message,” he says, his voice is calming, almost hypnotic “Today IS the day, you have an outstanding debt that requires payment.” He slides a small note book over to Ayra and motions for her to open it. The cover of the book is worn leather, although of which animal would possibly be a question best not asked. Ayra opens the cover to find three unfamiliar names on the first page. Looking back up at the man, his short brown hair now framing green eyes, he half smiles, places a small coin bag on the table in front of her and walks out of the courtyard, pausing at the entrance to look back over his shoulder “Valar Morghulis”.

  6. It's not a spoiler because it's not what happened. But what should have happened to Arya is the white horse was the God of Death saying it IS today and you owe me some serious back payment. Because they seemed to completely forget that there was a whole mythical death cult that was a lot more interesting that what they decided to do which was a twee Hollywood ending.

  7. When I joined my usual username was taken, though I can't find anyone on here using it. Then it kind of went wrong and rejected everything I tried, even totally random stuff.


    Haaa this happened to me. Was on mobile and it obviously stuck on the error page. After trying "normal" things went for Hoggs (riff on my surname) and refreshed the page... and then it worked. oh well been called much worse

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