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Mickly last won the day on February 6

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About Mickly

  • Birthday 22/11/1961

Personal Information

  • Bike(s)
    15my Speed Triple / 1994 1200 triumph Trophy Cafe racer / 2002 BMW F650GS
  • Location

Challenge Score

  • Challenge Score 2025

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  • Interests
    Football, bike sport, gym, grandkids - order depends on mood

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Community Answers

  1. Signed
  2. Went for a run with the West Mids TRF Muddy / Rutty / Wet but most of all great fun. here’s a pic - me & my KTM not included as I took the picture.
  3. There is no right or wrong in this respect, just do what you’re happy with, I’m sure with more experience you’ll become a filtering demon like the rest of us
  4. Also thinking of using OSB on the platform with some more supporting beams if needed
  5. Thinking of using 100 X 60 CLS the bits for the model are 25 X 15 (ish) old bits of MDF I had lying around.
  6. So using CAD (Cider Aided Design), I have made a 1/4 scale model of a bike lift / ramp ( not for a 1/4 scale bike you muppets ) to see if it might be feasible to build one out of wood. Now I need to decide how much it might cost v a second hand one plus how much effort to build it … also how prepared am I to just laugh when it collapses on top of me ?
  7. Dunno whether to laugh or cry at this one
  8. I do, on a Nolan N100-5, works brilliantly, but then it was applied by a highly skilled technician ( AKA me ) Doesn’t stop my bloody glasses steaming up though, so interested in the other thread
  9. Took the Speedtriple for MoT, passed with no advisories
  10. Went a bimble to the Piston Club with some mates - quite a few there today. £12.50 for a small fry up with coffee, bit pricey in my eyes, but I was Hank Marvin.
  11. Woke the Speedtriple from its winter hibernation, started on the button, put a bit of air in the tyres, everything working fine, out for a bimble tomorrow to the Piston Club with some mates. Taxed it, MoT next week.
  12. Think I’d like to know what justification would be needed before kicking in someone’s door. Don’t want a return to the Eighties where I was innocently on the rough end of ‘Coppers Instinct’ and told “Tough Shit” when they were proved wrong. The bruises have healed but the mental scars haven’t.
  13. Gave Katy a rinse & fitted folding mirrors -£13 for the pair, inc post from AliExpress
  14. Happy Birthday, hope it’s a good’un
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