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Posts posted by Hoggs

  1. There it is.

    This isn't a case of people getting offended because of their "snowflake" tendencies, it's people calling you out for being, frankly, a knob because instead of just ignoring the post you are crowing around belittling someone on the internet who admitted an error was made and was seeking help and knowledge on how to correct it.

    Common sense would surely dictate that your continued response on this thread is a pointless endeavour, so let's see how that plays out.

  2. Thinking about it, I'd be dead worried about giving out my post code if selling a motorbike. Not sure what real alternatives there are, mind, but it's a great was to enable thieving scrotes to target your steed.


    When I met the guy selling what is now my bike, we met in the forecourt of a BP garage. When we rocked up he apologised for making us meet him there but he was a bit wary of giving people his home address. I did pick the bike up from the address stated on the V5 a couple days later (as he realised I wasn't a scammy bast*rd at that point!) :lol:

  3. This looks like it could turn into an interesting thread with valuable information, but it might be lost if it stays under a thread title Ryde Top Boxes. Mods might want to split the thread and give it a more relevant title.



    Yeah alright seems a good idea! :cheers:

  4. Also the same year that Hoggs missed the full ride turning off into a carpark and went Hooning off down Derbyshire country roads and her SO had to go chasing after to bring her back into the pack! :D


    What actually happened Ginneth was that I *totally* saw you all in the car park standing around, and I thought to myself, ooh I will have a nice little blast down this road see where it goes whilst that lot are gassing about. Totally didn't just miss 15 bikers and start to wonder where the hell everyone was after I have been going along for 15 minutes. :angel12:

    Was a great ride though :mrgreen:

  5. My China office, who sent a glass topped box in a plastic bag to us. Needless to say it did not make it.


    Pictures of the decimation? :mrgreen:


    The delightful insert also says GLASS WINDOW which should have been a clue


  6. Wouldn't it have been so much easier to put a cloth over the area before starting !! :!:


    It would also have been so much easier if I was born with all the knowledge I would ever need to get through life, but sadly that isn't how it works.

    The way we learn is through teaching and mistakes.

  7. If you ever see interviews with people with popular shows/podcasts it's very common for them to say "I can't watch/listen to our early stuff, we were still finding our way and it's terrible". It would be unreasonable for your first attempts to be amazing.


    :stupid: This is true with most things. There's a mini roundabout on my commute I used to dread as I could barely get round it. Now I wonder how on earth I managed to get that wide on it! :lol:

  8. My Dad's is a Y plate which I think equates to 2001, I think dealerships sold kits similar to the Jordan one but they are never quite the same. There is a small plaque near the handlebars which has Eddie Jordans signature engraved into it and the production number. Most of the stuff I've found online says there were only 50 produced but this particular one was donated to Celtic Football Club by Eddie Jordan and was apparently the last one produced. Honda sold the Jordan Honda cars easily but didn't find it so easy to sell the bikes as you had to buy the Civic to be offered the Hornet. That didn't exactly work and the bikes were then sold individually. It's a lovely bike but maybe not for a guy of 6 foot 2 lol. Might stick to my Pan and advertise it on Bike Trader.


    I found an awesome 90's website with the info and original Honda leaflet :lol:


    Apparently they would match the bike number to the number of the car (so I found someone who had bike 69 as he had car 69 and probably giggled the entire time)

  9. That adds only 5 years old :booty:


    meh it was the only one I could find.

    Although on closer inspection, the tank decal looks different (I didn't zoom in on OPs pic at first) so maybe the ones I saw were dealer specials based on it as the buy a car get a bike thing seems to be just for the EJ ones.

  10. Hello! I love these bikes, and as such have spend a while hunting them down - I've seen quite a few on ebay.. not HUGE value I think they were generally between £1500 - £2000.

    There's one just sold in Dublin for £1600


    I am unsure if anyone made "replicas" all the ones I saw were listed as limited edition and the age was right for them...

    Probably not what you were hoping to hear and I could be wrong, things are only ever worth as much as people are willing to pay!

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