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Everything posted by Bender

  1. think i was 61 through the trap but kept accelerating till i got the hand up, it was a good stop and a more realistic experience for all concerned , my instructor thought i had mucked it up as i was so close the the examiner which he could see from the viewing area, the examiner suggested i stop accelerating once i had gone through the trap for the avoidance test.
  2. I cant imagine whats going to smack into your face at speed, i get enough crap getting through the bottom of the visor when its open just a tad for extra ventilation
  3. Ohhh thats what it meant by fit, thats not what i was thinking
  4. https://www.simplyhike.co.uk/collections/3-man-tents/products/wild-country-hoolie-3-etc-tent I'm no fan of vango I have had many over the years and although they have some nice features they are made to a budget https://adventuremotorcycle.com/gear/gear-review-lonerider-mototent Plenty to choose from http://newatlas.com/series-ii-expedition-tent/26124/ Might just need to up the budget
  5. The pub, i think they were invented before forums. I don't do FB
  6. You need some stress free learning time, do you know anyone with an off road bike, or a brave person with patience, you just need to get a grip of the basics and I'm sure you will be fine. Empty car park or field, start with pulling away and stopping first, then move up to first to second gear changes and back again do big circles, when you feel comfortable doing that then move on to slow maneuvers and u turns etc. Don't get disheartened it's all practice and it's a steep learning curve to start from scratch, ohh and relax.
  7. Sorry to hear that don't give up though and don't worry about the speed ie going a bit fast, the bike is more than capable, i went through over 60 and the same for the stop, i was damned sure i wasn't going to be too slow lol
  8. Been there done that, but had very protective boots and gloves and the only damage was to palm slider, you never know when your going to need your protective gear but when you do its nice when it works.
  9. I have knox richmond jeans and am very happy with them.
  10. lots of radio related options from cheap to not so cheap https://www.amazon.co.uk/MOTORCYCLE-MOTORBIKE-RADIOS-INTERCOM-HEADSET/dp/B003QB64U0
  11. I would go with all of the above comments, i have been surprised by the nods and waves and general friendliness of just about every biker i have come across on my 125, with and without l plates, i wouldn't worry about it.
  12. I think you know what you have to do, you shouldn't really have to work hard at a relationship and certainly not at the start, that's supposed to be the honeymoon period as for the negativity two words for him, first one starts with f send with o, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks. If you want to make sure there is no hope, just sit him down down and put it all to him don't leave any room for ambiguity, he doesn't have to love bikes but I'm pretty sure he's supposed to love you. Remember love can be blind, but it doesn't have to be deaf dumb and stupid. Good luck
  13. Good luck. U turns, the rear brake needs very little pressure it wont pull the back of the bike down to make it more stable, if your pressing it that hard its just going to make everything else so much harder, your going to need more throttle, and have to slip the clutch more, vicious circle, literally. Slip the clutch to control speed, don't overdo revs, talk to your self as your doing it so you know exactly what your doing it will help with concentration, ohh and relax.
  14. I bought a 125 just to practice the u turn, it was definitely worth it, easy to say but try and stay relaxed and focus and practice practice, don't worry about the next manoeuvre just concentrate on the one your doing if you think its gone badly don't dwell on it just move on to the next one. Mod 1 sucks, but i disagree with those that say its pointless, its all about control, you may never do another u turn in your life but there are plenty of situations where you will be doing tight turns going slowly, all its aimed at is to make sure your not a liability before they let you move on to mod 2. Good luck
  15. Yes the big bike will get up to speed very easy, it's a more stable ride too, much nicer than the 125, the swerve is only a minor deviation in reality. Keep going I'm sure a few lessons on the big bike and you will feel much better.
  16. Always keep left, unless overtaking or you need to be in another lane because of rout directions ie the road spills off and your following that road, if you keep to the right your forcing people to overtake on the left which is not safe, it's regardless if they are breaking speed limits that's not your concern. Keep at it, just think of it as more practice, albeit slightly expensive practice.
  17. Before the next mod 1 your going to have plenty of time to practice, you need to get what 50kph sounds and feels like, leave it in 2nd gear don't try to change up, if your happy with the manoeuvre being a little over won't do you any harm, I went through at 60 for the swerve and 60 for the emerged stop but was still accelerating after the speed trap so got a gentle reminder,, so the bike is more than capable of it. Practice and don't let it get you down.
  18. No but i had other issues lol, what are you doing the mod 1 on bike wise ?
  19. I had exactly the same problem, I came up with pretty much what you are doing now. Focus on a point directly ahead while pulling away, foot up and onto the rest smooth and quick, get stable, i did my quick check on count of 2 try do it relaxed and smooth, don't turn too far or you will pull on your shoulders and the bike will follow which you will try to correct when you look straight ahead again and that's the start of a wobble, look back to your focus point, another count of 2 for me, physically make your self relax before you turn, and as your turning repeat something till your round, i used "drive" so as to remind myself that if the rear wheel wasn't getting drive it was foot down or bike over I also practiced this till the cows not only came home they went to sleep. If its just the wobble that's throwing you off, practice pulling away looking and stopping, separate it out into sections until you can put them all together. Are you ok with the actual turn
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