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Posts posted by Hoggs

  1. I get where you're coming from, I just think it was rushed. Burning the keep and screaming kneel before your new queen and burning those who didn't seems more in keeping. Or at least show her kicking some puppies first so we can see she's all out of f**ks

    But it would be dull if we all agreed on everything :cheers:

  2. There's been a fair amount of character development


    I disagree with this purely because Dany always had a "moral" reason for killing people, either out of revenge, judgement of them being bad people or because they directly disrespected her, This moral code of not harming innocent people which was ingrained in all the issues with the slavers has vanished in 1 day due to the death of Missandre. If when the bells range she had flown to the keep and burned the hell out of Cersei that is fair enough. However systematically burning the entirety of Kings Landing killing hundreds of thousands doesn't sit right. Her entire story is freeing people, wanting to avoid the madness of her ancestors, wanting to rule (I assume) living people. She went from a 3 to an 11 on the madness scale and it's too much. I get they have to make her proper nutjob so Jon realises he has to kill her but other than her looking a bit tired at Dragonstone there isn't enough of an arc. Maybe someone just needs to give her a snickers.

  3. I thought it was shit. The characters stories are rushed, the end point is obvious, the characters themselves feel hollow, it feels like every other TV show - predictable good vs evil rather than the "real world" sometimes good people die deal with it brilliance the books had. The CGI is OTT and I've stopped giving a shit about anyone.

  4. So... turns out [mention]BabyD[/mention] was tricking me by updating his previous posts rather than adding new ones. Obviously this means the scoring error is completely his fault and not mine :angel12: haha I don't mind, it makes sense to keep them organised, but you may need to nudge me if you add anything int he furture!! :thumb:

  5. I guess 2003 bike it should be ok


    The general cut off is post 2007 is ok as it's down to the euro...3? regulations and delightfully if they deem your bike as not compliant as standard regardless of what you do you won't be exempt unless you get a piece of paper from their tester. and as a general rule all carb bikes will fail

  6. I'd say the clear winner is the woman in a white range rover who had run over a cyclist. Saw on my way home there was approximately 800 people stopped to help and he was sitting up so I carried on but his bike was fully under her wheels

  7. Hands up those who think Bran is the most annoying character! I don't get the point of him at all. Oh I can see everything and warg and could be super helpful but instead I'll creepily smile and do NOTHING. haha have fun dying for me suckers!

    At least the nightking has personality so if it makes him more interesting I'm all for it

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