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Everything posted by techno

  1. I usually get the postcard might have a run up to bike gear this weekend see what they have.
  2. If the idiots at the been finish him hopefully he can start a different show on another channel,top gear would die...well for me at least.
  3. Post something up and see of anyone's free and interested. There seems to be quite a few people from around our area.
  4. Next time I do this will probably be in the car.
  5. Actually wife said its more likely foxes.
  6. Having ridden both if I had to choose I would pick west coast/central Scotland everytime.
  7. I've had both and now we have 4 cats, I say I've it's been the women TBH I wouldn't bother with them. I'd never have dogs again far too demanding and that's why people have cats,they are independent animals and the total opposite to dogs. It's unfortunate you have this problem guess the water pistol and patrol is your best course of action hopefully it gets the message.
  8. Just have to add how are cat owners irresponsible, what exactly are they supposed to do about cats using gardens as a toilet. Also cats usually cover and bury there turds. Not sure why cats round you should leave enough to worry about standing in the stuff, I've never known anyone have this problem... Digging in flower beds possibly but that's it.
  9. Nothing as usual, we both agree to this same as birthday, Xmas and anniversaries. All things made to rip you off. Surely it's better to surprise them on some random day of the year?
  10. Haven't got the time to read up on Spanish law while I'm at work, but remember that our country has particularly relaxed laws regarding photographing or filming people without their permission or against their requests. It could well be a crime to do this in Spain - I know it can be in France, but then their photographic laws are at the other end of the scale to ours. Not sure where in-between Spain falls. Also: being childless doesn't mean you can speak impartially, it means you don't have the right bit of emotional experience to form a proper understanding of the father's position. If anything, seeing as we aren't mentally disturbed or a child abusers either, we can't claim neutrality so much as a balanced ignorance of the situation But you can still quote the law, and as you rightly said the "punishment" far outweighs the crime no matter whose moral code you subscribe to! I do have time... turns out you can't without permission. The almighty wikipedia which is probably correct on this I still think that beating someone to death for taking a video of your child is a harsh over-reaction that far outweighs the crime. Me too and I have daughters, now laying hands on them that's a different story.
  11. I'll be watching it as usual, the cost to me at the moment is negligible. But I can see others frustrations.
  12. I know exactly what you mean. I'll probably take a look when I get chance, much better with all 3 classes. I'm as interested to find out who's where as I've no real idea tbh Stuck a team in just to get registered.
  13. it's as simple as that! ....if you can put on about 10kgs of muscle, you *might* notice a difference... It is so long as your diet reflects the effort in the gym I hear people saying nutrition is 80% of it... I still disagree and think it is more 50% split mainly as I see some take more cheat meals than other and train harder to compensate get more trimmed. Do a good balance of both and you can't lose! Don't think there's any percentage split depends on your size ie if your big and move about 100% diet change would lose you weight. Then as things progress that balance changes. I see my mate hitting gym regular but he hasn't changed enough in his diet so no real change where wife who can't do much exercise had changed diet and has made significant gains.
  14. If your looking to get fit, healthy and lose weight personally I wouldn't ask anyone on here unless there actually trained, your best bet is search for real information trust me when I say there's more than enough on the net if your willing to put the time in and read you might find something that works for or suits you. You may find a lot of contradiction also.
  15. Me neither, but I have ridden with and learnt from some extremely experienced riders including an ex racer who raced with sheene so I'm told, I know they are all damning quick
  16. I'm sorry but in some respects that's rubbish once again it's down to the type of riding your doing, I can Pootle around all day at normal road speeds without hardly using a brake but as we like to have a good blast then I can choose to brake into a corner, hell if we go full circle we could ride to a corner get off and push the bike round Now this debate kicked off because someone said never use front brake in a corner, Now it's obvious some do and some don't that's fine it's choice neither are wrong for their choice and if no one ever pushed some of these theories or themselves to see what was possible we'd never actually improve our own riding.
  17. Anything greater than 0 mph Well said! And just to clarify my comment about braking in bends was a direct reply to the poster ingingee saying never use front brakes in a bend.
  18. You can use the front brake at any speed I personally very rarely use the rear brake its all about feel. Also you can use the front brakes in corners anyone stating otherwise is talking nonsense in fact its an excellent skill to learn asap because you will need to do it especially if, let's use the term "making progress" all these things are personal you will find what works for you.
  19. Driving instructors. And Police drivers.............and me..... I'd be surprised if they do anymore than other people driving on the road. Same as people using 1 or 2 hands while driving it will be personal preference chances are when you pass your test you'll drop that push pull nonsense immediately.
  20. It was so very much different back then!
  21. techno

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