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Posts posted by Hoggs

  1. What a race! more jump starts, Marquez fail, Rins amazingness! And Dovi leading the championship!!! YAY!

    Also Crutchlow keeping true to form and binning it, haven't heard his excuse yet but probably Rossi being too slow or some crap

  2. well you can connect your PC to the tv and use it a a second screen. Or look in to a roku streaming thing it has a Netflix app on it and you'd just log in with your account. We have one to watch Now tv on

    You could possibly use a Wi-Fi stick but I think you'd have to install a browser or something and I don't know enough about that to be helpful :mrgreen:

  3. A bit off topic to the original thread, but I've recently become a subscriber to Netflix. Actually I'm on a 30 day free trial and then after that the basic package at £5.99 a month. Unbelievable amount of choice, problem is my TV is not getting used now. Which comes to my next question; Is there a way I can stream Netflix onto my TV via my PC?


    Do you not have a smart TV or freeview box with the Netflix app on?

  4. So I viewed the busa that I originally wanted but pics did it more justice than they should have, but there is a blue one £400 cheaper which in the pics looks awful but in person is much nicer so I'm going for that one just trying to sort out the finance for it as we speak


    Did you manage to get a test ride booked for it in the end?

  5. I like it. means if I miss the race for any reason I can merrily go about a Monday without finding the results out. Gone are the days of look away now if you don't want to see the results it's all SPORT NEWS [NAME] WINS.

    MCE Facebook are a bugger for spoiling the WSBK results as I don't get to watch that until Tuesdays

  6. An Admiral visited one of the ships of the line under his command. While eating breakfast with the crew he was impressed to see the Naval insignia stamped on every biscuit.

    He went to the Chief cook to ask how this feat was done, so it could be used on other ships under his command.

    >The Chief replied, "I'd be glad to share that with you, Admiral. After each biscuit is cut, I just slap it here against my belt buckle which bears the Navy insignia.

    Horrified the Admiral exclaims, "That's very unhygienic!"

    The Chief shrugs and replies, "Well, If that’s the way you feel, sir, I suggest you avoid the donuts."

  7. but I find my turning circles get wider with increased speed.


    I found it was easier to just do a turn (at whatever speed I could) then work on getting it tighter and slower over time, rather than trying to do it slowly and tightly straight off the bat as you tend to fail more and then it gets annoying and frustrating and you swear a lot. But that's just me, people do learn in different ways

  8. That's really decent of you Mark.

    Under the circumstances gross misconduct and out the door would have been the easy option.


    :stupid: Thought exactly the same. Top stuff. And less likely to hurt herself or others so more win

  9. yea and this new idea of hanging their legs out when they are about 50 yards away from a corner what's that all about it looks untidy and I bet it slows them down too :?


    "the doctor dangle" Rossi has been doing it for years and others started copying it. Not sure on the science but I'm willing to go with what [mention]winston smith[/mention] said :lol:

  10. Hey [mention]Wakey638[/mention]

    First off if a biker ever tells you they have never dropped their bike they are either lying or they have only been riding 5 minutes. We have all done it, it sucks balls but don't beat yourself up too much.

    Second: Reasons we drop it:

    Looking at the ground: you end up where you look, look down you're going down! Keep your head up and pick a spot in the distance to focus on

    Going too slow: Unless you're a stunt rider controlling a bike at super slow speeds is a bitch. Especially when learning, try ensure you plan ahead enough to either come to a nice controlled stop on the line or avoid having to crawl along.

    Going to slow when turning: This is a mega combination of the above 2 points! I stalled once on full lock... down I went! Again, when learning try to ensure your road positioning means you get some nice sweeping lines when turning rather than the dreaded 90 degree!

    Bad footing: Now this one is a bit of a bugger because it's not always easy to see that dip in the road etc, however keeping your head up will help you assess the road condition at the point you will be stopping so if you need to re-position you can before you get there.

    BEING SUPER NERVOUS AND TENSE! Again a bugger, because me saying relax!!!! it will make it so much easier is a shed load easier said than done, but try take same deep breaths and make sure your arms are nice and loose.

    Don't give up, most of us have been through similar :cheers: OH also don't try rush it, nothing worse than pressure on yourself. Baby steps no one learns anything immediately

  11. Went for American style as was previously forever running out of freezer space, now that all my frozen goods have been binned/cooked it looks extremely pitiful with just an ice tray sitting in it.


    Fill it full of vodka!

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